Your Inner Living Connection to God's Indwelling Spirit

 your inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit

Your Inner Living Connection 

to God's Indwelling Spirit

Make the Best of this "Guest on Urantia" Experience

My friend, how clearly do you understand that we are all "just guests" on Earth (Urantia) and "just passing through" a very short and intense "boot camp training" experience in preparation for our re-awakening on the Mansion Training Worlds to come?

We are all, here, of the Series III type mortals, who are destined to fuse with Father's indwelling divine spirit fragment--the Thought Adjuster.
  • Are YOU "making the best" of YOUR "guest appearance" on Urantia?
  • Or are YOU just slopping your way through, like so many before you, and so many currently are doing--wandering aimlessly through this extremely short life path experience?
  • Are you ever-momentarily nurturing your inner living connection to God's indwell spirit?
  • Or are you starving this living connection into non existence?
  • Do YOU struggle with your inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit being real to YOU?
  • Does our Father's indwelling divine presence--the Thought Adjuster--just seem more of a "figment of your imagination?"
  • Do you daily struggle with fear and doubt?
  • Are you "too full of self-asserting pride" to ask Father's indwelling spirit for help in overcoming doubt?
I do not know the reality of how real our Paradise Father is to
YOU, let alone how real His indwelling divine "pilot light" is in YOUR mind-experience.

I do know how it appears to me when I observe and interact with my fellow children of God; it appears as though there is a "major disconnect" with spirit.
  • How else can one explain the great struggle--the great "civil war," which has continually been going on, ever since the death of the first two hue-man beings, Andon and Fonta, when their children began to war with each other over territory and food, and especially after the Lucifer Rebellion infected Urantia?
  • Were YOU born into YOUR "temporary body-suit," subsequently programmed to have "faith in Father's indwelling divine presence?"
  • Or were you subsequently programmed to "merely beLIEve in a God out there somewhere," to whom you are "insignificant" and "unworthy" of His Love?

The Definition of "True Religion"

In my previous article, entitled, Society is a Mass Hallucination and You Are Participating, we learn what the true definition of religion is:
111:5.1 The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God—with the very God who has made such a creature life of inner meaning-value possible. Sharing is Godlike—divine. God shares all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, while they, in turn, share all things with the divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes.

111:5.2 The imitation of God is the key to perfection; the doing of his will is the secret of survival and of perfection in survival.
"The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an  exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God." And when you are willing to freely share your inner life with God you are ever-momentarily nurturing--feeding--keeping alive your inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit.

This "inner willingness" to share all with God's indwelling divine presence--the "will of God within you," naturally begins to manifest outward in unselfish service to one's fellow children of God.

Secular Institutional Religion is a Dictatorship

Therefore, so-called "religion" is not "religion" at all, in my perception, but the "mere evidence" of the either healthy or unhealthy state of one's "living connection" to Father's indwelling divine presence, or the degree of the "disconnect" from the indwelling Thought Adjuster.

All so-called religion is "secular (godless) and institutionalized. Eventually almost all of these "secular bodies of religiosity" become corporatized, if they are to survive. And almost all of them are communist in their hierarchical structure of governance.

What this means is that every religious group is linear in that the church or even synagogue attendees/members must sit in linear rows. A pastor, minister, priest, etc., stands in front of this linear grouping of beLIEvers and dictates to them what they must beLIEve, in order to receive God's favor, salvation from the mythical concept of original sin and the hope of eternal life.

The pastor, minister, priest, etc. is a dictator. I perceived this to be true even as I was growing up from childhood into my teens and on into adulthood.

I found out quickly that I could not discuss these ideas with anyone for fear of being punished for speaking such conspiratorial ideas.

The Lucifer Infection is Attempting to Rule without God

Nothing, in regard to this idea has changed, if very little. Very rare is the child of God who clearly perceives this "inner living connection" to our Paradise Father's spirit in one way or another...adulterating this connection--secularizing it--making it less to wholly unreal and lording it over his and her fellow children of God for self-aggrandizement--self-increase of wealth and self-pride in "fear-controlling" what others be

Lucifer essentially (condensing his message down to its essence) said, beLIEve in me and you will have eternal life. The false teachers, pastors, priests, politicians, university educators, philosophizers, and scientists are all saying the same--"I am the authority--not God." Listen to me! Follow me! BeLIEve in me--beLIEve in my words; my words are the truth!

And if you don't beLIEve in me and what I tell you is the truth--you will be lost--condemned--lose God's favor--punished eternally for your made up original sins--get infected with a non-existent pathogen, break the law (whatever we want the law to be), and be punished for your crimes.

When there is no living connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit, the whole of hue-man civilization is attempting to rule without God. This secular godless approach has ever failed from the beginning of hue-man existence on Earth (Urantia). And it continues to fail miserably and with dire consequences for all of us.

In the present, it matters not to me, only to YOU whether you understand what I have to say to YOU, the reader of my words.

In my own experience, across now seven decades of living, the truth hurts only so long as you "resist it."

The Path to Inner Peace

If...the road to hell (metaphorically speaking) is paved with evil intentions...the path to inner perfect poise, balance, stabilized neural connections, balanced chemical functions--inner only possible because you have chosen--decided to maintain an unvarying inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit--your Thought Adjuster--your divine partner in the progressive experience of evolving from hue-manimal to angel to mortal-morontial-spiritualized child of our Paradise Father.

"Love is the desire to good to others," in practice, and eventual fully socialized continuity of outward manifestation is the true path of progressive forward evolution to an era of the fuller flowering and realization of the Fatherhood of God and the Fraternalhood of ALL hue-mankind on Urantia.

As an individual child of God, are you "disconnected" or "maintaining" your inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit?



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