You Exist in a Temporary Material Bio-suit | You Can't Keep It

 you exist in a temporary material bio-suit

You Exist in a 

Temporary Material Bio-suit  

You Can't Keep It

The True Teacher

"...The pride of unspiritualized learning is a treacherous thing in human experience. The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner.”

Jesus of Nazareth, The Urantia Book, (130:3.7)

Mind is a Temporary Intellect System on Loan to Mortals

The mind of the Infinite Spirit is omnipresent. 

The hue-man physiological energy-system is a "singularity" which (I perceive) as "collapsing" mind into an individual mind-circuit(s) into which the whole body, not just the brain, is engaged (plugged into), temporarily, for the duration of the brief instant we experience in a "bio-suit."

The "individualized mind-circuit" into which the physiological energy-system (hue-man bio-suit) is plugged is actually one and up to seven of the Adjutant Mind spirits of the Holy Spirit of the Local Universe Mother--the co-creative Partner of Christ Michael of Nebadon and brother--Joshua Ben Joseph.
You exist in a temporary material bio-suit. It was never yours to begin with, but on loan. And how you exit your bio-suit is a choice.
The hue-man brain has the potential, but not always the genetically inherited capacity, to engage with all seven of the Adjutant mind spirits. These seven Adjutant mind spirits are:
  1. the spirit of intuition,
  2. the spirit of understanding,
  3. the spirit of courage,
  4. the spirit of knowledge,
  5. the spirit of counsel (fraternalhood),
  6. the spirit of worship (cosmic insight into God's reality),
  7. the spirit of wisdom.
When the hue-man physiological energy system has the capacity and engages with all seven of the Adjutant mind spirits, they become one spirit mind circuit--spirit unity--united under the direction of the spirit of wisdom--in reality, the Holy Spirit of our Local Universe Mother Spirit. 

And this is what constitutes "mind on loan" to mortals. This is also the explanation of why we can't keep it; it is not ours to keep; it is not a possession, but a "gift" from our Local Universe Mother spirit.

111:1.5 Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind, they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. Mind is about all you have of universe reality that is subject to your will, and the soul—the morontia self—will faithfully portray the harvest of the temporal decisions which the mortal self is making. Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious. And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.

From the above passage in Paper 111, The Adjuster and the Soul, we may glean a different perception of what the mortal vibrational level of mind is: a temporary intellect system on loan to the mortal individual.

The Whole is Always Far Greater than the Mere Sum of Its Parts

And thus, I will pose a question which I will leave you to ponder, meditate upon, and answer for yourself.

It is commonly beLIEved and taught that the brain is the intellect-memory-storage-neurological-control system, the left side controlling the right side of the body and the left side controlling the right side of the body.
  • What if...the whole hue-man body is, in reality, that intellect system?
Secular (godless) materialistic science breaks everything that exists into component parts--segmentation, classification, labeling, diagnosing, treatment, etc.
(Hint: the whole is always far greater--even immeasurably greater than the sum of the parts).

How Are YOU Choosing to Use YOUR Mind?

Aside from the philosophical arguments which may be made regarding this question, the most important concept is "how you use your mind," while you have it in your temporary possession.
  • Are you accepting or rejecting your potential to become an immortal and eternal son of God?
Perhaps, you never give such a question much thought?

The fact of the mater is that we commonly and almost universally misuse our "gift of mind." We don't just "misuse" it; we abuse it, bend mind to our own free will distortions--illusions and delusions.

But within this panoramic myriad of hue-man thought-beLIEfs-illusions and delusions, the choice is typically made to accept or reject eternal survival.

What It Means to Engage with Only the First Five of the Adjutant Mind Spirits

The making of at minimum one "moral decision," a free will choice that is unselfishly focused on embracing the higher good in a given circumstance and which often involves both internally and externally stimulated conflict, is required to release "raw morontial energy" with which the indwelling Thought Adjuster may begin weaving the future vehicle of potentially immortal survival--the morontial soul.

In reality, this means the hue-man physiological energy-system has engaged with all seven of the Adjutant mind spirits--breaking through (reaching inward and upward) beyond the five instinctual impulses of the self-protective animal nature into worship and wisdom--where "true religion" is born.

But as long as this inward and upward "grasping connection" to the last two of the Adjutant mind spirits is avoided (in reality, rejected), the physiological energy-system remains and is recorded as an "animal" of the realm to which it belongs.

When this becomes a life-long rejection--eternal survival is rejected. And there is nothing to resurrect when the next ending dispensational "roll call of sleeping survivors" takes place.

What I am describing to you is summed up in the first of the twenty-eight principles of high mortal philosophy contained in Paper 48, The Morontia Life
48:7.3 1. A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character.
We must engage with all seven of the Adjutant Mind spirits to evolve beyond the status of a "mere mortal animal" to grow a morontial soul of true character.

So then, what have we learned from the above passage from The Urantia Book? We have learned that:
  • The physiological energy-system, plus engaging one up to all seven of the Adjutant mind spirits constitutes "mind on loan" to the individual mortal.
  • We live, move and have our existence in the Infinite Spirit Mind of the Third Source and Center on Paradise. 
  • The Universe of universes exists in the Absolute Consciousness of the Infinite Spirit Person.
  • There, it may be perceived that the Universe is conscious. And we live, move and have our being in this universal and Absolute consciousness.
  • Spirit mind consciousness is one.
  • This consciousness rests gently upon the "electrochemical mechanism below." This "consciousness" is the "consciousness of mind," in which we are experiencing a temporary reality within the limited range of experiencing within the "bio-suit."
  • It is the totality of the whole of the sum of all of the gifts of 
    • a physiological energy-system in which to experience consciousness of possession of a "temporary intellect system on loan,"
    • the gift of an individualized mind-circuit itself--engaging with the seven Adjutant mind spirits of intuition, understanding, courage, knowledge, counsel, worship and wisdom,
    • the gift of the capacity and normal making of moral decisions resulting the evolution of a vehicle of potential immortality and eternal existence--the morontial soul,
    • the gift of the indwelling divine paradise spirit--the Thought Adjuster (who literally and in reality vibrationally adjusts our thought-perception-trends to the higher morontial and spiritual keys),
    • the gift of personality, which connects us directly to our Universe Father, the First Source and Center on Paradise,
    • engaging with all seven of the Adjutant mind spirits constitutes unification under the direction of the spirit of wisdom and unity exists with the Holy Spirit of the Local Universe Mother spirit, the creative daughter spirit of the Infinite Spirit,
    • through this spiritual unity we are also receptive to the leading of the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Son, Christ Michael/Joshua Ben Joseph of Nebadon, our Sovereign Creator Father,
    • and this constitutes our engaging the circuit of the Second Source and Center, the Eternal Son on Paradise,
  • plus the whole range of our mortal and super mortal experiencing and moral choosing which constitutes an evolving identity which the individual may choose to transfer from the seat of mortal consciousness into the seat of evolving morontial mind--the soul, the spirit mind of the indwelling Thought Adjuster and personality unity.
  • And it is within the seat (the consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious) of this totality of being that the mortal is evolving from animal to angel to immortal and eternal son of the Paradise Father.
The physiological energy-system is conscious but not self-conscious. 

It is when the first moral choice (unselfish choosing) of the high good for another or all that the reception of the indwelling Thought Adjuster and the reception of the gift of personality (perfect pattern-reality) constitutes self-consciousness (the consciousness of being conscious).

But the "consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious" does not occur until the final choosing of the mortal to align the hue-manimal morontial will in perfected unity (self-mastery--the supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter) becomes the true character cosmic reality. 

Remembering exist in a temporary material bio-suit and you can't keep it is--wisdom insight into reality.
And lastly, we further learn that it is...
  • what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival,
  • what mind strives to be like constitutes "spirit identification,"
  • the mortal manimal yearning for God results in universe ascension, and
  • what you are becoming moment by moment and day by day on into eternity is truly what is most important.

The Art of and Requirement for the Asking of Questions


Today, the hue-man individual has become so programmed with "fear of authority" he and she will not dare to ask any questions, except those which have been "pre-approved" by that same authority (authorities).
I grew up asking questions, in spite of being discouraged, at every turn, by those who feared to ask questions. 

Some years ago, I wrote an article which was composed of 1,200 words. Each sentence was a question. 

Beginning with the first question, each question logically suggested the next question. 

By the time the article was finished, there were 100 questions asked. And the answers to my questions were all contained within the questions.
Fear not to ask any and all questions.

The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it's permanent, then it's permanent. If you think you've reached your limits, then you have. If you think you will never get well, then you won't. You have to change your thinking. You ought to see everything that is holding you back, every obstacle, and every limitation as "only temporary."
No question is "taboo." And no one has the right to deny your asking questions, seeking answers, researching and applying those answers to improve yourself and improve the lives of your fellow beings.

Such embryonic souls see but they do not "see." They hear but they do not "hear."

I also had to pass through this stage, in order to reach a higher vibrational place where I am more clearly "seeing and hearing" other than my own thoughts and the sound of my own voice.

I hope you made it with me all the way to this point. So many, who are lazy-minded will not bother to more than glance at the content of this article, peruse it lightly, and move on, because it requires too much effort to read, understand and absorb.

But you, the "rare bird" who has read the entire article, have what it takes to grow your morontial soul into truer and truer character--even into perfected character expression of your personality (perfect pattern-reality), which is our gift from our Father who dwells on Paradise.

You may also have many questions, after reading this in depth article, which really only scratches the surface of the knowledge and wisdom-insight which already lies within you.

Please feel free to ask questions by commenting, below. I will reply to the best of experiential ability.

This article, entitled, "You Exist in a Temporary Material Bio-suit You Can't Keep It," is cornerstone content.



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