The Precious Gift Of Free Will Choosing..

Always Remember:
Even if you thoughtlessly--unquestioningly live out your are still making choices. And they are likely to be poor choices, rather than wise ones. You have the right to question; you have the right... to... choose!

The Priceless Power of Choice

The gift of free will choosing, my friend, is a divine attribute of personality working through your mind. The mind is directly programmable by you--the I am that I am.

And if you are not programming your mind, then you will ever choose the programming others are all too ready and eager to program into you in order to control you.

When you combine the priceless powers of the free will choosing of your personality with your growing soul-awareness and choosing to embrace the divine blueprint for your life-path unfolding, which the divine Thought Leader has brought with him, is inside you, and ever trying to communicate to you--the power to create the life you want is multiplied a thousand fold.

And as you learn of this power inside you, and take control of your life path direction, you will become increasingly more aware of the "old programming," which will often surface to stop you from becoming all that you desire to be.

It is in these moments of self-awareness you have the power to "let go" of this old programming and initiate a new program for the mind to follow. As but a single example:

In 1979, I was poisoning myself to death, as a heavy cigarette smoker (4-6 packs of non filter cigarettes per day), a heavy drug and alcohol user. I was a broken person--by my own poor choices. I knew that if I didn't teach myself how to reprogram my mind...I was going to die, soon.

I then set myself upon a course of imagining myself doing all the things I normally do, but without cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Slowly but surely I turned my life around. By 1982, three years later, I was free of all cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.

I began to eat only healthy foods and filter my water. Beginning upon arising, throughout my day, and while in bed, I was ever repeating positive affirmations. One of these affirmations was..."I am well." 

Now, 40 years later, I am still saying (among many affirmations) "I am well." I have been without sickness of any kind for these 40 years! This, my friend, is how powerful the creator in you--your gift of personality, IS!!!!


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