Everything is...FAKE News!

Everything is...FAKE News!

A Million Years of Story-telling

The hue-man race is approximately one million years old. This, to me, means that we have one million years of story-telling. We hue-man animals are natural-born story tellers. Oh, how we love to tell our stories to each other!

It is also a fact that if I tell my story to you, I will soon watch your eyes glaze over in disinterest as my story triggers memories within you of your stories.

My stories are really of no interest to you. And the more immature you are, the more impatient you are for me to listen to your stories. And then...one of two things will likely happen:

  1. If I am unwilling to listen to your stories, our time together will soon come to an end.
  2. If I am willing to listen to your stories...you will continue to tell your stories for as long as I am willing to listen.

Principled Living Reveals Much Wisdom-Insight

Decades ago, I began to realize some very important principles of contact with many of my fellow
hue-mans and children of God.

Principle No. 1: Once you understand that the eyes are the "gateway to the soul," your powers of discernment are greatly increased. This discernment must grow in two ways. 

  1. You must increase your own awareness of your story-telling, in relation to your past and present, in relationship to your fellow beings.
  2. You must increase your own awareness of discernment when you look into another's eyes, while they are relating their stories to you.
And these two principles may be summed up in a third principle of wisdom-discernment--wisdom insight into hue-man nature:

Whether the fellow being you are listening to is right or wrong, he or she is still right. And whether the fellow being listening to you perceives you as wrong or right, you are still wrong.

Million Year Old Programming that Lasts a Lifetime...and...Beyond...

Rarely do the hue-man children of God ever ascend beyond their internal programming (story-telling), in a single lifetime. 

The idea of reincarnation to endlessly come back in another body, until you "get it right," become perfect is a...fairy tale. 

The idea of heaven and hell are...fairy tales.

The idea that you resurrect in a place called heaven and wake up a perfect spirit being is a...fairy tale. 

The idea that angels have wings is a...fairy tale.

The idea that there is a "chosen people" is a...fairy tale. The myths and fairy tales that have grown along with hue-man civilization, passed down from generation to generation, and more than less continuously altered, revised and refined...are almost endless...

When I look back through these soul-eyes...it is...mostly lies...mostly lies...

So-called Ascension from 3D to 5D Consciousness

Principle No. 2:  Your internal programming is what binds you to a so-called 3D (3 dimensional) (virtual) reality. In other words...the more materialistic your interpretation of life...the more this life appears to be a...virtual reality...

And to those who become wholly materialistic in their view of reality, this life appears to be wholly unreal and without meaning. 

Such soul-less individuals reduce themselves to a wholly selfish existence. It's all about me: my needs, my wants, my desires. And you do not matter in my schemes and designs upon life.

Soul-less individuals (who have never once made an unselfish decision or unselfish action) have reduced themselves to the level of a two-legged animal, who is doomed to perish along with all the other animals of this planet.

The more materialistic you become the more unreal you become, until you become...wholly unreal...

And such wholly unreal individuals are...sociopaths...narcissists...who are capable of great evil actions...organizing themselves into in-bred families...bastard bloodlines...systems of control over others...a religion unto themselves which hates the light of truth and is ready and willing to continually draw up their nefarious plans of world domination and control over all of hue-man civilization.

Principle No. 3: Your million years of internal programming makes you "programmable-ready" from the moment of birth onward.

110:7.6 But with the vast majority of Urantians the Adjuster must patiently await the arrival of death deliverance; must await the liberation of the emerging soul from the well-nigh complete domination of the energy patterns and chemical forces inherent in your material order of existence. The chief difficulty you experience in contacting with your Adjusters consists in this very inherent material nature. So few mortals are real thinkers; you do not spiritually develop and discipline your minds to the point of favorable liaison with the divine Adjusters. The ear of the human mind is almost deaf to the spiritual pleas which the Adjuster translates from the manifold messages of the universal broadcasts of love proceeding from the Father of mercies. The Adjuster finds it almost impossible to register these inspiring spirit leadings in an animal mind so completely dominated by the chemical and electrical forces inherent in your physical natures. (The Urantia Book, Paper 110., Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals)

Because so few mortals ever dare to question their internal programming (their

stories) and move beyond the invisible prison walls of their programming, the majority of hue-man children of God will have to await their resurrection on the first Mansion World.

And unlike the fairy-tale of waking up a perfect being in eternal happiness...you begin over there right where you left off down here. There is no such thing as an "entitled existence" on the Mansion training worlds. You must earn your right to transition from mortal animal to angel to god. And it will not be an easy challenge.

Letting go of unselfishness will be the greatest challenge you will ever face in all of your forward progress to be a first stage spirit being.


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