Self-Enslavement: How Do We Bring An End to Individual and Collective Unreality?



How Do We Bring an End to 

Individual and Collective Unreality?

The Great Lie

We are neither taught from birth, nor do the majority of us ever witness what a life without fear and complication is…or could demonstrably be like…

Instead, what we are taught, and witness IS…fear and complication…complexity…early entanglements with…false beLIEf systems…and how to cleverly hide in the shadows of our programmed and internalized…lies…

Over the eons of time…millions upon millions of unsuspecting souls have been taught the…great lie

What is the Great Lie?

Were you to go about asking your fellow children of God what the "great lie" is, you would receive as many different answers as the number of individuals of whom you ask the question.

In my perception, the greatest of all self-deceptions is that the individual hue-man child of God may choose to project his and her own lack of true character onto others--in judgment of others but willfully and defiantly hiding from stewardship--the responsibility to first address the lack of true character in oneself.

Read my latest post, entitled: Projecting the Lack You Project onto Yourself onto Everyone Around You.

In the belligerent and defiant will of the inflated self-importance of the hue-man mind of inherent life-force origin, humility is an alien which must be immediately murdered. 

Otherwise, the inertia of self-imprisoning "lockstep" beLIEf systems could be overcome, and the individual child of God would then rise into "living faith" of manifested true character love of other children of our Paradise Father.

  • Do you yearn and burn inside with the healing resonance of truth--with the Spirit of Truth of our Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon--Joshua Ben Joseph/Jesus of Nazareth?
  • If you are not yearning and burning for more truth, each and every moment of your life, perhaps you are "dead already?"


190:5.1 At Emmaus, about seven miles west of Jerusalem, there lived two brothers, shepherds, who had spent the Passover week in Jerusalem attending upon the sacrifices, ceremonials, and feasts. Cleopas, the elder, was a partial believer in Jesus; at least he had been cast out of the synagogue. His brother, Jacob, was not a believer, although he was much intrigued by what he had heard about the Master's teachings and works.

190:5.2 On this Sunday afternoon, about three miles out of Jerusalem and a few minutes before five o'clock, as these two brothers trudged along the road to Emmaus, they talked in great earnestness about Jesus, his teachings, work, and more especially concerning the rumors that his tomb was empty, and that certain of the women had talked with him. Cleopas was half a mind to believe these reports, but Jacob was insistent that the whole affair was probably a fraud. While they thus argued and debated as they made their way toward home, the morontia manifestation of Jesus, his seventh appearance, came alongside them as they journeyed on. Cleopas had often heard Jesus teach and had eaten with him at the homes of Jerusalem believers on several occasions. But he did not recognize the Master even when he spoke freely with them.

190:5.3 After walking a short way with them, Jesus said: "What were the words you exchanged so earnestly as I came upon you?" And when Jesus had spoken, they stood still and viewed him with sad surprise. Said Cleopas: "Can it be that you sojourn in Jerusalem and know not the things which have recently happened?" Then asked the Master, "What things?" Cleopas replied: "If you do not know about these matters, you are the only one in Jerusalem who has not heard these rumors concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in word and in deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to the Romans and demanded that they crucify him. Now many of us had hoped that it was he who would deliver Israel from the yoke of the gentiles. But that is not all. It is now the third day since he was crucified, and certain women have this day amazed us by declaring that very early this morning they went to his tomb and found it empty. And these same women insist that they talked with this man; they maintain that he has risen from the dead. And when the women reported this to the men, two of his apostles ran to the tomb and likewise found it empty"—and here Jacob interrupted his brother to say, "but they did not see Jesus."

190:5.4 As they walked along, Jesus said to them: "How slow you are to comprehend the truth! When you tell me that it is about the teachings and work of this man that you have your discussions, then may I enlighten you since I am more than familiar with these teachings. Do you not remember that this Jesus always taught that his kingdom was not of this world, and that all men, being the sons of God, should find liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father's love? Do you not recall how this Son of Man proclaimed the salvation of God for all men, ministering to the sick and afflicted and setting free those who were bound by fear and enslaved by evil? Do you not know that this man of Nazareth told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, be delivered up to his enemies, who would put him to death, and that he would arise on the third day? Have you not been told all this? And have you never read in the Scriptures concerning this day of salvation for Jew and gentile, where it says that in him shall all the families of the earth be blessed; that he will hear the cry of the needy and save the souls of the poor who seek him; that all nations shall call him blessed? That such a Deliverer shall be as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. That he will feed the flock like a true shepherd, gathering the lambs in his arms and tenderly carrying them in his bosom. That he will open the eyes of the spiritually blind and bring the prisoners of despair out into full liberty and light; that all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation. That he will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives of sin, and open up the prison to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. That he will comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. That he shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. That this Son of truth and righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power; even that he will save his people from their sins; that he will really seek and save those who are lost. That he will not destroy the weak but minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness. That those who believe in him shall have eternal life. That he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. Did you not understand how great was the gospel of the kingdom which this man delivered to you? Do you not perceive how great a salvation has come upon you?"


190:5.5 By this time they had come near to the village where these brothers dwelt. Not a word had these two men spoken since Jesus began to teach them as they walked along the way. Soon they drew up in front of their humble dwelling place, and Jesus was about to take leave of them, going on down the road, but they constrained him to come in and abide with them. They insisted that it was near nightfall, and that he tarry with them. Finally Jesus consented, and very soon after they went into the house, they sat down to eat. They gave him the bread to bless, and as he began to break and hand to them, their eyes were opened, and Cleopas recognized that their guest was the Master himself. And when he said, "It is the Master—," the morontia Jesus vanished from their sight.

190:5.6 And then they said, the one to the other, "No wonder our hearts burned within us as he spoke to us while we walked along the road! and while he opened up to our understanding the teachings of the Scripture!"

190:5.7 They would not stop to eat. They had seen the morontia Master, and they rushed from the house, hastening back to Jerusalem to spread the good news of the risen Savior.

190:5.8 About nine o'clock that evening and just before the Master appeared to the ten, these two excited brothers broke in upon the apostles in the upper chamber, declaring that they had seen Jesus and talked with him. And they told all that Jesus had said to them and how they had not discerned who he was until the time of the breaking of the bread.

  • With whose will is your hue-man will aligned in this life path journey--God's will or man's will?

Indeed, the kingdom (the fraternalhood family of all men, women, and children) is at hand. And this is what the true child of God is ever declaring to those who have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear."

But the declarer has already entered this heavenly estate and sacred place of inner communion with our Paradise Father's indwelling divine presence in the spirit-mind form of the Thought Adjuster (Thought Monitor, Thought Controller).

And in the likeness of our Paradise Father and Creator Father-brother (Michael of Nebadon--the risen Jesus) shall you speak with the truest character and the full authority of the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Son and the indwelling presence of our Paradise Father.

Let Jesus words sink deeply into your heart, mind and soul.

143:1.4 “I have come into this world to do the will of my Father and to reveal his loving character to all mankind. That, my brethren, is my mission. And this one thing I will do, regardless of the misunderstanding of my teachings by Jews or gentiles of this day or of another generation. But you should not overlook the fact that even divine love has its severe disciplines. A father’s love for his son oftentimes impels the father to restrain the unwise acts of his thoughtless offspring. The child does not always comprehend the wise and loving motives of the father’s restraining discipline. But I declare to you that my Father in Paradise does rule a universe of universes by the compelling power of his love. Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man."

And so, in the likeness and image of God has each believer, who has risen to the level of "living faith-connection" to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence, also come into the world to do the will of our Father and his Son, Michael--Jesus. This is our mission.

And regardless of how misunderstood our mission is, we continue to become more of our truest manifestation of true character, revealing the eternal and infinitely loving character of the absolute personality of our Paradise Father.

Ever and always remember: truth is the liberating revelation but love is the supreme relationship. Ever shall our focus be upon the "great truth" that the "ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man (the planetary fraternalhood of all men, women and children).


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