When Pinocchio Broke Free from His Strings of Control...
When Pinocchio Broke Free from His Strings of Control...
Finally...An Insightful Question
A fellow being on a FB thread asked the following question: "My Question is... Why do so Many People say NO to the Vaccines???"
This is my response:

mRNA Vaxxines (Messenger Ribo- Nucleic Acid Vaxxines
When nanobots are injected into you and cut out a piece of your DNA, replacing it with its own engineered RNA substitute, that goes beyond toxic.
It is pure evil for profit.
The whole of the Industrial Medical System is a "for profit" institution (the snake oil salesmen of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.)
As long as there are "good dogs," who will readily obey their "evil masters" commands, the elite "puppeteers" will continue to rake in billions upon untold billions of dollars, while they cull hue-man civilization, killing millions upon millions of us (through medical tyranny).
Only those who continue to act like "good dogs," will never question the tyranny of those whose evil aim is to make us sick (and keep us sick), so they may continue to profit off our "created illnesses."
We have (through Tell-LIES-vision been programmed (hypnotized) for so long that
Fact Checkers Are Paid-To-Lie
So-called "fact checkers," like Snopes, are annually paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (under the table) to reinforce this faulty programming in the ignorant masses to beLIEve whatever they are told to beLIEve.
When you are living with your "eyes wide open" the evidence is right here on this thread. It is everywhere around you. But you must wake up out of your satanic hypnotic spell to consciously see it.
But as long as you "choose," yes, "choose-decision" to remain under the Tell-LIES-Vision satanic hypnotic spell, you will never so much as ask question number one, let alone do your own deep dive research, to discover the facts surrounding the
Certificate of Vaccination Identification Document (20) 19.
There Is No Such Thing as a Virus
There is no such thing as a virus. But there are, in fact, bad bacteria which cause fungi to grow within the hue-man body. And these fungi are the underlying cause (one of many underlying causes) of hue-man illnesses and diseases.
And yes, COVID 19 does not refer to a "virus."
The Future: Animal Farm
It refers to a future world institutional medical tyranny, wherein all hue-mans, just like cows, horses, pigs and chickens, etc. (domesticated barnyard animals) must all be vaccinated (for profit) and to activate a programming of killing off billions of us until we are wholly subjugated and kept in "animal farms."
Of course, this will all sound like "conspiracy theory" to those ignorant and unthinking, unquestioning individuals, who prefer to continue living in the matrix, enjoying the few pleasures of life they are "allowed" (as long as they comply.)
One such ignorant fellow being recently accused me of "being too cerebral," continuing to lash out at everyone on the thread with whom she disagreed, while continuing to defend her ignorance.
The Walking Dead
The ignorant and unquestioning masses are "the walking dead" of this present time.
And when you are one of the "walking dead" (operating subconsciously 95-99% of the time), you will never admit to, and will ever-defend your fear-anxiety--defend the self-imprisoning boundaries you are programmed to recognize.
These invisible bars, of which I speak, are as real to an ignorant and unquestioning mind as are the steel bars which enclose the physical prison.
Asleep in The Matrix
If you have never watched "The Matrix," you owe it to yourself to watch all three movies, again and again, as I have, until you get it clearly in mind that these are not movies, but "documentaries" of the proposed dark future vision the 1% elite rich individuals and families have for the whole of hue-man civilization.
And if you have watched it and are still spouting ignorance...you will continue to give power to those "puppet masters," who are controlling your beLIEf patterns--your paradigm view of reality--virtual reality.
Let this sink in... Even Gepetto had no further control over Pinocchio's virtual reality (as a puppet) the moment he broke free of his strings (of control) and set off on the adventure of self-discovery to became a...real boy...
Here is Another Powerful Question to Consider...
Meditate upon: Why are there no real (actual) verified photos or videos of so-called viruses? When you choose to do your thorough research...the answers will take you (Alice) down a rabbit hole far deeper than you ever could imagine.