The Great Psyop (Psychological Operation) Upon "We The People"

The Great Psyop (Psychological Operation) Upon "We The People"

The Great Psyop upon "we the people" began in earnest by the Black  Jesuit Nobility (Royals) and Phoenician Bankers in 1871. 

Today, the masses are completely hypnotized by technology (Tell-LIES-Vision and Tell-LIES-iPhones).

These technologies and many more have ever spied upon, subliminally hypnotized, and measured every hue-man response to advertising and subsequent purchasing.

The hue-man body is a machine--a living electro-magnetic and chemical organism. It far more easily programmed and controlled from birth than a wild animal taken in by hue-mans, as infant creatures, fed, given affection and trained by intellectually advanced creatures.

The lack of awareness of this intellectual mind matrix (paradigm) results in its easily, successfully and deceitfully being imposed upon the hue-man will, which programming is subconsciously perpetuated from generation to generation--into an endless cycle.

This cycle can only be broken when an individual awakens, breaks free of the programming and chooses to not support his or her own enslavement.

The effort required to break free of the matrix programming requires a concerted effort at self-hypnosis daily introducing "new program commands" (affirmations--declarations). 

Frequent daily repetitions of these new program commands are required to break free. And in many, if not most individual life experiences, may take months to years to complete the breaking out of the matrix.

For many, if not most individuals, this is far too much effort required to stick to the task of "reprogramming the hue-man brain." Many, if not most hue-man individuals are far too "lazy-minded," to put out much consistent effort, giving up after a short period, and simply returning to the old programming.

And this, my friends, is why the richest families on Earth--the Luciferian-Satanic elites have been so successful in controlling the masses, throughout our nearly 500,000 year history, when primitive civilization began. (The first 500,000 years we lived in caves and trees as disorganized tribes that were ever warring with each other and always splitting into new tribes, scattering across the Earth, when wild and natural foods became scarce.

Are you even free to "choose your illusion?" Apparently not when you are awake and carefully listening to all of the readily identifiable "programming" being spewed out of the mouths of fellow beings all around you and across the internet.



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