What Are the Characteristics of Humility? | Opposite Is...?

 what are the characteristics of humility

What Are the Characteristics of Humility? 

Opposite Is...?

He who exalts the self has no acquaintance with humility. 
Timothy Ray Walls 2021

What is Humility?

In Webster's Dictionary we find the following:

: freedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble


demureness, down-to-earthiness, humbleness, lowliness, meekness, modesty


arrogance, assumption, bumptiousness, conceit, egoism, egotism, haughtiness, hauteur, huffiness, imperiousness, loftiness, lordliness, peremptoriness, pomposity, pompousness, presumptuousness, pretense (or pretense), pretension, pretentiousness, pride, pridefulness, superciliousness, superiority, top loftiness

It is this "freedom from pride and arrogance" from which we have a beginning point to understand what are the characteristics of humility. 

Strive for a long-range perspective of how far we've advanced since the days of the ghost cults:

87:5.6 Envy is a deep-seated human trait; therefore did primitive man ascribe it to his early gods. And since man had once practiced deception upon the ghosts, he soon began to deceive the spirits. Said he, “If the spirits are jealous of our beauty and prosperity, we will disfigure ourselves and speak lightly of our success.” Early humility was not, therefore, debasement of ego but rather an attempt to foil and deceive the envious spirits. 

You would learn a great deal by reading this whole Paper, entitled The Ghost Cults, Paper 87.

Who do you know, today, that still ascribes "envy" to false gods? Who do you know, today, that still practices the attempt to deceive imaginary "ghosts?" And who do you know, today, that disfigures themselves in an effort to avoid the "evil eye?"

You may imagine there are still such tribal groups of hue-manimals who still beLIEve such superstitions. But I have never met anyone who still engages in primitive awe-worship of imaginary gods and ghosts.

But they no doubt exist in various tribes and cultures across the planet. 

Freedom from Pride and Arrogance

Evil is pure toxic negative emotion. All so-called dis-ease begins with continual (day in and day out) negative thinking and accompanying negative emotional reactions. 

The Universe Creator did not create you to be a negative person. You were not created to live a toxic life.

You were, in fact, created to experience ups and downs and many challenges which naturally will lead you to the mastering of your mind in cooperation with Father's indwelling spirit--The Thought Adjuster.

But ever since the Lucifer Rebellion the Lucifer Manifesto, a toxic, poisonous, and potential eternal death-dealing philosophy has infected the whole of hue-manimal civilization.

The Lucifer Manifesto, summed up as: "Do as you will as long
as you worship me," is the very personification of pride and arrogance--the inverse of humility. 

And what have we learned? What are the characteristics of humility? --freedom from pride and arrogance.

Are you free from pride and arrogance?

Are you free from...
  • assumption, 
  • bumptiousness, 
  • conceit, egoism, 
  • egotism, 
  • haughtiness, 
  • hauteur, 
  • huffiness, 
  • imperiousness, 
  • loftiness, 
  • lordliness, 
  • peremptoriness, 
  • pomposity, 
  • pompousness, 
  • presumptuousness, 
  • pretense (or pretense), 
  • pretension, 
  • pretentiousness, 
  • pride, 
  • pridefulness, 
  • superciliousness, 
  • superiority, 
  • top loftiness?
We all exhibit one or more, sometimes many more of these negative aspects of arrogance.

So then, how do you free yourself from arrogance and pride? 

How do we go beyond "what are the characteristics of humility?" to entering and eventually remaining in the state of being humble before fellow beings and our Universe Creator?

Is Meekness an Aspect Characteristic of Humility?

The first known use of the word "meek" began in the 13th century (1200-1299).

Webster's Dictionary defines meekness as...
: the quality or state of being meek : a mild, moderate, humble, or submissive quality. 

And this sense of the meaning has not changed since the 13th century.

Consider the following passage...

Happy Are The Meek

Genuine meekness has no relation to fear. It is rather an attitude of man co-operating with God -- "Your will be done." It embraces patience and forbearance and is motivated by an unshakable faith in a lawful and friendly universe. 

The Urantia Book, (140:5.11)

So, from this passage above we learn that "true submissiveness" is "your will be done." And since is true of meekness, it is also true of humility. 

And in the mind that is daily centered and focused on "your will be done," there is no room for arrogance and pride.

9:5.7 Too often, all too often, you mar your minds by insincerity and sear them with unrighteousness; you subject them to animal fear and distort them by useless anxiety. Therefore, though the source of mind is divine, mind as you know it on your world of ascension can hardly become the object of great admiration, much less of adoration or worship. The contemplation of the immature and inactive human intellect should lead only to reactions of humility.

What Are the Characteristics of Humility Summation

Perhaps then, the greatest of all aspect characteristics of humility is this "consciousness of being conscious," wherein it is clearly and unequivocally understood as...being so far removed from "divine mind" that no mind on Earth (Urantia)  is worthy of adoration or worship.

Pause to contemplate your own "immature and inactive human intellect" and this will surely lead you into true humility before fellow beings and God.




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