Fear and Gratitude Cannot Coexist | Cancel Fear Be Grateful

fear and gratitude cannot coexist

Fear and Gratitude Cannot Coexist

Cancel Fear Be Grateful

Strange Bedfellows?

Are you beset by fears of all kinds, yet say you are grateful? Well, these two, fear and gratitude, would indeed be strange bedfellows were they able to live together.

But the fact is that fear and gratitude cannot coexist. Oh sure, you may filled with fears but any thought of being grateful at the same time is a pretense

In fact, fear cancels out gratitude.

Fear is the greatest of all character deficiencie
s. It is, in fact, the summed point of origin of ALL character deficiencies. In other words...all negative aspects of your character you manifest inwardly to self and outwardly to the world is a deficiency of character.

And ALL deficiencies of character are manifestations of hue-manimal fear.

The Nature and Origin of Self-protection and Selfishness

Self-protectiveness is the nature of all animals, including the hue-manimal physiological energy-system. 

Fear is rooted in both natural self-protectiveness and selfishness.

Consciousness is not inherent in physical energy-systems, unless that physical energy-system is responsive to mind.

However, mind can be superimposed upon a physical energy-system, because it is responsive to mind

This is the explanation for the evolution of physical energy-systems which eventually produce hue-manimals capable of discovering, knowing and returning to the Infinite Mind, the Eternal Son and the Paradise Father.

The Real Reason Why Fear and Gratitude Cannot Coexist

You may learn to cancel fear by understanding true gratitude.
91:8.4 To some individuals prayer is the calm expression of gratitude; to others, a group expression of praise, social devotions; sometimes it is the imitation of another's religion, while in true praying it is the sincere and trusting communication of the spiritual nature of the creature with the anywhere presence of the spirit of the Creator.
91:9.1 If you would engage in effective praying, you should bear in mind the laws of prevailing petitions:

1. You must qualify as a potent prayer by sincerely and courageously facing the problems of universe reality. You must possess cosmic stamina.

2. You must have honestly exhausted the human capacity for human adjustment. You must have been industrious.

3. You must surrender every wish of mind and every craving of soul to the transforming embrace of spiritual growth. You must have experienced an enhancement of meanings and an elevation of values.

4. You must make a wholehearted choice of the divine will. You must obliterate the dead center of indecision.

5. You not only recognize the Father's will and choose to do it, but you have effected an unqualified consecration, and a dynamic dedication, to the actual doing of the Father's will.

6. Your prayer will be directed exclusively for divine wisdom to solve the specific human problems encountered in the Paradise ascension —the attainment of divine perfection.

7. And you must have faith—living faith.

And should you choose to read and re-read this article, the true reason why fear and gratitude cannot coexist becomes obvious.

What to Do Every Time You Feel Fear

Invite your indwelling spirit of God--your Thought Adjuster to participate in every action you take to be wholly present and the keen observer of your negative, fearful thoughts.
  1. Every time you feel fear, become the Observer of your fear, rather than "allowing" it to consume you.
  2.  Isolate the thought you just had.
  3. Then, capture the thought.
  4. Look at the thought for "just what it is and represents."
  5. Reason through "why" this thought causes "fear."
  6. Then, ask yourself: "Is this who I REALLY am?"
  7. Discern the "REAL" you.
  8. Now, disown the fear-causing thought.
  9. And now, replace it with its opposite: a positive injunction.
  10. And "allow" yourself to experience the feeling of being in greater control of your animal self.
Also, realize that your indwelling spirit of God--the Thought Adjuster is your powerful ally in every decision you make to be more sincere with yourself and others and in every action you take to advance your soul-growth into truer and truer character.



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