8 - The 8th of the 28 Principles in The Urantia Book
the 8th of the 28 principles in the urantia book
The 8th of the
28 Principles in The Urantia Book
The Great Question Number Two
2. Is altruism—service of one’s fellows—desirable? Then must life experience provide for encountering situations of social inequality.
The Great Goal of Hue-manimal Existence
It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.
On the Path to Understanding the "Mastery of Self"
It is accurate to say that "understanding" the 28 principles of "high mortal philosophy" found in Paper 48, The Morontia Life required the asking of many questions and not a small amount of meditative thinking on them.
Always Look at the Inverse Meaning
- What is the value of "always looking at the inverse meaning?"
In my own experience, I discovered this works best when youslow down your thinking to the level of the "soul-conscious observer" -- the "the one who is conscious of being conscious."
By this time the soul-conscious observer is vibrating at, perhaps, the lower, if not lowest morontial attainment level, but nonetheless awake and aware of the hue-manimal thought processes.
The awakening soul is for the most part the "silent observer," while the hue-manimal brain-to-natural-mind connection is happening instantaneously and at a rate of approximately 50,000 thoughts daily.
Perhaps the hue-manimal consciousness awakens from sleep and instantly assesses his and her health. He or she sneezes a half-dozen times and thinks... "I am getting sick." This is a common daily scenario happening countless times across the planet.
The longer the individual holds this thought in mind the sicker he and she feels. "I had better schedule a doctor's appointment. I am getting sicker and have a cold or flu."
In this negative and very low vibrational fear-thought-emotion state it likely never occurs to the person that he and she is weakening the immune system by his and her own choice.
- Do YOU see that this is CLEARLY a CHOICE-DECISION that any child of God is making?
Herein I have focused on just one "daily choice-decision" commonly made everywhere throughout hue-man civilization.
There may be trillions of such choice-decisions happening continuously and simultaneously across Urantia.
The Morontial Soul that is Growing into True Character will Master the Art of Observing
- So then, what is the inversion of the low-vibration state wherein one fears-thinks-emotes himself and herself into a state of sickness?
Now, we are ready to introduce the 8th principle of the 28 principles in The Urantia Book, found in Paper 48, The Morontia Life.
The seventh (8th) principle of high mortal philosophy states:
48:7.10 8. Effort does not always produce joy, but there is no happiness without intelligent effort.
Turning this Principle into a Personal "I am" Declaration
I am ever-momentarily making intelligent efforts and thereby experiencing happiness -- inner peace and joy."
Always remember: it is not possible to grow into the "living spiritual value" contained within an intellectual principle typed onto a page; you must "internalize" the principle by converting it into a personal "I am" declaration of the person you desire to become.
Breaking Down this Principle into Its Component Parts
- Effort does not always produce joy, but
- there is no happiness without intelligent effort.
When the mortal child of God is programmed from birth by parents, the media and the educational system to beLIEve he and she is unworthy to live his and her life without continuously cowering before external authorities, such ones are destined to live and transition off the planet in utter mediocrity -- health deterioration, mental deterioration, unhappiness, and more often than not, a narrow minded, mean, and depressed state of mind -- ever beLIEving themselves "unworthy" of anything more.
"Self-observation is the first step of inner unfolding"
The mortal hue-manimal natural mind (consciousness) is easily programmed to beLIEve that if he and she puts out any effort whatsoever he and she must receive a "return on investment" of such effort -- nothing given without getting something back.
The evolving super mind (the increasingly self-conscious soul) observes such "error in conclusion" and instantaneously gravitates toward spirit to be led into greater experiential knowledge, experiential understanding, experiential counsel, experiential worship, and experiential wisdom.
The "inner child" is the "knower," ever looking toward theindwelling Thought Adjuster for the "knowing answer," which unselfishly serves the "higher truth, beauty, and goodness" for all involved.
And indeed, our thought-emotions and decision-actions have real life--real world consequences.
And concomitantly, thought-emotions and decision-actions at the hue-manimal "consciousness" level are also consequential to the evolving "inner child," who is connected umbilically to the mortal natural mind (out of which it is experientially growing) as is the hue-man embryo child connected umbilically to the mother.
Without the effort to invest positive thought-emotion-choice-decision-actions which contribute to the growth of your morontial soul, you are, in fact, delaying the growth of your soul.
And you will always feel something missing -- the happiness -- the inner peace and joy which comes only through making an intelligent effort -- an intelligent investment into becoming more of your true self -- your "true character self," your "awakening observer self," who delights in sincere and honest cooperation with your indwelling Thought Adjuster and in the service of fellow children of our Paradise Father.
The 8th of the 28 principles in The Urantia Book is about "self-mastery", the personality-choosing to unify the triune powers of the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
The fourth (4th) principle in each set of four principles, this being the second (2nd) set, 5th through the 8th, represents the summation of the previous principles up to this point -- 1st through the 8th.
Pray for More Self-Mastery
Remember, even if prayer does not change God, it very often effects great and lasting changes in the one who prays in faith and confident expectation. Prayer has been the ancestor of much peace of mind, cheerfulness, calmness, courage, self-mastery, and fair-mindedness in the men and women of the evolving races. ~ The Urantia Book, (91:4.5)
Trust is the crucial test of will creatures. Trustworthiness is the true measure of self-mastery, character. ~ The Urantia Book, (28:6.13)
Circle Attainment and Self-Mastery
In the ministry to so-called normal beings, seraphic assignments are made in accordance with the human attainment of the circles of intellectuality and spirituality. You start out in your mind of mortal investment in the seventh circle and journey inward in the task of self-understanding, self-conquest, and self-mastery; and circle by circle you advance until (if natural death does not terminate your career and transfer your struggles to the mansion worlds) you reach the first or inner circle of relative contact and communion with the indwelling Adjuster. ~ The Urantia Book, (113:1.6)
The 8th of the 28 principles in The Urantia Book correlates to the individual child of God vibrationally responding to the marshalling impulse of the second (2nd) Adjutant Mind spirit of Understanding. The 8th principle is the eighth of the first eight principles, which are the generalized requirements to experientially master the sixth psychic circle of experiential spiritual understanding, also corresponding to the 2nd planetary age and the 2nd Mansion Training World educational and socialization equivalency requirements.
Note: Any of the first four principles representing the generalized requirements for the mastery of the seventh psychic circle of experiential spiritual intuition, which were not mastered (after entrance in the 6th psychic circle) are carried over into the sixth for further experiential acquirement.
The Great Goal of Hue-man Attainment
- I am the mind of perfect poise.
- I am housed in a body of clean habits, and clear and pure thinking.
- I am stabilized in neural energies.
- I am balanced in chemical function.
- I am ever-momentarily transferring all mortal experiential meanings and values into the unifying whole.
- I am ever-momentarily unifying the physical, mental, and spiritual powers with the "I am that I am" personality.
- I am ever-momentarily giving you, my indwelling divine partner and Thought Controller, my most honest, sincere, and dedicated cooperation in attaining to "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."
Supplemental Reading
- What are the four cosmic dimensions of personality unification?
1. Body 1. self-correction
2. Mind 2. self-discipline / self-control
3. Soul 3. self-direction to spirit-leading,
4. Spirit 4. self-mastery
Personality unity self-realizes supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter.
What is your definition of religion?
How do you define 'your religion?'
How do you keep your religion...pure...?
Personal religion must be kept uncontaminated by:
1. maintaining a self-corrective philosophy of daily living.
2. maintaining non-involvement and impartiality with regard to all social, economic, and political alliances.
3. seeking out and maintaining creative, comforting, and love-expanding relations with one's fellow beings.
4. enhancing personal progress of spiritual insight and the appreciation of cosmic values.
5. prevention of fanaticism by the compensations of the scientific mental attitude.
What is a character deficiency?
What is self-correction of a character-deficiency?
What are the steps involved in correcting one's own character-deficiencies?
What replaces a character-deficiency?
Does a character-deficiency automatically disappear when one is exercising self-correction, self-control and self-direction?
1. Self-correction.
99:3.7 The great weakness of all this unrecognized and unconscious type of religious activity is that it is unable to profit from open religious criticism and thereby attain to profitable levels of self-correction. It is a fact that religion does not grow unless it is disciplined by constructive criticism, amplified by philosophy, purified by science, and nourished by loyal fellowship.
2. Self-control.
54:1.6 True liberty is the associate of genuine self-respect; false liberty is the consort of self-admiration. True liberty is the fruit of self-control; false liberty, the assumption of self-assertion. Self-control leads to altruistic service; self-admiration tends towards the exploitation of others for the selfish aggrandizement of such a mistaken individual as is willing to sacrifice righteous attainment for the sake of possessing unjust power over his fellow beings.
3. Self-direction.
36:5.8. 3. The spirit of courage—the fidelity endowment—in personal beings, the basis of character acquirement and the intellectual root of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. When enlightened by facts and inspired by truth, this becomes the secret of the urge of evolutionary ascension by the channels of intelligent and conscientious self-direction.
4. Supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter.
109:3.2 ...comparatively few will elect to ascend the moral heights beyond the hills of self-mastery and character acquirement to attain the higher levels of emerging spirituality.