The Journey Back To The Absolute

 The Journey Back To The Absolute

...May Never Be Attainable...

Deep Thinking...

Perhaps, in an unfathomably distant eternity-time-space attainment of the Collective Consciousness of all God-knowing intelligent beings to an equally unfathomable Absolute Reality-Realization of the Paradise Father--Original Perfect Personality and the Uncaused Cause of ALL reality...there could only be the final absolute reality-realization within this Collective Consciousness that our journey to such a hypothetical Absolute Reality-Realization was our Paradise Father's experience of the journey with us, in us, and as us.

This Absolute Reality-Realization, was (looking back) the Paradise Father's unfathomable ability to fragment and recreate himself in an infinite variety of orders of created and evolutionary beings, both perfect and imperfect, to, in effect, experience himself, in the living experiences of an infinite variety of his children--becoming himself on the level of Absolute Reality--in time and space, after Thought-Word moving beyond his own existential reality.

But hypothetically, also, such an experiential Absolute Reality-realization state could never be reached, because creation within the Infinite Spirit-Mind may go on...forever...


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