Personality in Relationship to Self-Consciousness, Self-awareness…and the Spiritual Level of God-consciousness…

Personality in Relationship to Self-Consciousness, Self-awareness…and the Spiritual Level of God-consciousness…

A New Theory of Consciousness…


This is a written transcript of the above video content produced by Jason Silva via National Geographic.

Color…is not an inherent quality of objects in the world; color is a construct. Color is an…illusion…created between your brain, interacting with the properties of luminescence, reflectivity and shadow.

Think about the takeaway of that idea!

We can only know the world through the signals that are perceived through our instrument that we call…the senses.

Our consciousness sits in our brain, which sits behind two inches of skull.

Our eyes are not windows with which our brain sees the world; the world is…constructed for you…by your brain, using the limited information it can receive through the senses. The rest is…fill-in-the-blank…

It’s a  theater we put on for ourselves… We can never know the world…directly… All we can know is a representation…a rendering…a cosmic dance between our brain and those signals coming in…

And our brain is throwing in…

  • intentions…
  • expectations…
  • preconceptions…
  • stereotypes…

All these things are also informing what we perceive…

We start with this idea that color doesn’t exist. We end with the idea that nothing really can be known…directly… So that everything in and of itself is a…rendering…a simulation…

The retina is actually part of the brain. It is the only part of the brain we can see. And it is the part of the brain that is reaching out to the visible, material world of things and beings.

The above illustration gives us a very different perspective on how “consciousness” via the human animal brain connects us to the outer realm of forms…things and other conscious beings… Want to learn more about the brain-eye connection? Go here:  Brown University Department of Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences

You May beLIEve It's True...But Does That Make It Truth?

I want to clarify that I stopped embracing beLIEf systems at the age of seventeen and one half years on planet Earth (Urantia.) Although I continued to wade through, analyze and weed out beLIEf systems, and continue to do so, right up to this present moment of life-experience…I do not embrace them. All beLIEfs and beLIEf systems represent temporary scaffolding, to me, and are to be employed in directed thinking, only to the extent they are serviceable as temporary scaffolding. Then they are discarded as useless, on a personal experience level.

It is easy for a visitor to my site, whether a studier of The Urantia Book, or not, to come to erroneous conclusions about my relationship to the book. While I have been a studier of the teachings of The Urantia Book for fifty years, I am not a believer in The Urantia Book as a religion.

Almost the whole of the readership of The Urantia Book, around the world, appears to me to be “beLIEvers in the 5th epochal revelation--making it into their personal religion… The readers become ”adherents, disciples and proselytizers of the book itself" 

My relationship to its contents is strictly one of recognizing the fact of direct revelation of truth, beauty, and goodness and the high principles of mortal philosophy given to us. 

Then I use this “knowing” recognition of direct revelation as a temporary scaffolding to redirect my thinking into a direct relationship to the…absolute focal point of reality within me…the divine spirit…the Thought Adjuster…God within us…

The Indisputable Place of "Inner Knowing"

It is this inner place of “knowing,” juxtaposed to merely beLIEving, I may describe to you. I cannot take you there. 

No man, woman or child may abridge the requirement of personal experiences, over the course of a lifetime, with the spiritual values of truth, beauty and goodness, required to slough off all beLIEf and systems of beLIEf, that this place of “knowing” may be attained. 

It is an observation that the majority of human individuals will never slough off their beLIEfs and beLIEf systems. And therefore…never attain to the place of “highest and deepest inner knowing,” not even those, both past and present, who claim to have done so.

Secondly, comes the desire to make available the “knowingness” of my experiential life wisdom for anyone visiting this site, who has the open mind and open ears to see and hear.

Such individuals, who have open minds and ears, are and will continue to be, the most rare of personalities.


Soul, spirit and personality unified self-consciousness, as it relates to the knowing recognition that I am—I exist—I experience, is the attempt to reach that inner high estate of "the consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious."

I observe that almost no one ever discusses anything thought concepts having to do with…personality… I therefore observationally conclude that personality is a complete and utter mystery to the majority of the mortal individuals of this planet.

Jason Silva’s short video gives us a basis, a temporary intellectual construct, for understanding the relationship of individual consciousness to the outer realm of forms (Plato's Cave Allegory)…this illusory construct we experience as material reality. This beLIEf system construct does not, however, give us any useful reference to self-consciousness, self-awareness and the personality.

I want to here introduce a new thought-concept.

Why are you?

You exist…first and foremost, because of the original spark of life-animating spirit energy—universal consciousness-reality transmitted to the original genetic code-containing life plasm, implanted in the shallow warm seas of a primitive Earth, approximately 4.6 billion years ago, which genetic code-containing life plasm was created in the highly advanced laboratories on one of the spiritually created planets, whereon the spiritual order of the material sons and daughters of the Creator Son and creative daughter spirit live, dwell and work to create modified, even genetically experimental mortal life plasm genetics to implant on the evolutionary mortal worlds of time and space.

Yes, that is a deep concept to try to convey in one long sentence.

But it is specifically this life spark of the essence of the reality of the Universal Mind—The Infinite Spirit—The Conjoint Actor—the Third Person of the Trinity Godhead, which initiates life–animates the life plasm and the subsequent genetic, evolutionary and initially mind-directed unfolding of the myriad of ever-modifying life forms, which eventually give rise (often over billions of years) to the first pair of human mortals to exist on an evolutionary sphere.

It is more accurate to say that the “spark of life” imparted from the Infinite Spirit Mind initiates and animates life. This essence of spirit-consciousness creates, assembles and organizes matter, at every conceivable level, throughout the whole of the Universe of universes, according to the unfathomable eternal and infinite plan in the Mind of the Universal Paradise Father, the Uncaused Cause, in whom all reality lives, moves and has its being.

Without this initial “spark of life” transmitted to the genetic code-containing life plasm, via another order of spirit-beings called Life Carriers, no mortal material life forms can exist.

It is specifically this “spark of life,” which is passed on from spirit-animated mechanical creature to creature by means of some form of sexual, even asexual reproduction, which gives rise to ever-increasing levels of consciousness, eventuating in human self-consciousness… I am and I know that I exist as a self-conscious material being.



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