What Is The True Cost Of A Day Of Worry About Trifles?

 What Is The True Cost Of 

A Day Of Worry About Trifles?

(Which Really Don’t Matter?)

“A Day of Worry is More Exhausting than a Week of Work.” -John Lubbock

Always remember: 

The difficulties you often face and stressfully labor over are the ones which never turn out as badly as you fearfully imagine they will be.

Perhaps we all meet and know someone, along our path, who puts on a smiling face. Within minutes, however, the individual reveals himself or herself to be a worry wart. 

The Worry Wart

A worry wart stresses over everything, because of the fear of never being good enough. There were many worry warts in my family line. I watched all of them aging very quickly, growing old, sickly and diseased. Many of them died at a very young age.

During my twenties and early thirties, I was subjected to much attempted and public dirty laundry airing by an ex-spouse. Did I let it affect me? Yes.

Due to her attitude of blame and revenge, it had the ultimate effect of causing me to strive ever harder for stability, both inwardly and outwardly.

Free Will Choice

Looking back over the decades, I fully realize how that I could have become a chronic worry wart. It is critical to understand how powerful the choices are that we make every step of the way.

The ever-momentary choice to react negatively or positively is an act of free will choosing. Yes, reacting either positively or negative is the exercise of human free will. There is a saying that goes something like this…

“The choices you make moment by moment and day by day will determine the inner reality you will face tomorrow.”

The Deeper Meaning of the John Lubbock Quote

Reiterating again, when you sweat the small stuff you are deciding to stress. Stressing over what you little events, throughout your day, leads to habitually anticipating the worst. The stress itself is causing your body to age more quickly.

Both the worry and accompanying stress are energy-exhausting, in contrast to…energy-building and energy-sustaining.

The True Cost of Worry and Stress

You focus upon 1,001 things of little or no importance. Only subconsciously aware that this has become a life-long habit-reaction pattern, you watch your health slowly but surely deteriorating. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Changing any addictive habit-pattern is not easy, unless you become highly conscious of it. Becoming highly conscious of the negative habit pattern, you must soul-consciously choose and be committed to breaking the habit-pattern by changing your beLIEfs about yourself and your potential. 

That is the subject of another article.



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