The Language of Imprisonment Versus the Language of Freedom and Exploration

The Language of Imprisonment Versus the Language of Freedom and Exploration

The Boundaries are imaginary. The Rules are made up. The Limits don't exist.


It is an observable fact that hue-man language is circumscribed—self-limiting and largely self-imprisoning.

One of the popular concepts of self-creation and self-manifestation is the idea that we create our own reality. 

But what is it, specifically, that creates both the un-real as well as the real in hue-man experience?

While the majority, perhaps, are largely caught up in the shiny object—wish fulfillment syndrome, it is the psychology and the nature of language itself that has been the object of my exploration and subsequent goal-setting.

Choose or Not Choose--You Are Still Making a Choice!

It is most specifically how we fail to choose or actively determine the routine daily thought-idea usages we employ in communicating with the inner self and others which creates what we perceive as reality.

Language is thought-vibration no less real than the air we breathe but do not see and the water we drink, but never see the vital role it plays within the cellular processes inside the human body. Language is power; language is used as a weapon of destruction and the instrument of peace. Language has the power to injure and the power to heal.

I have observed, firsthand, how that the language an individual chooses to use in the communication with self and others is so powerful it will determine his ‘fated destiny.’

A Fated Destiny of His Own Choosing...

I knew a child, who at the age of seven, announced to his mother, brother and grandparents the year of his death: age thirty. We all laughed it off, because the child had a joking mentality-personality, as well as being very likable. Over the coming decades he set about bringing his death into reality. And the night he decided to take his own life, during his thirtieth year, it came as a total shock, along with the soon realization that he had predicted his own death, right down to the year and very possibly the day and hour. 

Such stories are countless in number of how the language we choose, or by default, fail to choose

We may choose to change the early programmed language constructs which create a false paradigm in self-imaging. And by so doing, we change our reality, from virtual to real, by contribution moral decisions and actions to the growth of the mortal soul.

We construct the reality we perceive and live out of our negative or positive thought-constructs. These common thought-constructs are either closed or open; they are  boundary-imprisoning or boundary-less; they may be ever-expanding thought-idea constructs, used in communicating with the self and others, in the moment-by-moment and day-by-day living experiences; they may also be a soon-to-be death sentence.

But what does all this mean?

While I may not presume to answer this question for the reader, I choose to share a large amount of what I have learned from my experiences. You will take from it what you will or will not.

At one time in my own mortal truth-seeking life experiences progression...I wrote to convince others of my thought-ideas. 

Later...I began to see myself as a...sower of the seeds of truth... 

Now, in the is simply the act to be...self-forgetfully performed; life is but a day's work; I do it well. The act is mine...the consequences yours, Father. 

I set aside the mortal self and let the soul-conscious "I am" say whatever I feel led and inspired by the indwelling divine spirit to think, write and share.

Beyond other factor comes into play or has any importance. 
If another is a truth-seeker...he will find me... He will discover what I have shared. 

All of the rest will find what I have shared, but not being truth-seekers will move on as if they had never found the content... In fact, those who are self-seeking, shallow-mind, and mentally lazy, will bounce off of this site fast than a speeding bullet.

May you find this individual exploration of removing all boundaries in the use of thought into language constructs, as fascinating to read, as it has been compelling for me to organize into a readable content. 


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