Part One: How Language into Thought-constructs Create both Un-reality and Reality…


How Language into Thought-constructs 

Create both Un-reality and Reality… 

Part One

Are You Well? Or Merely "Good?"

Whenever I walk into a public place and speak to an individual, it is customary for the individual to ask “How are you, today?” To ask such a question has become for the most part and for possibly the masses…a meaningless formality.

What is ever-revealing from a place of aware observation is how resistant the average individual is, when another attempts to turn the meaningless greeting into something more meaningful.

An individual says…”How are you, today?” My response is ever and always…I am well! And how are you? The individual will always respond with, or some variation of… “I’m good. I’m okay. I’m pretty good.” However, the individual will never respond with “I am well,” the exception being the rare individual.

I will then attempt to lightheartedly influence the individual to step up his or her vibration, by stating… It is just a small space (holding up one hand, pinching the index and thumb together and then spreading them slightly apart) to go from “I’m okay” to I am well! Don’t you think?

I will wait for the individual’s next response. The individual will almost always respond with…”Oh, I guess so…” or some similar variation. My next attempt is… You guess so? You suppose so? Surely, you can do better than that! C’mon try it, just once. Say… I am well!

Often the individual will look wonderingly, even sometimes glare at me, like…what are you trying to do--change me? Once in a while…the person will actually say the words… I am well! And even rarer is the man or woman, who, after saying the words ‘I am well,” will realize and retort… “That feels pretty good. I like that!”

Where Does the Resistance to Change Originate?

The human embryo will show some very limited level of neural activity in the brain which at birth is also very small in size . Unlike our four legged friends in the animal world, we are not genetically programmed to a quick passage to adulthood, nor are we equipped—internally programmed, with the necessary survival skills, but just the opposite.

The human baby is rather, more than less…a blank slate…at birth. The infant brain must be programmed with the survival (specialized) skills (and the clever use of these skills) necessary to function well in the immediate family structure and in the ever-enlarging cultural and social environment.

Consider that the infant human brain is born without a language. The baby may be of Chinese genetic inheritance, but may never learn Chinese, if he or she is taught to speak Spanish or another language, from birth onward. Language, not genetic inheritance, becomes the primary determiner of the pre-programmed (programmed before self-aware sovereignty of free will choice is acquired) paradigm through which the human child learns to view and interpret relationships with familiars and the rules of conduct.

The Fear-Cave of Self-imprisonment

If the child experiences fear…is made to fear…and fear is continually reinforced with beatings, sexual abuse, verbally fear-inducing and reinforcing language-thought-constructs, all of which will likely inhibit and retard the early growth of the intellect, the paradigm…the programmed set of beLIEfs…creates an emotional and mental cave in which the person will learn to hide and rarely ever emerge to reveal the personality hiding inside it.

The fear-inducing paradigm is the normal insanity programmed into the pliable brain of the infant throughout the first eight years of experiencing life in the material bio-suit. 

In whatever-whichever way it is received into the brain, this fear-inducing paradigm quickly becomes the irrefutable and unchallengeable ‘modus operandi’, the invisible and feelingly impassable bars of a self-imprisoning cell. 

Within the clear and seemingly unchallengeable limits of the fear-paradigm, the individual tepidly—ever-so-carefully steps out of the emotional-intellectual boy-man-cave or girl-woman-cave long enough to engage the minimum requirements for social interaction and to meet and satisfy the rules of conduct, at the circumstantial moment of required contact with another or others. 

The moment the requirements are met, the personality quickly recedes back into the place where the personality normally hides and feels the safest.

And this is exactly where the resistance to change originates.

We are Traumatized in Birth and throughout Early Childhood

Consider how much trauma the fully developed human fetus experiences at the moment of birth. 

The embryonic fetus spends approximately nine months inside the mother’s placental sac within the womb. He or she is fed intravenously through the umbilical cord. 

The evolving bio-suit human animal form is a water-breather, taking salt-water into the lungs. The embryo brain has no thoughts, as we would understand them—only feeling-impressions. 

He or she hears sounds and feels movement, but the surrounding salt-water sea provides a sufficient level of cushioning to offset movement and largely insulate the fetus from external sounds, but not the mother's stress. 

The primary stressors would be the mother’s ill health, blunt force trauma to the head or stomach, should such misfortune occur, and during birth. The secondary stressors would be the mother's negative state of emotions and taking toxins into the body.

The Trauma of Birth

The birth itself is, in fact, a severe trauma to the newly born infant; the passage through the narrowly expanding cervix involves a great deal of struggle and no small amount of pain for both the mother and the infant. But the trauma is only beginning…

The physician spanks the child into crying, coughing, spitting out the remaining saltwater fluid from the lungs and taking in the first breath of oxygen. 

The infant child is almost immediately removed from the mother. 

The medical doctor places an object of cold metal against the infant’s chest. 

The nurse places the infant in a cold and sterile room, often inside an incubator for the first 24-48 hours. 

The child may be poked with needles and injected with poisonous vaccinations, which may damage the brain and body. 

There is the sound of strange and incomprehensible voices, movement and he noise of machines, which are utter nonsense to the newly acquired sense of hearing. 

There is the crying of other newborn infants, which may induce more fear and crying. 

Only periodically is the infant placed with that large living and warm-bodied thing which cuddles and coos at him or her, and with whom the infant feels instinctively more secure. In today's secular society and culture, the mother and child almost never properly bond within the cold, sterile and godless environment of the modern-day hospital.

The Onset of Infant Ill Health

Life-threatening ill health can be an on-going trauma. Being born into a family where violence, sexual abuse, alcohol and other drug abuse, exposure to second hand cigarette smoke and ill health (physically, emotionally-mentally or both) is a continuation of a centuries-long repeating cycle of family dysfunction. 

This repeating cycle of physical-emotional-mental violence is another and very common level of mild to severe-extreme trauma—the infant child being largely deprived of any positive and meaningful early language into thought-constructs and almost wholly lacking in any cultural-social positive reinforcement experiences. 

Resistance to Change

These are the main underlying factors in and out of which the resistance to change originates.

The child is programmed with the be-LIE-f that he or she will be beat down in any attempt to…become something more… And this be-LIE-f is, more often than not, continuously reinforced by parents, uncles, aunts, siblings, teachers and every other ‘external authority.’

Add in the factor that a be-LIE-f, central to the false paradigm, where the child must never question authority, but indeed must surrender all free will choice to all ‘external authorities,’ and the enslavement to the false paradigm is…complete…

The Adjutant Mind Spirits are the Progenitors of the Five Senses

Intuition, understanding, courage, knowledge and counsel are now almost wholly functioning on the emotional-intellectual level of the five animal senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste in the average hue-man intelligence of the individual child. 

But in the traumatized child the evolving material bio-suit is actually devolving into the dead center of human animal consciousness—sensuality—unquestioned sensuality of the emotions and intellect and the fear-response to everything external is now on auto-engage.

Factors in False Paradigm Programming

Other factors of the false paradigm system of be-LIE-fs are:

  • the false programming received from public education,
  • the false programming received from Tell-LIES-Vision,
  • reinforcement received from the human herd to which, however small or      large, the individual attaches himself/herself,
    • the false programming to be-LIE-ve in the religion of statism—the unquestionable obligation to mindlessly vote psychopaths into political office, 
    • the authority of government, 
    • governmental laws enforced by police, 
    • the requirement to view this relationship politically from the Left or the Right and 
    • remain politically divided from one’s fellow citizens,  
  • the almost wholly ineffectual relationship to organized religion, in whatever form it may take (including atheism),  to ‘fossilized sacred records of authority,’ and to 
  • the authority of news media talking puppet heads, 
    • doctors, 
    • scientists, 
    • teachers, 
    • politicians, 
    • gurus, 
    • shamans, 
    • pastors, 
    • priests and 
    • popes who 
    • authoritatively dictate what the individual must be-LIE-ve.

The ineffectuality of these relationships to all ‘external authorities’ is that none of them, if rarely, ever bring about any meaningful change in the individual. 

On the contrary, these relationships all typically reinforce the ‘fear-response,’ the devolving, willful, and stubborn resistance to change…a lifetime of unquestionable resistance to change.



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