The Inherently Self-transforming Power of Boundary-less Language into Thought-constructs…
The Inherently Self-transforming Power of Boundary-less Language into Thought-constructs…
Then I begin to have a little talk with my Paradise Father, who is directly present within me, as the nuclear and unerring Paradise-ward pointing Thought Adjuster, the direct voice and will of my heavenly Father-friend and partner in the eternal adventure.
I observed the language into thought-constructs, as they were occurring…
Father, it is my will that your will be done, in the remainder of my mortal experience, as it is and shall be…forevermore…
Divine Partner,
We are one will and one personality…the wholly unified personality…
The mortal, values-experience transcript has been irrefutably and irrevocably transferred into our near fully mature morontia pattern-reality-energy form—the morontia soul—the new Universe creature awaiting our new name and number, which after fusion, we will reckon as ‘fact.’
I see my mortal material bio-suit lifted high into the planetary atmosphere; the “I am” loses momentary consciousness, as the bio-suit disintegrates in the flash of blinding light at the moment of…translation…fusion…
There is a period of silence…followed by the sudden realization of how all of my language into thought-constructs are becoming… boundary-less—without boundaries and without limits…
Even the word ‘self-mastery’ has come to connote an implied boundary.
The attained state of…equipoise…inner tranquility…peace…joy…worshipful celebration in the presence of the Paradise Father…light and life…love…are all language into thought-constructs which have no boundaries …no limitations…are word phrases denoting…the language of life everlasting …eternal status…as a …pre-fusion candidate…awaiting the universe declaration…the…green light…for fusion between personality-endowed mortal and divine Thought Adjuster to…fuse…as one personality…as the wholly unified personality with morontia soul and divine spirit…another newly ascending mortal son of the Paradise Father…
Just as the Paradise Father descends as the Thought Adjuster to complete the circle of eternity…halfway…the newly fused and ascending mortal son of the Paradise Father is now…freed from the limitations of the material bio-suit…to fly to new worlds…and endless experiences…circling ever inward..toward final destination…Central Havona and Paradise…before being released, once again, for endless unselfish service…loving service on the inhabited worlds of the Grand Universe…until the Grand Universe becomes settled in…light and life…
Thus, the circle is completed; God descending to indwell the hue-man animal; the hue-man animal becoming god and ascending back to origin and eternal destiny.
Program Yourself Into...Limitlessness...
The boundaries are imaginary; the rules are made up; the limits don’t exist…
Train yourself to continuously refocus, my friend. It is only a small space between being ‘unaware of one’s limiting language into thought-constructs’ and allowing yourself to become ‘super consciously aware of these self-limiting boundaries and electing continuously to remove them’ by choosing to substitute and actively employ the limitless and boundary-less language of... life and light…