The Vibrations of Words

 The Vibration of Words

The Positive and Negative Vibrations of Words

I am certain that when you hear words that are know, because you feel them, the sung words have vibration and meaning. You likely just never thought about it this way

In the same way that I m sure you never really stop long enough to think about whether words spoken carry a negative or positive charge, and how these word vibrations affect you.

The individual’s language-into-thought constructs, both internally thought and externally verbalized ARE vibrations. And these language-into-thought constructs are negatively or positively charged.

The Vibrations of 'Death' and 'Life'

Consider the words ‘death’ and ‘life,’ as but one of countless examples of the negative or positive vibrations with which words are charged.

It is a great challenge, if not impossible, to give the word ‘death’ a positive spin—a positive charge. Inversely, it is a great challenge, if not impossible to give the word ‘life’ a negative spin—a negative charge.

Death is a humanly created and negatively charged word, which has a wholly circumscribed meaning—a self-limiting and self-imprisoning conceptual frame of reference to reality; the word ‘death’…creates un-reality…finality…from which there is…no escape…

Life is a humanly created and positively charged word, which potentially has no boundaries—no limits, unless the individual assigns circumscribed meaning to the word. 

Potentially the word ‘life’ may be assigned increasingly more expansive frames of reference to cosmic reality…when the individual is becoming more soul-conscious, over time where decades of experience are leading to increasingly greater wisdom-insight; the word ‘life’ potentially creates ever-changing realities…eternality…through which there is terrestrial escape from the material bio-suit…through… transformation…fusion...

The Windows Into the Spirit-born Soul

The eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul; the spirit is the architect, the designer of all life forms; the mind is the builder of all life forms; the material body is the bio-suit in which the spirit experiences the lowest vibration level of intelligent capacity for attaining to God-consciousness…through the mediator...mind...

When an individual becomes conscious of being a spirit-being inhabiting and gaining experience in a material animal bio-suit, the word ‘life’ takes on increasingly more expansive meaning—an increasingly boundary-less and limitless…eternally transforming… frame of conceptual reference to…cosmic reality… 

The component parts of the individual self—are descended from God and, as a unique individual endowed with personality—is ascending back to God…the Giver of Life…the Uncaused Cause…the Universe Source and Center…the Eternal and Infinite Upholder…the Primal Reality…the Original Personality—the Infinitely Loving Father and Friend to his Universe family of instantly manifest, eventuated and created offspring and beings.

  • Is there a ‘secret answer’ to the mystery of how to remove all limitations which so typically imprison the mortal material intellect?

Self-initiated, Self-transformation through the Evolution of Positively-charged and Boundary Removing, Intentional Language into Thought-constructs

It is no accident that the word ‘believe’ was intentionally crafted by very clever specialists—wordsmiths—who created the word from the combining of three words: be, lie and live. When you view the meaning of the word as ‘be, lie and live,’ you may better comprehend how to believe a thing, idea or thought into language-construct is to…live a lie… And this is why I, more often than not, will write the word ‘believe,’ as ‘beLIEve.’

What do you be-LIE-ve?

Whatever you beLIEve…it is a choice to beLIEve it…even if the choice is not a conscious one… And ALL beLIEfs are…intellectual illusions…to a greater or lesser circumscribed and self-imprisoning body-brain consciousness to mind-circuits connection.

Inversely…to experience ever-expanding truth…is…to know… And to know…implies…without doubt or error… 

I can state the following philosophical principle of truth as a fact of my own experience—because I have feelingly experienced the unequivocal truth contained in it, through much adversity I will add, in the following language into thought-construct: 

  • “A display of specialized skills does not signify spiritual capacity; cleverness is not a substitute for true character.”

I do not beLIEve this is true; I know this is truth because it is an indelible spiritual value recorded everlastingly into the permanent transcript record of my mortal experience.

Specific Word-Phrase Vibration Levels

Now, let us consider the vibration levels of the following juxtaposed language into thought-constructs:

  • I can’t…versus…I can…
  • I won’t…versus…I will…
  • I can try…versus…I will do it…
  • That is impossible…versus…It is a clear possibility toward which I know I am growing…
  • I could never do that…versus…I am accomplishing this, moment by moment and day by day…
  • I am dying…versus…I am reborn…
  • I hate you…versus…I love you…
  • I have a disease…versus…I am optimally well…
  • You make me so angry I could kill you…versus…I understand why you feel the way you do. And I will work at understanding your point of view even better…
How many ‘negatively charged words,’ may you self-consciously observe, which you are still daily employing in your own moment by moment language into thought-constructs?

This above list will go on and on, if carried out to completion; it is sufficient, however, for the reader to understand the clear and unequivocal levels of negatively and positively-charged vibrations which the words themselves and the language into thought-constructs carry and manifest into both un-reality and reality.

Entertain all…beLIEve nothing…

What you know…you know…because you have, through adversity, feelingly experienced the truth of it… And no power in heaven or on Earth may take this knowing experience—values-acquisition away from you…as long as you are choosing to grow, evolve—transform into your ascending higher soul-self…and aligning your individual will with the will of our Paradise Father.




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