Introduction to Part Two

 Introduction to Part Two


Continuously Occurring Rebirths?

When I look back over the decades of my life experiences, I see many rebirths—many ‘new beginnings.’ Perhaps the most real of those ‘new beginnings’ occurred in 1975.

I was attending classes at Boise State University. One day, between classes, I was standing in the hallway talking to an acquaintance. 

She Was a Trigger for Rebirth

An English teacher was also engaged in a conversation with other teachers. 

The two different groups of conversing individuals broke up at about the same moment. 

She immediately approached me, saying, 

“Young man, I was listening to you quite intently. You have a tremendous gift of language. But the way in which you are using language is horrible!

 You must learn to pay attention to every word which comes out of your mouth. In this way you will be able to change your use of language for the better. 

And your power to grow from your mastery of language will increase many fold”. Her words stunned me—woke up some new level of self-awareness that would continue to grow in me."

The Twenty-eight Principles of High Mortal Philosophy

In 1979, after years of dealing with intensely negative emotions and addictions, I began to achieve a one hundred and eighty degree turn about face, going from heavily smoking nicotine non filter cigarettes and drinking to becoming vegetarian, and later on, a plant-based whole foods person.

The power of internal change began, however, with adopting a set of twenty-eight principles of high mortal philosophy. It is one thing to say you are going to adopt a set of principles. It is another to choose to live by them—commit oneself to their life-changing power by daily memorizing them. This is exactly what I did; I memorized them. 

By doing this, I was able to bring up into consciousness, one or more of these principles, which matched whatever conflict in discourse with another was occurring.

The juxtaposition of the principle of high mortal philosophy onto the conflict, resulting from disagreeing with another, provided the internal ‘mind mirror’ in which to become more highly conscious of my own behavior—of how I was using language and how the use of specific words and phraseology contributed to the disagreement.

My study of principles of philosophy began almost a decade earlier, beginning in 1971, when I was introduced to a very unusual book called The Urantia Book.

In my youth, I can see now that I was barely self-conscious—barely self-aware of my use of language and my actions, in relation to my studies and in my interactions and communications with family, friends and acquaintances. 

These were the turbulent years of intense emotions and often too quick reactions—thoughtless words spoken and sometimes life-change consequences resulting in tragic experiences reaped from puerile behavior and decisions.

But I was ever learning, ever striving to be more and do more that would bring about greater mastery of the human animal self.

My study of how to organize the whole of my philosophical and spiritual studies into a highly organized template would begin in earnest during the 1980’s. 

The point in relating this is this.  None of this current understanding and insight into how language creates reality ever came easily for me.

Great effort is required to excel at and master any skill, trade and art form. And it is nonetheless true, even more so, when it comes to self-mastery—mastering the human animal self.

One of the great truths I experientially learned over the decades is that ‘you cannot short-circuit the time-requirement to grow in body, mind and spirit—quantitatively and qualitatively. 

Many challenging experiences must be sorted through. Many moral decisions must be made, resulting from numerous puerile actions and tragic consequences suffered. Increasing sincerity leading to the growth of truer and truer character, along with seemingly endless decision-making are primary contributors to the growth of the evolving mortal soul.

You may not fully comprehend Chapter Two: The Principles of High Mortal Philosophy.

It is well and good, if you do, well and good if you do not. It has taken me nearly five decades of study, asking question after question and searching ever more deeply for the insights into my own inner creative striving for the mastery over the human animal self.

The content and basis for Chapter Two are taken from The Urantia Book

What is uniquely original is how I have collated and organized the various sections of content from different Papers of the book into a highly organized and focalized understanding and insight into the content of these various sections.

I struggled intensely with fully comprehending and applying these principles to my life path. When you read what I have written, following the subheading ‘Soul-conscious Realization,’ these restatements of the original principles are unique to my life path experiential re-interpretation of the original principles.

In brief, Chapter Two is organized as follows:

·         There are ten cosmic questions asked in each section of Chapter Two.

·         There are four cosmic levels. These are:

o   body-mind,

o   spirit,

o   soul and

o   personality.

·    There are four major step levels in mastering the hue-man animal self. These are:

o   self-correction,

o   self-control,

o   self-direction, and

o   self-mastery.

·    There are seven adjutant (marshalling) mind spirit circuits influencing the hue-man animal brain (impulses felt in the receptive human neural circuitry.) These are:

o   the spirit of intuition,

o   the spirit of understanding,

o   the spirit of courage,

o   the spirit of knowledge,

o   the spirit of counsel (the impulse toward socialization, brotherhood, love—unselfish service to one’s fellow beings),

o   the spirit of worship (cosmic insight into the reality of the Uncaused Personality from whom all personality-endowed beings of every conceivable order derive their reality-existences), and

o   the spirit of wisdom.

·         There are seven psychic circles (cosmic dimensional levels of personal attainment) corresponding to seven experiential circles-values levels of experiential soul-growth attainment. These are:

o   the seventh psychic circle: the experiential moral value of intuitively seeing—spiritual intuition,

o   the sixth psychic circle: the experiential moral value of deeper and more expansive spiritual understanding,

o   the fifth psychic circle: the experiential moral value of spiritual courage to take action,

o   the fourth psychic circle: the experiential moral value of attaining to spiritual knowledge,

o   the third psychic circle: the experiential moral value of brotherhood—spiritual unity—love--unselfish service,

o   the second psychic circle: the experiential moral value of spiritual insight into cosmic realities,

o   the first psychic circle: the experiential moral value of spiritual wisdom—equipoise—inner tranquility.

·         There are twenty-eight principles of high mortal philosophy. These are:

o   1. A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character.

o   2. Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.

o   3. Inherent capacities cannot be exceeded; a pint can never hold a quart. The spirit concept cannot be mechanically forced into the material memory mold.

o   4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.

o   5. Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.

o   6. To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement — these are the marks of high civilization.

o   7. Blind and unforeseen accidents do not occur in the cosmos. Neither do the celestial beings assist the lower being who refuses to act upon his light of truth.

o   8. Effort does not always produce joy, but there is no happiness without intelligent effort.

o   9. Action achieves strength; moderation eventuates in charm.

o   10. Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth, and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the Infinite.

o   11. The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day’s work — do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God’s.

o   12. The greatest affliction of the cosmos is never to have been afflicted. Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation.

o   13. Stars are best discerned from the lonely isolation of experiential depths, not from the illuminated and ecstatic mountain tops.

o   14. Whet the appetites of your associates for truth; give advice only when it is asked for.

o   15. Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich.

o   15. Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich.

o   16. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

o   17. Ambition is dangerous until it is fully socialized. You have not truly acquired any virtue until your acts make you worthy of it.

o   18. Impatience is a spirit poison; anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest.

o   19. Anxiety must be abandoned. The disappointments hardest to bear are those which never come.

o   20. Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.

o   21. The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.

o   22. The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.

o   23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.

o   23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.

o   25. Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength.

o   26. Knowledge is possessed only by sharing; it is safeguarded by wisdom and socialized by love.

o   27. Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.

o   28. The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained.      





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The Principles of High Mortal Philosophy by which I Choose to Live and master the hue-man animal self


The Cosmic Mind-challenge:

Is courage—strength of character—desirable?

Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.

Is altruism—service of one’s fellows—desirable?

Then must life experience provide for encountering situations of social inequality.

Cosmic Level: Mind

Step Level: Self-correction

Adjutant Mind-circuit: Spirit of Intuition, Spirit of Understanding

Psychic Circle: Seventh, Sixth

Experiential Value-level: Spiritual Intuition, Spiritual     


Soul-conscious Realization: I recognize that the possession of spiritual capacity is more than a display of specialized skills. I choose to embrace my truest character over mere cleverness.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character.

Soul-conscious Realization: I choose to live up the faith which I really have. I choose to manifest my truest character over the practice of unreasoned fear and intellectual deceit toward my evolving mortal soul and upon the evolving mortal souls of my fellow beings.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.

Soul-conscious Realization: I choose to employ, both inwardly and outwardly, thought-idea manifestations which are boundary-less and limitless. I actively work at removing all resistance to the supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Inherent capacities cannot be exceeded; a pint can never hold a quart. The spirit concept cannot be mechanically forced into the material memory mold.

Soul-conscious Realization: I dare to draw upon the sum of the personality credits available to me through the combined ministries of nature and grace. I know I am truly rich and these riches are available to me moment by moment in the achievements of my day to day living.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.

Soul-conscious Realization: Difficulties may ever challenge me; they will stimulate me because I am a true child of the Most Highs.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.

Soul-conscious Realization: I enjoy privilege; I do not abuse it. I have liberty which requires no license. I possess power but steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement. I choose to be the example of the soul-conscious child of the Paradise Father—the model citizen of attained mortal wisdom—exemplifying high civilization.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement — these are the marks of high civilization.

Soul-conscious Realization: I choose to be soul-consciously aware that blind and unforeseen accidents occur in mortal experience but not in the cosmos. I am ever-assisted by my celestial guides because I act upon my light of truth.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Blind and unforeseen accidents do not occur in the cosmos. Neither do the celestial beings assist the lower being who refuses to act upon his light of truth.



The Cosmic Mind-challenge:

Is hope—the grandeur of trust—desirable?

Then human existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.

Is faith—the supreme assertion of human thought—desirable?

 Then must the mind of man find itself in that troublesome predicament where it ever knows less than it can believe.

Cosmic Level: Soul

Step Level: Self-control

Adjutant Mind-circuit: Spirit of Courage, Spirit of Knowledge

Psychic Circle: Fifth, Fourth

Experiential Value-level: Spiritual Courage, Spiritual Knowledge

Soul-conscious Realization: Although effort may not always produce joy, I experience ever-momentary happiness because I am ever-momentarily engaged in intelligent effort.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Effort does not always produce joy, but there is no happiness without intelligent effort.

Soul-conscious Realization: Through action I achieve increasingly greater strength of character; through moderation I am ever-attaining to a more charming character.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Action achieves strength; moderation eventuates in charm.

Soul-conscious Realization: In ever choosing the right-use of personal power, I strike the harmony chords of truth, and the melody created by my embrace of and the daily living of the truth, vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the Infinite and Eternal Source and Center.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth, and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the Infinite.

Soul-conscious Realization: I recognize that indulging in resolutions weakens me; I choose to act because it strengthens me. My life is but a day’s work; I do it well. The act is mine; the consequences in the all-knowing over control of my Paradise Father.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day’s work — do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God’s.

Soul-conscious Realization: I have experienced both tribulation and affliction, not once, but many times. I am ever-learning ever more expanding and deeper understanding and wisdom-insight out of these tribulation and affliction experiences.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The greatest affliction of the cosmos is never to have been afflicted. Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation.

Soul-conscious Realization: I have sometimes stood upon the illuminated and ecstatic mountain tops. The greatest life-changing revelations rather came from the lonely isolation experienced within the depths of my difficult and challenging decisions requiring ever more sincerity.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Stars are best discerned from the lonely isolation of experiential depths, not from the illuminated and ecstatic mountain tops.

Soul-conscious Realization: I have learned the value of whetting the appetites of my associates for truth; I give advice only when it is asked for.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Whet the appetites of your associates for truth; give advice only when it is asked for.












The Cosmic Mind-challenge:

Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable?

 Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.

Is idealism—the approaching concept of the divine—desirable?

Then must man struggle in an environment of relative goodness and beauty, surroundings stimulative of the irrepressible reach for better things.

Cosmic Level: Spirit

Step Level: Self-direction

Adjutant Mind-circuit: Spirit of Spirit of Counsel, Spirit of Worship

Psychic Circle: Third, Second

Experiential Value-level: Love—unselfish service, Cosmic Insight

Soul-conscious Realization: I am self-aware of the human animal’s self-seeking tendency to affectation—the ridiculous attempt of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich. I choose to manifest my most genuine and truest character in all interactions with my fellow mortal beings.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich.

Soul-conscious Realization: In adversity, leading to my first moral decision, I feelingly-knowingly experienced truth. I choose to feelingly-knowingly embrace and live the truth, moment-by-moment, in the day-by-day experiences within the mortal bio-suit.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

Soul-conscious Realization: I am ever-acquiring virtue because my ambitions are immaterial—spiritual. And I am ever-socializing my spiritual ambitions.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Ambition is dangerous until it is fully socialized. You have not truly acquired any virtue until your acts make you worthy of it.

Soul-conscious Realization: I choose to rise above every hue-man animal impulse to impatience; I rise above anger because such insane emotion is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Impatience is a spirit poison; anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest.

Soul-conscious Realization: I ever choose to abandon any and all feelings of anxiety. I do not experience disappointments because I have no expectations regarding other personalities.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Anxiety must be abandoned. The disappointments hardest to bear are those which never come.

Soul-conscious Realization: I am poet because I ever see commonplace prose in my daily routine existence.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.

Soul-conscious Realization: I am an artist in every thought-expression and every act; I am ever trying to foreshadow a higher universe existence, by crystallizing the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.












The Cosmic Mind-challenge:

Is loyalty— devotion to highest duty—desirable?

Then must man carry on amid the possibilities of betrayal and desertion. The valor of devotion to duty consists in the implied danger of default.

Cosmic Level: Personality

Step Level: Self-mastery

Adjutant Mind-circuit: Spirit of Wisdom

Psychic Circle: First

Experiential Value-level: Spiritual Wisdom

Soul-conscious Realization: I am ever-striving to remove every limitation of thought-vibration intellectual constructs of human language, ever-momentarily employed in my day to day living. I am ever-openly inviting spirit dominance over mind and matter.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.

Soul-conscious Realization: I spiritual discern that death adds nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, except the consciousness of survival. I choose to focus upon the attainment to supremacy dominance of spirit over mind and matter.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.

Soul-conscious Realization: I choose to determine my spiritual destiny, moment by moment, by the achievements of my day by day living. My acts of today are my eternal destiny of tomorrow.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow.

Soul-conscious Realization: Any greatness of strength I may be said to possess let it be in making a wise and divine use of such strength.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength.

Soul-conscious Realization: Let the knowledge and wisdom gained from the experiential values I possess be safeguarded in wisdom and socialized in the love—unselfish service of sharing as much as longingly asked for by my fellow mortal beings.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Knowledge is possessed only by sharing; it is safeguarded by wisdom and socialized by love.

Soul-conscious Realization: I have chosen and continue to choose the life of progress devoted to the development of individuality; I have rejected the life of mediocrity that seeks perpetuation in standardization.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.

Soul-conscious Realization: I ever choose and am compelled to live the truth, thereby having no agenda and no reason to defend the truths I have experienced, but to ever share them whenever the hungering desire is present in my fellow mortal beings.

Adjutant-mind Spirit-impulse in the Receptive Mortal Intellect: The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained.















The Subtle and Sublime Levels of the Supremacy of Thought Adjuster Attainment to Spirit Dominance over Mind and Matter


The Cosmic Mind-challenge:

Is unselfishness—the spirit of self-forgetfulness—desirable?

Then must mortal man live face to face with the incessant clamoring of an inescapable self for recognition and honor. Man could not dynamically choose the divine life if there were no self-life to forsake. Man could never lay saving hold on righteousness if there were no potential evil to exalt and differentiate the good by contrast.

 Is pleasure—the satisfaction of happiness—desirable?

Then must man live in a world where the alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever-present experiential possibilities.

 Is...inexplicable equipoise--perfected self-mastery and inner peace...even in the face of continual mortal fear-evil-doing--desirable?

Then has the mortal individual, by the indwelling divine spirit...achieved the seemingly impossible...the pre-fusion state...awaiting release by translation--fusion out of the material bio-suit into first stage spirit existence...

As we choose (decision) to remove every thought-image-obstacle which would impede the Thought Adjuster's progress in completing our morontia soul energy-pattern...our clarity of body-brain-consciousness to morontia-mind connection must inevitably become super sensitive--super consciously aware of increasing to complete identification as a fully conscious morontia identity.

The higher a creature’s education, the more respect he has for the knowledge, experience, and opinions of others."

*The final stage is continuing in cosmic loyalty to cosmic values...even in the face of persecution and the possibility of murder at the hands of one's fellow children of the Paradise Father. This stage witnesses the replete annihilation of the last vestiges of fear-response. Spirit dominance over mind and matter is complete. There is found not even...'a shadow in the hair's turning...' Whether translation occurs while in the mortal bio-suit or immediately after cessation of cellular biological


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