Arrogance is the Camouflage of Insecurity | What Do YOU Fear?

 arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity

Arrogance is the Camouflage of Insecurity  

What Do YOU Fear that Makes YOU Arrogant?

Give Me Liberty

If one man craves freedom — liberty — he must remember that all other men long for the same freedom.

The Urantia Book, (134:6.1)

Arrogance is Mimicry

I was recently asked on social media: "So tell me please, when did you first come to think something like soul could be real, do you remember?" And my response was:

Thank you for asking this question, a rare question indeed in my experience and an excellent one. (I love for others to ask questions of me.)

The First Moral Decision

At five and one-half years of age I made a more unconscious than conscious decision that I wanted to be  like God, based on the little information provided to me by my grandmother. 

I admired the qualities of character of the idea and concept of God, because I admired those same qualities which I saw in my grandmother. To the child mind, it was an admirable character in my grandmother, which made her a believable source of early spiritual inspiration within my developing mind. 

The Second Moral Decision

A few years later, at eight and one-half years of age, I made a major moral decision not to fight with my next younger brother, after years of intense struggle between us. I was ever drawn into his anger and feisty-ness. I left our fights in tears (privately), because I loved my brother and could not understand this struggle between us. This decision to appeal to God to help me stop fighting with him led to a major deepening within me.

But to attempt to answer your question, it is only in looking back from seven decades of experiential wisdom, on this most primitive of inhabited worlds, that I can clearly see the moment that I began my own duality of hue-manimal consciousness and soul-consciousness. 

Yet, my own true self-awareness, as a soul-being beginning to dominate my hue-manimal consciousness did not occur until age twenty-nine. This was when I did a full one-hundred and eighty-degree turnaround, forgiving my own imperfections and the imperfections of all at whom I was ever pointing a finger of blame for my own misfortunes.

It was, from this time forward, that I began to live as a soul-conscious personality (conscious of being conscious.)

So, what does all of the above have to do with "arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity?"

Fear equals insecurity manifesting in anxiety and outwardly expressing inner "unworthiness." This unworthiness, perhaps, more often than not, expresses itself in a number of different personality deficiencies.

What is a Personality Character Deficiency?

Our Father's gift of personality is "pattern-reality." Pattern-reality is perfect. But it may only express its perfection through the mind. And whatever the mind lacks in willingness to be sincere and make decisions to 

1) self-correct character deficiencies, 
2) discipline and control the self, 
3) embrace the leading of Father's indwelling spirit-presence, and 
4) strive for the attainment of the mastery over the hue-manimal self--the supremacy of spirit-domination over mind and matter,

will express as the inverse of a positive character trait.

In other words...
  • Fear (self-protectiveness) is the opposite of hope and faith.
  • Anxiety is the opposite of inner tranquility.
  • Impatience is the opposite of patience.
  • Anger is the opposite of a loving and serving nature
  • Arrogance is the opposite of a genuine and sincere character.
And this list could go on and on. But you get the picture. This the true meaning of "arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity."

Are YOU Arrogant?

I was subconsciously, more than consciously, arrogant until 29 years of age. But in looking back...why was I arrogant? And the answer is that both my mom and dad were arrogant individuals. They mimicked what they saw growing up and never questioned it. 

In fact, when I think about my whole family bloodline, there was a great deal of affectation of being other than genuine and sincere. "Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity" characterized all of my bloodline relatives.

Some of them hid behind humor that was sarcastic, biting and intended to hurt other family members' feelings. Some were angry biting attacks. 

Their insecurities expressed as eating a lot of garbage food and over eating.

They hid behind their religious beLIEfs.

They hid behind their smoking, drinking and man-izing or woman-izing.

And they passed on this behavior programming it into their children, who, in turn, mimicked what they saw, including me.

In my own experience, it may have been the greatest of challenges to become aware of "arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity" within myself. It was, in fact, a monumental struggle. 

And it was one that while I began to recognize it for what it is, from age twenty-nine forward, it would take three more decades of experiential living, before I would begin to bring it under fuller control.

All Fear, Anxiety, Impatience, Anger and Arrogance is a Fraud You Practice upon Your Evolving Mortal Soul

If you put on any type or kind of mask over your face you are practicing soul fraud. Have you ever stopped to think about that? 

Very few mortals actually think. Very few actually question anything they are told to beLIEve by those they consider to be in and to have authority over them.

Arrogance is a mask. Arrogance is self-victimization. Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity, indeed
It is far easier to recognize when someone else is acting arrogantly than one is ever able to recognize arrogant behavior in oneself.


Madamson said…
I have been afraid of everything, absolutely everything, until lately and have started, like you, to take a look at the REAL truth! I am not alone--everyone around is in the same boat and working so hard to cover it up thru the arrogance or intimidation--whatever! Thank you Timothy for this incredible lesson and information that we can use to climb out of the cesspool and start to love and care for ourselves!! We are really are OK!!!
Yes!!!! Mary, you are making wonderful progress! Keep up "being present" and focused upon preparation for the advanced training to come! :-)

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