You Are the Victim of Your Own Mind | Any Questions?

 you are the victim of your own mind

You Are the Victim of Your Own Mind 

Any Questions?

Victimization by Others vs. Self-victimization

Is there a point where early victimization (by others) in childhood is no longer other-victimization but self-victimization? At what age could this be said to be true?

Being victimized by parents (one or both), by foster parents (one or both), by a step-dad or step-mom (or both), an uncle, an aunt, a cousin, etc. begins a life-long tragedy of suffering in the mind of the victimized individual.

But when the victimization by another or others stops (for whatever reason), at what point do you continue on in self-victimization, when you are old enough to make a different choice?

The answer is likely that of personal choices to grow or to not grow in soul-awareness.

In my own experience, it took until 29 years of age to make a different choice--a soul-conscious choice to no longer victimize myself and start down the path to healing. It took 11 more years beyond leaving home at 18.

For each individual, who has been victimized by others, the period of time required to "wake up" to your own God-given powers of personality-choice on a self-aware soul-conscious level will vary.

And for some, who have been severely traumatized, it may require this lifetime and beyond into the resurrected life on the Mansion Training worlds to come.

You are the victim of your own mind, until you "wake up" to realize you have the power to make a different decision.

What Does It Take to Become Soul-consciously Aware?

This is an interesting question and a rather difficult challenge to answer.

The easy answer, again, is that the path to becoming soul-consciously aware (where the soul is self-aware) is as unique in its time and experience requirement as the personality itself is unique.

The difficult challenge is to explain in the most simple language possible 
  • the difference between the physiological energy-system,
  • the life-force endowment of inherent mind, which makes such a physiological energy-system possible, 
  • the drawing and guiding power of the 7 Adjutant mind-spirits of the Holy spirit of our Local Universe Mother spirit,
  • the endowment of the gift of personality by our Paradise Father, 
  • and his simultaneous endowment of the gift of a Thought Adjuster (Father's pure Paradise spirit-presence (indwelling the mind).
To the un-initiated, who has never read and studied The Urantia Book, these concepts are as alien as life would be, when suddenly transported to another evolutionary world.

The Hue-manimal Experience is a Mind-experience

To make any deeper sense and meaning of one's life, it must be grasped that this lifetime experience in a hue-man animal physiological-energy system is a mind-experience.
  1. You are mind. I am mind. And you and I cannot exist for one second outside of mind. We live, move and have our being in the Infinite Spirit Mind of God.
  2. The second major concept which must be grasped and understood is that mind is malleable (able to be re-shaped and re-arranged).
  3. The third major concept which must also be grasped and understood is that mind is "manageable." 
The classical concept in neuroscience is referred to as directing or redirecting the neuroplasticity of the brain.

You wake up each and every day out of subconscious mind. You immediately engage your mind to your mobile phone, checking email, Facebook, Twitter for messages, conversations, fixing breakfast, making-discussing plans for the day, etc. You turn on the Tell-
LIES-Vision or Tell-LIES-Radio; you are wholly immersed in mental activities.
You are immediately immersed in your life-experience; this immersion in your life-experience is continuous--every second of every day.
If these activities are not wisely managed, even wholly turned off for a period of time, during the day (meditation), you are little more than a mimic and go through life robotized-lobotomized. This kind of automatic living is a "myth."

In order to escape the robotized-lobotomized "myth" existence, you must learn to "manage your mind." (Step 2 of the 4 step path to self-mastery).

Reality vs. Myth

The so-called law of attraction is not what we are discussing in this article. It is not saying a dozen affirmations throughout your day. (I will deal with affirmations vs. declarations in a separate article.)

It is reality vs. myth. When you fail to learn how to manage your mind, your whole life is a mythical existence (controlled by others and circumstances). When you do learn how to control your mind, your life is no longer a myth.

True, you cannot always control circumstances. Many situations in life are simply unavoidable and inescapable. But you can learn how to manage your mind and your responses (reactions to both internal and external stimuli).

And the difference between the two is profound. One is "myth." The other is "reality."

And you are the victim of your own mind until you soul-consciously awaken into the reality of learning self-control/self-discipline (mind-management).



Madamson said…
Timothy, thank you for these incredible words of wisdom. Lately I have been very aware of being that victim of my mind and it sucks!! AND learning NOT to do this is NO EASY chore!!
I woke up with a great attitude this day and am really making a huge effort to improve recognize when it starts and 2.take charge and "devictimize" myself!! You know it's an ongoing process and NOT reacting is the biggy for me!!

Thanks again Timothy
Mary A.
Madamson said…
I also love the idea of makeing the stumble part of the dance!! May find we have a new dance step in the process!!
Indeed, Mary, it is no easy assignment, when we elect to undertake the challenge to stop being a victim of our own failing to control our thinking, and to change negative thoughts into positive ones, which align the hue-man will with our Father's will.

I applaud your efforts. And I know you will continue to make great progress!

Timothy :-)

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