Don't Take Things Personally | It is Self-defeating

 don't take things personally

Don't Take Things Personally 

It is Self-defeating

"Try not to take things personally. What people say (and do) is a reflection of them, not you." Unknown

It's Not Personal - It's Projection

But how can you grow into the higher awareness of not taking personally what others say and do?

First of all, understand that becoming super aware that all of everything another says and does is a reflection of what is going on within that person requires effort. 

Often times it requires great effort over one's lifetime.

And this state of "super awareness" is best achieved and maintained through little action steps carried out moment by moment and day by day.

So, where does one start?

I speak often of "allowing." What is "allowing?"

"Allowing" is the willingness to change your perception of who you are. 

  1. And changing your perception of who you really are is only the first step.
  2. The second step is to "allow" your change in perception of who you are to take root and grow into a new set of beliefs.
  3. This new set of beliefs will have the potential to grow into "faith-knowing" that you are a child of God. And you deserve to be positive and happy instead of negative and full of fear, anxiety, sorrow and regret.

"The happiness of your life greatly depends on the quality of your thoughts. Do your best to think positive today. And remember, positivity doesn't mean ignoring the negativity around you. It means overcoming the negativity within you. There's a big difference between the two. marcandangel

Overcoming the Negativity within YOU

I say there is a "cosmic dimensional difference" between taking things personally and being super aware of first overcoming the negativity within you. 

"Don't take things personally" is easy to project to others as a meme. 

It is never so easy to put such a philosophical ideal into play in your daily life.

I have spoken of the specific steps each one of us is required to enact, in order to reach this "super awareness" state of inner soul-consciousness.

"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you." Unknown

And there is that word "allow" again. Understand that if you "allow" negativity to get inside you, you can also "allow" yourself to change your perception of who you really are.

You can "allow" yourself to change your perception by doing very easy and very simple "replacement" exercises.

"Replacement" exercises are not complicated or hard to put into action. Try, for example...

"Replace "sorry's" with "thank you's." Instead of "sorry I'm late," try "thank you for waiting for me." Change your mindset. Unknown

I became super aware of a "cosmic obligation" to replace many negative words in my "programmed habits of language usage."

Here are some of the many words I made great effort to replace:

  • "transition" instead of "death,"
  • "hue-man" instead of "human,"
  • "hue-manimal" instead of "human animal,"
  • "soul-conscious" instead of "higher awareness,"
  • "I can and I will" instead of "I can't and I won't,"
  • "I am well" instead of "I'm okay,"
  • "I am healthy" instead of "I'm sick,"
  • "I am most fortunate" instead of "Nothing ever seems to work out for me,"
  • "I am rich" instead of "I am poor."
You get the picture. The more soul-consciously aware you become, the more opportunities you will begin to suddenly see to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

And always remember:
"You don't have to solve your whole life overnight. And you don't have to feel ashamed for being where you are. All you have to focus on is one small thing you can do today to get closer to where you want to be. Slowly, one step at a time. You can get there." Daniell Koepke
And when you are ready, you will subconsciously, perhaps even super consciously and formally embrace the practical blueprint for attainment to self-mastery:
  1. Self-correction of one's character deficiencies (replacing negative thoughts with positive ones)
  2. Self-control/self-discipline (becoming the new and superior thought-system)
  3. Self-direction back to spirit (alignment with the will of God, who indwells your mind)
  4. Self-mastery (the conquest of the hue-manimal self)
These four steps may seem daunting--too great a challenge to wrap your head around. I assure you they are not so great a challenge, once you "allow" yourself to embrace these four steps. 

After committing to the blueprint for self-mastery, your inner universe will become ever more exciting to see how far you can go in the conquest of spirit over mind over matter.

Eternal Potential

Mortal man has a spirit nucleus. ... Such a living relationship of personal mind and spirit constitutes the universe potential of eternal personality.

The Urantia Book, (12:9.6).




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