If For Any Reason We Come to the End of the Ride...

 If For Any Reason We Come to the End of the Ride...

(Written 9-21-20)
if for any reason we come to the end of the ride
Paradise Father loves you, as if already saved There never was any other "good news of the gospel" except that "eternal salvation may be had by faith" love yourself, love others, take care of your temple and be well If for any reason we come to the end of the ride... my friend, know without doubt, I'll see you on the other side... for now, by experiential truth, we continue to abide... in so doing, we avoid the hue-manimal downhill slide Why are very simple concepts made so complex in the mind, except that programmed fear-distortion is used to control? are you willing to grow where spirit may lead you to find true character, mind, spirit, personality is soul? If for any reason we come to the end of the ride... my friend, know without doubt, I'll see you on the other side... for now, by experiential truth, we continue to abide... in so doing, we avoid the hue-manimal downhill slide Do all you possibly can with limitations of man with limitations of time and limiting circumstance reach out by every creative means you have, understand the simple message of the gospel will spirit's work enhance If for any reason we come to the end of the ride... my friend, know without doubt, I'll see you on the other side... for now, by experiential truth, we continue to abide... in so doing, we avoid the hue-manimal downhill slide Father knows your true intent and also your mortal bent faith is God's grace--entrance into that heavenly place no place for fear in faith--in the life whose efforts are spent to declare: "eternal salvation may be had by faith" If for any reason we come to the end of the ride... my friend, know without doubt, I'll see you on the other side... for now, by experiential truth, we continue to abide... in so doing, we avoid the hue-manimal downhill slide If for any reason we come to the end of the ride... know that Father loves you--you were most willing to bend like a reed growing green and bending toward the sun's light an evolving mortal soul ever faithful to the end of his new mansion world semi-spiritual beginning
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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