50 - The High Spiritual State of "Ever-momentarily" and "Ever and Always"

The High Spiritual State of 

"Ever-momentarily" and "Ever and Always" 

2:7.4 ...Truth is beautiful because it is both replete and symmetrical. When man searches for truth, he pursues the divinely real.
180:5.2 ...Divine truth is a spirit-discerned and living reality.

The Truth with No Agenda

From the wisdom-discerning level of divine truth-perception...the majority of the seven decades of my experiencing in the hue-manimal bio-suit has been "shifting" back and forth from the easily programmable and robotic mere consciousness level (consciousness) into the evolving soul self-awareness (the consciousness of being conscious) level. 

Within the last decade...new "shifts" are occurring back and forth between the natural (spark of life-force) consciousness (consciousness) into the morontial self-aware level (the consciousness of being conscious) and the Thought Controller spiritualized level of tri-dimensional consciousness (the consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious).

This spiritualized level is the high spiritual state of "ever-momentarily" and "ever and always," the "eternal now."

"In the universe there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors." - William Blake
  • Was William Blake trying to find a metaphysical description for this "shifting" back and forth between the "consciousness," the "consciousness of being conscious," and the "consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious?"
  • Isn't this what the metaphysical realm of naturally evolving "in between" language is also continually attempting to do?
When you are looping endlessly in the digital paths of your system of beLIEfs, it is not possible to experience this state of "shifting" into morontial "soul self-awareness." The endlessly looping individual is self-imprisoned in the mere "spark of life-force" natural mind-consciousness. And it almost always "feels" like it is impossible to escape through the invisible walls of that self-imposed prison.

Another Way of Perceiving the Three Levels of Consciousness

155:5.2 While the religions of the world have a double origin—natural and revelatory—at any one time and among any one people there are to be found three distinct forms of religious devotion. And these three manifestations of the religious urge are:


1. Primitive religion. The seminatural and instinctive urge to fear mysterious energies and worship superior forces, chiefly a religion of the physical nature, the religion of fear.


2. The religion of civilization. The advancing religious concepts and practices of the civilizing races—the religion of the mind—the intellectual theology of the authority of established religious tradition.


3. True religion—the religion of revelation. The revelation of supernatural values, a partial insight into eternal realities, a glimpse of the goodness and beauty of the infinite character of the Father in heaven—the religion of the spirit as demonstrated in human experience.

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." -Carl Jung

Every and Always Remember: Every system of beLIEf that exists (without exception) which is not "true religion--the religion of revelation is either "pagan" or "metaphysical" or both.

On Urantia, due to the Lucifer Rebellion infection, we, as a collective whole are greatly confused when it comes to understanding these three types of outward manifestation of religion. 

The average mortal child of God mixes the pagan, the metaphysical and the spiritual together--without question, because he and she, from infancy, is taught to mix these three types without question.

Thus, these three distinct types of religion are greatly confused in the mind of the average mortal.

One only has to look up the dictionary meanings given for the words, "beLIEf" and "faith," which give almost the same exact meaning for both words.

132:3.2 Truth cannot be defined by words, only by living.

The Highest State of Achievement-Attainment

A few years ago, while attending an evening interactive skills development session at a local church, I suddenly had an illuminated thought come into the mind.
  • I am ever-momentarily...
  • I am ever and always...
Then, a further flood of potentials suddenly became actual.
  • I am ever-momentarily connected to you, Father.
  • I am ever and always desirous to do your will, Father.
  • It is my will to do your will, Father, now and forevermore.
  • I am ever and always connected to your indwelling divine spirit-presence, Father.
  • I am ever and always thankful and grateful to you, divine spirit partner, who is ever-momentarily illuminating the path forward.
  • I am ever and always thankful and grateful to you, guardian angel(s) who are watching over me and translating my Thought Controller's messages to me, and the messages coming over the Universe Broadcasts.
  • I am ever and always well in spirit-mind and body.
  • I am ever-momentarily regenerating, rejuvenating, repairing and healing throughout the fifty trillion cells in this material bio-suit.
  • I am ever and always filled with optimal well-being.
  • I am ever and always in "inner peace and tranquility."
  • I am ever-momentarily filled with happiness and joyfulness.
  • I am ever-momentarily thankful and grateful for every experience in this mortal bio-suit.
  • I am ever-momentarily observing and watching for the opportunity to be of service to your earthly children, Father, my brothers, sisters and friends.
  • I am ever-momentarily observing--in mindful stewardship--carefully watching over the thought-feelings and images which enter the mind-on-loan to me.
  • I am ever-momentarily practicing good and wise stewardship over the health of this material bio-suit.
  • I am ever and always "eating to live."
  • I am ever-momentarily humbled by the realization of how little I truly know, how small my mortal existence is compared to the morontial and spiritual knowledge which I see just ahead in my transition from mortal to morontial to spiritual universe reality-existence.
  • I am ever and always thankful and grateful for each additional day in which to gain further experiential wisdom in the material bio-suit.
  • I am ever-momentarily preparing in readiness to exit the bio-suit.
  • I ever and always "allow" myself to be led by your indwelling divine Thought Adjuster-Monitor-Controller, Father.
  • I am ever and always desirous to experience "supremacy of spirit-domination" over mind and matter.
  • I am ever and always in a state of inner prayerfulness and worshipfulness of you, Father.
These are but a few of the daily principles of practice in my own individual ascension into the high spiritual state of inner poise, inner stabilization, and the systematic unification of the physical, mental and spiritual powers within me.

100:6.5 True religion is a living love, a life of service.

Truth is Transparent and Has Nothing to Hide...

Contrary to what a few have accused me of--putting myself above others--I ask this question...
  • What is the lack you see in yourself that compels you to project that lack onto others?
Never apologize for the living truth that you are. Truth is transparent and has nothing to hide. The freest person living in the material bio-suit is the one who has nothing to hide.

Long ago, I came to realize that all I may ever do is to reveal as much as possible of my own unique life path soul-conscious journey.

This is the spiritual mission given to me. This is the stewardship of truth I long ago accepted. My mission has never been a material one. This mission has ever and always been a spiritual one.

A few have further said to me. "You are writing at such a high level that very few will ever understand what you are speaking and writing."

And to this I say... It is ever the challenge and responsibility of another to raise himself and herself to higher and higher levels of comprehension. And perhaps, my mission is not to those who are so beLIEf-bound they are unwilling to expand their knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

Perhaps...my mission at the end of it was to write from an experiential level of knowing and publish it where it may continue to be discovered by future generations.

It is said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." 

I declare that all hue-manimal perception temporarily exists in the individual mind-circuit-on-loan to the mortal child of God, which he and she is ever-momentarily seeing reflected back to the self in the "mirror of mind."

This is the deeper meaning of why I write the word "belief" as "beLIEf."

And if you comprehend the meaning of my words, perhaps you feel as "humbled" as do I when speaking and writing the "living experiential truth" of the soul-self-aware personality you are, knowing that while the words are of the vibration from which they originate, they are still "fossilized."
  • Why?
Because you understand--you comprehend the true nature of so-called hue-manimal perception as a "virtual reality" taking place in the "Mind of the Infinite Mind," the Third Person of the Trinity of Paradise Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit, in whom we live, move and have our being as mortal children of God.
  • Have you yet attained to the high spiritual state of "ever-momentarily" and "ever and always?"
  • If not... Why not?
YOU are, in actuality, already an eternal being, because you are ever-momentarily and ever and always connected to the eternal divine spirit indwelling YOU.

If you feel like you don't fit in this world, it is because you are here to help create a new one. 

All of us who are already living as eternal children of God, while transitioning beyond this "flash on--flash off" mortal experience in the bio-suit are challenged and compelled to share this inner divine reality with our fellow beings.

And it is by our collective sharing that the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of all of God's children may virally spread throughout hue-man civilization.

Always remember: sharing is divine--godlike. And we are created in the "image of God." Our Paradise Father and the Eternal Son share all with their Paradise Creator Sons; the Infinite Spirit shares all with his creative daughter spirits. And together, these creators of paradise origin share all with their created descending orders of sons all the way down to the hue-man son and daughter level, up to our ever-momentary capacity to receive the maximum of truth, beauty and goodness, reflective of our Paradise Father's eternal personality.

Be love--live love, live long, and "allow" yourself to grow into the morontial soul "true character" you--the "real" you.




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