Society is a Mass Hallucination and YOU are Participating

 society is a mass hallucination and you are participating

Society is a Mass Hallucination and 

YOU are Participating

1 Corinthians 13:11, 12, 13

…When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.…

Berean Study Bible

The Self-Reflecting Mirror of Mass Hallucination

To see “through a glass” — a mirror — “darkly” is to have an obscure or imperfect vision of reality. 

The expression comes from the writings of the Apostle Paul; he explains that we do not now see clearly, but at the end of time, we will do so.

Paul may have had a dim understanding of the "era of light and life," a time still far distant wherein hue-manity will be settled in peace--heaven on Earth.

In such eras, hue-man civilization on every evolutionary world will and does indeed see far more clearly than in earlier dispensations of evolutionary history.

From our beginning, approximately one million years ago, with the appearance of the first two true hue-man beings, Andon and Fonta, passing through the Lucifer Rebellion and the default of Adam and Eve, hue-man civilization is still working its way of an ongoing mass hallucination; society is a mass hallucination and you are participating.

Revelation is the Bridge between the Material and the Morontial

It is only through the gift of the Fifth Epochal Revelation to our planet, and through hue-man experience and decision-choosing we may slowly lift the hue-manimal self out of the "matrix of programmed delusion."

Look back over the course of your own life; see how when you were a child you thought, talked and reasoned like a child.
  • Are you still thinking immaturely? (like a child?)
  • Are you still talking immaturely? (like a child?)
  • Are you still reasoning immaturely? (like a child?)
If you have not yet attained to a state of "faith-knowing," you are still in the lower material vibration level of doubting beLIEf.

If you have not yet attained to a state of "saving hope," you are still in the lower material vibration level of "hopelessness."

If you have not yet attained to a state of "other-serving love," you are still in the lower material vibration level of "self-serving aggrandizement."

And in the lower material vibration state of "self-seeking," "selfishly narrow focus" on one's own needs before all others, you do indeed see as through a glass darkly.

The Evolution of Language Requires Expanding Definitions

The inner vision of the hue-manimal self, in relationship to those closest to you, and to the collective whole of hue-man civilization, is indeed a "beLIEf" relationship to Father's indwelling divine spirit--the Thought Adjuster--but NOT a "faith-trust" relationship with the actual divine presence of God within you.

The difference between "beLIEf" and "faith-trust" is...light years apart.

The inner-outer evolution from hopelessness, beLIEf, and selfishness to hopefulness,  faith-trust, and other-serving love is directly dependent on aligning the individual will with the will of the Paradise Father within--sincere, honest, willing and decisive co-operation with the indwelling Thought Adjuster (the pilot light, the "still small voice within," the "nuclear center of divine love within the mind."

The progressive evolution of language is one of the "master keys" to this inner-outer evolution from lower density identification with the material energy-system--the "living bio-suit" to transferring this seat of mortal identification into the morontial soul--the continuing to evolve vehicle which is destined for re-conscious-izing on Mansonia Number One, passing through the whole of the educational and socializing system of worlds, and fusing at some point with the indwelling Thought Adjuster; this is the evolutionary passage from the mortal to the morontial (angelic) to becoming fully spiritualized--first stage spirit--immortal and eternal.

An Example of Why Language is One of the "Master Keys."

I recently received an email from someone, whose fearful emotional state is sometimes leading to "suicidal feelings."

While the content of the other person's email is private, I can share with you my response (after twenty-four hours of pondering my response, and asking my indwelling Thought Adjuster to assist me.)

My Friend...

I know what it is like to lose my whole family to willful ignorance. I have almost no contact whatsoever with my children, brothers, and extended family. 

My dad and mom transitioned many decades ago, due to poisoning themselves.

It is ever true that the choices we make determine the quality of life we experience here, regardless of the challenging circumstances we face in the external world.

I realized some many years ago, now, that I cannot, nor would I desire to control the choices of my children, family members and friends.

This was emotionally very challenging for me. I no longer feel that I have to do anything where others are concerned, unless asked. This is a very difficult and challenging concept, because of our strong emotions where others are concerned, especially when bloodline offspring, parents, and grandparents are involved.

Our emotions are very powerful and not easy (most of the time) from which to distance the self.

It was in the growing realization (and always is) of how we attempt to solve our perceived problems and challenges…without including the will of God… For me…therein laid (and lies) the crux of the past confusion (and present), the past inner fears, anxiety, distrust (in Father’s will and in others), impatience, anger, tragedy and sorrow.

I have, like so many (including you, my friend) experienced many tragedies of which I have never spoken. And it is my personal realization that it was not allowing myself to distance myself from my strong and power emotions, and not the tragedies themselves, which almost led to suicide.

At that time in my life, when I lost everything dear to me, as well as all of my material possessions, I was on a homeless bent to destroy myself with smoking, drinking and other street drugs.

But for the grace of God, and my continuing to struggle to distance myself from my emotions, in order to allow Father’s indwelling divine spirit to help me see beyond the dark glass into the clearer light of day, I would have succeeded in ending my life in 1978-79.

Everyday, across Urantia, these same hue-man struggles to distance the self from powerful hue-man emotions, reveals the degree to which we are all trying to solve our problems and challenges without aligning our wills to the will of our Paradise Father within us.

I cannot solve anyone else’s challenges of learning to distance the self from powerfully self-imprisoning emotions. It is a sobering realization that I can only do this for myself.

And I can only accomplish this by aligning my will with Father’s will, ever-momentarily, when I see myself descending down, again, into these lower level negative and self-destructive emotions.

Over the decades I have pondered and meditated much upon these following two passages from The Urantia Book:
111:5.1 The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God—with the very God who has made such a creature life of inner meaning-value possible. Sharing is Godlike—divine. God shares all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, while they, in turn, share all things with the divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes.

111:5.2 The imitation of God is the key to perfection; the doing of his will is the secret of survival and of perfection in survival.
From the distancing apart from my strong emotions…from the distance of time…the path to greater inner peace is always revealed in wisdom—in greater clarity…

My prayer for you is that you will “allow” Father’s indwelling divine presence to reveal, in greater and greater clarity, the path to seeing all that you are experiencing with greater understanding, clearer reasoning, and faith-trust in Father’s will that every trial, tribulation and tragedy may work to make us stronger, instead of weaker, more soul self-aware, instead of merely hue-manly aware and seemingly “inseparably bound” to our fear-reactions.

“Love is the desire to do good to others.” This is the whole—the sum and substance of “doing the will of our Father's will, while we are here experiencing in the material “bio-suit.” It is indeed the sum and substance of becoming all that we can be—both in time and in eternity.

Acquire a “longer-distance-view,” my friend, in faith-trust in our Father’s will, and you will begin to experience that peace which passes all understanding.”

1 Corinthians 13:11, 12, 13

…When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a (man, woman) I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.

With much love, 

Timothy :-)


Make a Study of All References to Andon and Fonta in The Urantia Book

63:0.3   ...Andon is the Nebadon name which signifies "the first Fatherlike creature to exhibit human perfection hunger." Fonta signifies "the first Sonlike creature to exhibit human perfection hunger." Andon and Fonta never knew...
63:0.2   ...Man-mind has appeared on 606 of Satania, and these parents of the new race shall be called Andon and Fonta. And all archangels pray that these creatures may speedily be endowed with the personal indwelling...
63:1.1   ...In many respects, Andon and Fonta were the most remarkable pair of human beings that have ever lived on the face of the earth. This wonderful pair, the actual parents of all mankind, were in every way superior to many of their immediate descendants...
63:1.4   ...The decision of Andon and Fonta to flee from the Primates tribes implies a quality of mind far above the baser intelligence which characterized so many of their later descendants who stooped to mate with their retarded cousins of the simian tribes...
63:1.0   ...1. Andon and Fonta...
63:2.1   ...After Andon and Fonta had decided to flee northward, they succumbed to their fears for a time, especially the fear of displeasing their father and immediate family. They envisaged being set upon by hostile relatives and thus recognized...
63:3.4   ...Andon and Fonta labored incessantly for the nurture and uplift of the clan. They lived to the age of forty-two, when both were killed at the time of an earthquake by the falling of an overhanging rock. Five of their children and eleven grandchildren...
63:3.6   ...This family of Andon and Fonta held together until the twentieth generation, when combined food competition and social friction brought about the beginning of dispersion....
63:3.2   ...Andon and Fonta had nineteen children in all, and they lived to enjoy the association of almost half a hundred grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren. The family was domiciled in four adjoining rock shelters, or semicaves, three...
63:5.2   ...Before this extensive ice sheet reached France and the British Isles, the descendants of Andon and Fonta had pushed on westward over Europe and had established more than one thousand separate settlements along the great rivers leading...
63:6.9   ...Although both Andon and Fonta had received Thought Adjusters, as had many of their descendants, it was not until the days of Onagar that the Adjusters and guardian seraphim came in great numbers to Urantia. This was, indeed, the golden age...
63:7.1   ...Andon and Fonta, the splendid founders of the human race, received recognition at the time of the adjudication of Urantia upon the arrival of the Planetary Prince, and in due time they emerged from the regime of the mansion worlds...
63:7.3   ...Andon and Fonta, shortly after their arrival on Jerusem, received permission from the System Sovereign to return to the first mansion world to serve with the morontia personalities...
63:7.0   ...7. The Survival of Andon and Fonta...
63:7.2   ...On Jerusem both Andon and Fonta were fused with their Thought Adjusters, as also were several of their children, including Sontad, but the majority of even their immediate descendants only achieved Spirit fusion....
64:0.1   ...THIS is the story of the evolutionary races of Urantia from the days of Andon and Fonta, almost one million years ago, down through the times of the Planetary Prince to the end of the ice age....
64:1.6   ...950,000 years ago the descendants of Andon and Fonta had migrated far to the east and to the west. To the west they passed over Europe to France and England. In later times they penetrated eastward...
64:2.1   ...900,000 years ago the arts of Andon and Fonta and the culture of Onagar were vanishing from the face of the earth; culture, religion, and even flintworking were at their lowest ebb....
64:5.1   ... families were left. But these survivors were the most intelligent and desirable of all the then living descendants of Andon and Fonta....
64:6.3   ...1. The red man. These peoples were remarkable specimens of the human race, in many ways superior to Andon and Fonta. They were a most intelligent group and were the first of the Sangik children to develop a tribal civilization...
65:1.8   ... of being. And I have functioned on Urantia in this third phase of existence ever since the times of Andon and Fonta....
65:3.4   ...Even the loss of Andon and Fonta before they had offspring, though delaying human evolution, would not have prevented it. Subsequent to the appearance of Andon and Fonta and before the mutating human potentials of animal life...
65:4.8   ...Another outstanding variation of procedure was the late arrival of the Planetary Prince. As a rule, the prince appears on a planet about the time of will development; and if such a plan had been followed, Caligastia might have come to Urantia even during the lifetimes of Andon and Fonta...
65:4.9   ...On an ordinary inhabited world a Planetary Prince would have been granted on the request of the Life Carriers at, or sometime after, the appearance of Andon and Fonta. But Urantia having been designated a life-modification planet...
, it was by preagreement that the Melchizedek observers, twelve in number, were sent as advisers to the Life Carriers and as overseers of the planet until the subsequent arrival of the Planetary Prince. These Melchizedeks came at the time Andon and Fonta made the decisions which enabled Thought...
66:2.6   ... of one hundred selected survivors of the Andon and Fonta stock into the material bodies to be projected for the corporeal members of the Prince's staff. The request was granted on Jerusem and approved on Edentia....
66:2.7   ...Accordingly, fifty males and fifty females of the Andon and Fonta posterity, representing the survival of the best strains of that unique race, were chosen by the Life Carriers. With one or two exceptions these Andonite contributors...
67:3.8   ...Amadon is the outstanding human hero of the Lucifer rebellion. This male descendant of Andon and Fonta was one of the one hundred who contributed life plasm to the Prince's staff, and ever since...
79:0.1   ...ASIA is the homeland of the human race. It was on a southern peninsula of this continent that Andon and Fonta were born; in the highlands of what is now Afghanistan, their descendant Badonan founded a primitive center...
122:1.1   ... of his progenitors. The ancestry of the father of Jesus went back to the days of Abraham and through this venerable patriarch to the earlier lines of inheritance leading to the Sumerians and Nodites and, through the southern tribes of the ancient blue man, to Andon and Fonta. David...
136:4.5   ... over the whole span of human life on Urantia, from the days of Andon and Fonta, down through Adam's default, and on to the ministry of the Melchizedek of Salem...


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