Pretended To Swim

Pretended to Swim…

(Written in 2006)

You can’t see the wind…just the rustling of the leaves…
but can you feel my spirit trying to set your Love free…?
you can move a mountain right before your very eyes…
but can you feel my spirit speaking within your mind…?

to the brotherhood…with Paradise Father, above…?
or is your Love growing colder? as you grow older…
talk the talk…work your games…say you Love your neighbor…
but hide the truth, just the same…point that finger to blame…
when your life comes to its end…you pretended to swim…?

What kind of friend is it that never comes around…
never takes time to talk his differences out…
he puts himself above you, but never on a par…
makes no effort to change…keeps his love in a jar…

Do you know the way to the spirit kingdom of Love…
to the brotherhood…with Paradise Father, above…?
or is your Love growing colder? as you grow older…
talk the talk…work your games…say you Love your neighbor…
but hide the truth, just the same…point that finger to blame…?
when your life comes to its end…you pretended to swim…?

Now, brothers and sisters, in this present age of self…
fence sitters keep their Love locked up in a mental swell…?
so absorbed in yourselves…you are deaf, dumb and blind…
is this is the reason why we are so far behind…?

Do you know the way to the spirit kingdom of Love…
to the brotherhood…with Paradise Father, above…?
or is your Love growing colder? as you grow older…
talk the talk…work your games…say you Love your neighbor…
but hide the truth, just the same…point that finger to blame…?
when your life comes to its end…you pretended to swim…?

You masturbate your sacred book and you still close your eyes…
turn your backs on your brothers until the day you die…
maybe they will find your dead bodies in that dry riverbed…
where you intellectualized truth, but pretended to swim…

Do you know the way to the spirit kingdom of Love…
to the brotherhood…with Paradise Father, above…?
or is your Love growing colder? as you grow older…
talk the talk…work your games…say you Love your neighbor…
but hide the truth, just the same…point that finger to blame…?
when your life comes to its end…you pretended to swim…?

maybe they will find your dead bodies in that dry riverbed…
where you intellectualized truth, but pretended to swim…
pretended to swim…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020



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