
Showing posts from February, 2021

I Am Living Awareness of the I Am Now

 I Am Living Awareness of the I Am Now (Written February 24th, 2019) Every moment I re-awaken to the truth the illusion of separation never existed the moment I stepped into life and all through my youth each frame of the perfect mirror projection persisted I am one with Life-Giver from whom I came forth to experience within the material form--the bio-suit as I walk into it...I walk out of it--reborn no thought, unkind... no feelings that bind...I am enroute Instantaneously appearing and disappearing beyond body identity onto eternal stage personality-spirit-mind...soul is emerging  aware of each moment by moment acts of today I am one with Life-Giver from whom I came forth to experience within the material form--the bio-suit as I walk into it...I walk out of it--reborn no thought, unkind... no feelings that bind...I am enroute Every moment I re-awaken to the truth the illusion of separation never existed the moment I stepped into life and all through my youth each frame of th...

Speak Spirit-Truth... Ascend Beyond BeLIEf--Into Reality...

Speak Spirit-Truth... Ascend Beyond BeLIEf--Into Reality... (Written February 23rd, 2021) My has taken seven decades to realize a deeper understanding...through these mature...real-soul-eyes.. below the vibration-level of faith-insight...disguised as truth...falsehoods are virtual beLIEf-fatality... Intellectual fear-fraud is but hue-man animal lies... the 'anecdotal' is projected as "truth" we all surmise to be the "truth" we project onto others..."networked ties"... spread anecdotal falsehoods...virtual fatality...  Behind beLIEf...all you see and hear...presumption...decries... truth of faith-insight as rise... above the selfishness of the mortal animal's...guise... 'lies as truth'... become your virtual beLIEf-fatality... You don't want to hear the truth.. "you can't handle the truth"...belies... projected 'anecdotal herd-think mentality'...applies... to "co...

Emerging From Cocoon...In...Stages...

 Emerging From Cocoon...In...Stages... (Written February 17th, 2021) Graciousness You can cultivate gracefulness, but graciousness is the aroma of friendliness which emanates from a love-saturated soul. The Urantia Book, (171:7.1) What more could I possibly tell you... except truth from my heart through my mind? what you beLIEve and what you faith-view... my your decisions in time... What more could I possibly reveal that you are truly ready to find? my words serve truth...only to conceal... because the light within ever blinds... Moment by is...changing... 'death'...a closed-ended word...deranges... blinds mind to not see the...emerging... from What truth might you act upon to change... the way you are choosing to live life? I look out upon a world so strange... ever perpetuating mortal strife... What truth-light might you better receive... were you to open your heart to Love? Father's Love is...inside you....

My Brother...You are Right...Even when You are Wrong...

 My Brother...You are Right...Even when You are Wrong... (Written 12/19/2014 ) Yesterday...we had a long, long talk on the phone... you were drunk, as usual...good humoring required... the person is present...mind is no longer home... alcohol is poison in the brain...neurons fire at a far lowered rate...thoughts arrive late...soon gone... Like your tragic legacy... your driftwood...that never washes ashore... illusions of the past...your present lunacy... can never get enough whiskey...always need more... a son's life lost...daughter's rejection...sad to see... Your first words to me were..."The search is now full on!" I asked you what that began to explain... overt advances toward a woman were wrong...  she soon rejected you and that drives you insane... "how can she reject this manly man?" same tired song... Some men and women are so fearful to live life... they become obsessed with romantic love...the test......

Hive-Mind Brain... What god wants...god gets...

 Hive-Mind Brain... What god wants...god gets... (Written 3/27/17) Human animal will never see the abrupt end of the cliff... all he ever sees is the path straight ahead...into the abyss... never slows down the busy brain to process the data and sift... ever preoccupied with busy details of life... and will ever miss... never see below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life... Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive... only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive... worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive... What does it take? shake hive mind loose... to ask a meaningful question...? seek a deeper answer...? to have a meaningful conversation...? flies with the swarm...only stops to sneeze...obedient to suggestion... the drone never asks and consumes to satiation... never sees below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life... Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive......

If There Were No Self...There Would Be No Self-life to Forsake...

 If There Were No Self...There Would Be No Self-life to Forsake... (Written 2/12/2014) Your life is mystery...constantly changing...rearranging  the droplets of glow...of life and love in the river flows of time in space...the footprints trace in your youthful aging... where you have been...where you begin...the path of one who knows... The path of one who knows is singular and oft alone... It is many times a lonely back road to walk... alive with the blood and thoughts of ancestors, who have shone continuous light upon timeless truth...who "walked the talk..." Hardships and disappointments strength of character... social inequalities experienced...fosters desire... to the service of one's fellow wayfarers... even when your feet must walk upon coals...pass through the fire... Without ongoing uncertainty and insecurity... there is no hope of the soul's greater spirit attainment... no grandeur of sublime faith divine guarantee...  ...

I Voice the Words of My Soul-dreaming...

 I Voice the Words of My Soul-dreaming... (Written 2/1/2017) Your Adjuster is the potential of your new and next order of existence, the advance bestowal of your eternal sonship with God. By and with the consent of your will, the Adjuster has the power to subject the creature trends of the material mind to the transforming actions of the motivations and purposes of the emerging morontial soul. The Urantia Book When I was but a child in my small thinking... no one there told me...I was a son of God... no one to "voice the words of my soul-dreaming..." on my own I would have to shed the façade... Soon I began to voice the dream in my soul... from star-dark to star-bright...part becoming whole... how desperate the climb out of the black hole... how sincere the striving to reach the high goal... You are the whispers in dreams I am dreaming... all illusions, behind me, I am leaving... shed the earth form of the flesh self-deceiving... escaping into soul-form you are weaving... Whe...

What is the...Supreme Truth...which Transcends all other Truth?

 What is the...Supreme Truth...which Transcends all other Truth? (Written 9/2/2016) Ever since a small child...I've asked...what is the truth? the indwelling divine spirit has led me to view... beliefs...'veiling shades' upon a...cosmic window... virtual projections upon mind... so, the very few... ever choose to step beyond the intellectual mirror... and look back upon the mortal from the other side... spiritual courage is required to go beyond all fear... within...intellectual self-deceiving...self hides... See there is...intellectual truth...or...spiritual truth... the whole of humankind is lost in mere...'believing' 'belief' versus 'faith' is ever confused in one's youth...  in maturity...why are you still self-deceiving? Arrogance is the ignorant focus upon...self... self-justification...the selfish need to be right... focus upon the past...finger-pointing...the mind dwells upon all things external as the cause of one's plight... Within ...

A Light Bridge Beyond Time

 A Light Bridge Beyond Time                                      (Written in 1996) The Gift Of Time Time is the one universal endowment of all will creatures; it is the "one talent" intrusted to all intelligent beings.  The Urantia Book, (28:6.9) To live each day--and living beyond... the dark material-energy of the gravity-bond beyond the animal focus upon the fossil past beyond a thousand and one things that will not last what separates you from the living God? To live each moment--and in the presence of God... in the super-reality of the spiritual-bond in the superconscious focus on invariable faith in the soul's eternal value, as the "living gateway" what separates you from the living God? Who dares walk beyond--these limitations of mind? who, with courage, dares accept the truth he may find? becoming astronaut of inner space, explore the great divide build mind-light bridge acro...

The Divine Radiance In Your Being Is Beyond Your Comprehension

 The Divine Radiance In Your Being Is Beyond Your Comprehension (Written February 4th, 2021) Father, Do the spiritual forces on Earth (Urantia) use evil actions of hue-mans and non-hue-mans, alike, transforming them, slowly but surely, into the higher--even...reveal... highest truths rooting in the hearts of your truth-seeking children? Let us bring this down to the level of the individual... are you allowing the indwelling spirit to transform your evil thoughts and actions into positive draw you away from evil...even...potential evil...ensure you increasingly identify with your evolving soul? only those children who achieve even a partiality of identity--achieving embryonic stage of the whole... survive the experience of physical form virtuality The "Hidden Hand of the Supreme" threads through every thought and action, throughout all mind-reality, beyond my Paradise Home... every higher and lower 'created order,' the "hidden hand" works 'conjun...

Eliminate the Word…Death…from Your Vocabulary…and Focus on Living…

Eliminate the Word…Death…from Your Vocabulary…and Focus on Living… (Written December 29th, 2014) (1226.3) 112:0.15 13. Personality may survive mortal death with identity in the surviving soul. The Adjuster and the personality are changeless; the relationship between them (in the soul) is nothing but change, continuing evolution; and if this change (growth) ceased, the soul would cease. You are concerned with dying… death is everywhere present in the world…night and day… when you are focused upon death and dying…you become stagnated…and wasting away… death is a human concept… if you understood more about…personality survival…you would concern yourself only with life…living…immortality… Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living… what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving… to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light… you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight… ...

Another Tiny Crack In The Shell...

 Another Tiny Crack in the Shell… (Written in 1983) Wandering along this life-laden, Oregonian coastline, eventide rushes in to greet an endlessly deep, volcanic-red sunset.  As a rarely recollected past flashes a barrage of tortured faces, mortally alien to me, growing mental tentacles, and which entwine the momentarily arriving edges of my future reality, I painfully struggle to free one foothold in the threshold of mortal pride and vanity, the other naturally gravitating into the door of eternal sanity… There is no turning back… You have been continuously projecting outwardly, onto all others, the negative emotions of fear and distrust, which you have tried for so long to disown. You don’t remember the reasons, or their origins, just your self-inflicted misery and selfish suffering, from childhood to the present. The seagull, faithful to its pre-designed purpose, flies, without questioning, to its programmed destination. And I’m ever left with more questions than answers… T...

A Dream So Real...It Must Be the...Real You...

 A Dream So Real...It Must Be the...Real You... (Written May 13th, 2017) Each passing moment...reflecting in the mirror... of the...mind's eye...the goal is getting clearer... I am truth, beauty and goodness a mirror reflection of you... all that I now am... all that I will ever be... You are the eternal view... The love of the Father the love of the brother  to lay down the mortal self for another... The love of the Father the love of a friend the dream in the bio-suit must end... a dream so must be the real you... wake up...wake up...wake up... I am the...real you... The eternal each moment arriving... in the...mind's eye...I am the soul that's glowing youth eternal...values survive... a mirror reflection of you... it is my will...your will be done...eternally You are the eternal view... The love of the Father the love of the brother  to lay down the mortal self for another... the love of the Father the love of a friend the dre...