Speak Spirit-Truth... Ascend Beyond BeLIEf--Into Reality...
Speak Spirit-Truth... Ascend Beyond BeLIEf--Into Reality...
(Written February 23rd, 2021)
My friend...it has taken seven decades to realize
a deeper understanding...through these mature...real-soul-eyes..
below the vibration-level of faith-insight...disguised
as truth...falsehoods are virtual beLIEf-fatality...
Intellectual fear-fraud is but hue-man animal lies...
the 'anecdotal' is projected as "truth" we all surmise
to be the "truth" we project onto others..."networked ties"...
spread anecdotal falsehoods...virtual fatality...
Behind beLIEf...all you see and hear...presumption...decries...
truth of faith-insight as your...fear-failed-attempts...to rise...
above the selfishness of the mortal animal's...guise...
'lies as truth'... become your virtual beLIEf-fatality...
You don't want to hear the truth.. "you can't handle the truth"...belies...
projected 'anecdotal herd-think mentality'...applies...
to "copy n' paste" busy-minds tasked to ever criticize...
lies are 'truth'...nothing but virtual beLIEf-fatality...
'Faith-insight'...you must claim...as...'God-given right'...which allies...
you vibrationally to Father's will--in mind-so-wise
to...step beyond fear... embrace indwelling spirit's loving plies
speak spirit-truth... ascend beyond beLIEf--into...reality...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021