Hive-Mind Brain... What god wants...god gets...

 Hive-Mind Brain... What god wants...god gets...

(Written 3/27/17)

Human animal will never see the abrupt end of the cliff...

all he ever sees is the path straight ahead...into the abyss...

never slows down the busy brain to process the data and sift...

ever preoccupied with busy details of life... and will ever miss...

never see below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life...

Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive...

only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive...

worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive...

What does it take? shake hive mind loose... to ask a meaningful question...?

seek a deeper answer...? to have a meaningful conversation...?

flies with the swarm...only stops to sneeze...obedient to suggestion...

the drone never asks and consumes to satiation...

never sees below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life...

Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive...

only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive...

worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive...

His world is ever coming to a quick end... he smashes headlong...

into his brick wall...he crashes to ground... his delusional song...

that ear worm in his head never goes away...what is right is wrong...

what is false is truth... he will never feel compelled to get along...

never sees below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life...

Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive...

only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive...

worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive...

Genetically imprinted...State-stamped-certified from his birth...

educated the perfect-imperfect order-command-follower...

a well-oiled clever little cog in the Great Machine of Dark Arts Earth...

telepathically receives from King and Queen...his orders... 

never sees below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life...

Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive...

only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive...

worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive...

Smoke stick-drinks... swallows his Doctor-blessed pills... "we all die when we die..."

fluoride swallows...without a second thought...unseen calcified Third Eye...

seven hundred twenty-four trillion cells...every single one starving...

the damage is done...answers to no one...body and brain harming...

never sees below the surface...the deeper meanings of his life...

Hive-mind brain...feels no pain...his mind is engaged to auto-drive...

only near-death may be enough to shake him up to feel alive...

worker bee awaken to see he is a drone in the mind-hive...

Remember: what gods want...gods get...when you live in the hive-mind...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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