Eliminate the Word…Death…from Your Vocabulary…and Focus on Living…

Eliminate the Word…Death…from Your Vocabulary…and Focus on Living…

(Written December 29th, 2014)

(1226.3) 112:0.15 13. Personality may survive mortal death with identity in the surviving soul. The Adjuster and the personality are changeless; the relationship between them (in the soul) is nothing but change, continuing evolution; and if this change (growth) ceased, the soul would cease.

You are concerned with dying… death is everywhere present in the world…night and day…
when you are focused upon death and dying…you become stagnated…and wasting away…
death is a human concept… if you understood more about…personality
survival…you would concern yourself only with life…living…immortality…

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…

Ego-attachment to intellect…becoming fixed…is ever…the barrier…
ego-attachment…fixation to another’s beliefs…the chief inhibitor…
to spiritual growth… attachment and fixation to your own beliefs…blocking…
all beliefs becoming the wall against which heads bang in endless wailing and praying…

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…

My friend…are you elastically transcending what you have been taught to believe…?
are you allowing yourself to transcend fear…fixed ideas…and go where spirit leads…
to an “irrevocable decision” eternally be serving our Father’s will…
so identify with soul and indwelling spirit…each moment of life may thrill…?

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…

Understanding that personality and indwelling spirit are…changeless…
human life experience must ever be changing…thought evolution is endless…
those focused upon the past…death…and dying…are in danger of cessation of growth…
focus upon…being change…upon indwelling spirit to which you are betrothed…

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…

Where the personality-experience, the soul and the indwelling spirit are…eternally one…
Jesus said…”when you see me…you see the Father…” living word of the Creator Son…
“I am the way…the truth…and the light… no one comes to the Father..but by me…”
this is what it means to “lose your life…that you may find it…” spiritually see…

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…

Through mortal experience and moral decisions…indwelling spirit may contact
with…achieve increasing soul-integration with personality…and attracts
both to itself…revealing the Father…through the fostering of true character…
in endless depths of…truth…beauty…goodness…fusion occurs…transcending the barrier…

Eliminate the word…death…from your vocabulary…and focus on living…
what is the meaning of life…if not…learning to unselfishly love…love giving…
to the truth-hungry souls…who are searching for words of comfort…life-giving light…
you are given power to exhaust yourself that others may have spiritual sight…
in endless depths of…truth…beauty…goodness…fusion occurs…transcending the barrier…

© Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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