If There Were No Self...There Would Be No Self-life to Forsake...

 If There Were No Self...There Would Be No Self-life to Forsake...

(Written 2/12/2014)

Your life is mystery...constantly changing...rearranging 

the droplets of glow...of life and love in the river flows

of time in space...the footprints trace in your youthful aging...

where you have been...where you begin...the path of one who knows...

The path of one who knows is singular and oft alone...

It is many times a lonely back road to walk...

alive with the blood and thoughts of ancestors, who have shone

continuous light upon timeless truth...who "walked the talk..."

Hardships and disappointments faced...build strength of character...

social inequalities experienced...fosters desire...

to altruism...in the service of one's fellow wayfarers...

even when your feet must walk upon coals...pass through the fire...

Without ongoing uncertainty and insecurity...

there is no hope of the soul's greater spirit attainment...

no grandeur of sublime faith trust...no divine guarantee... 

mind that...knows...knows ever less than its present acquirement...

In this supreme assertion of thought...faith may become bridge...

ascend the material mind and see with spiritual eyes...

falsehood and error...present evil...escape its bondage...

and love the truth so much you mount its wings...go where truth flies...

Let relative goodness and beauty stimulate your reach...

your inching toward a clearer concept of the divine...

indwelling divine spirit through intuition may teach...

a tempered idealism allows the mortal soul to shine...

When you exhibit valorous devotion to duty...

you experience...default, betrayal and desertion...

carry on amidst the fury...in truth...goodness...beauty...

the highest good...is loyalty that remains...the solution...

Must face the face... the unceasing, inescapable self...

is ever clamoring for honor and recognition...

In unselfishness...self-forgetfulness...escape the shell...

good from potential evil...clarifies true intention...

In the great test...human experience...you are at your best...

a subtlety of wisdom so sublime...self is absent...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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