Another Tiny Crack In The Shell...

 Another Tiny Crack in the Shell…

(Written in 1983)

Wandering along this life-laden, Oregonian coastline, eventide rushes in to greet an endlessly deep, volcanic-red sunset. 

As a rarely recollected past flashes a barrage of tortured faces, mortally alien to me, growing mental tentacles, and which entwine the momentarily arriving edges of my future reality, I painfully struggle to free one foothold in the threshold of mortal pride and vanity, the other naturally gravitating into the door of eternal sanity…

There is no turning back…

You have been continuously projecting outwardly, onto all others, the negative emotions of fear and distrust, which you have tried for so long to disown. You don’t remember the reasons, or their origins, just your self-inflicted misery and selfish suffering, from childhood to the present.

The seagull, faithful to its pre-designed purpose, flies, without questioning, to its programmed destination. And I’m ever left with more questions than answers…

There is no turning back…

A cheesecake-colored moon is reflecting the sun’s living warmth, from a dead and desolate surface, the waste-product of an absolutely present thought in an eternally remote space and time.

And for the first time in my life, I realize I have been walking through this life, as one who, from birth, has been blind…

“Blessed is the mind, whose thoughts have wings… And like the songbirds of a feather, have their own song to sing…”

There is no turning back…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021



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