Emerging From Cocoon...In...Stages...
Emerging From Cocoon...In...Stages...
(Written February 17th, 2021)
You can cultivate gracefulness, but graciousness is the aroma of friendliness which emanates from a love-saturated soul.
The Urantia Book, (171:7.1)
What more could I possibly tell you...
except truth from my heart through my mind?
what you beLIEve and what you faith-view...
my friend...is your decisions in time...
What more could I possibly reveal
that you are truly ready to find?
my words serve truth...only to conceal...
because the light within ever blinds...
Moment by moment...life is...changing...
'death'...a closed-ended word...deranges...
blinds mind to not see the...emerging...
from the...cocoon...new life...in...stages...
What truth might you act upon to change...
the way you are choosing to live life?
I look out upon a world so strange...
ever perpetuating mortal strife...
What truth-light might you better receive...
were you to open your heart to Love?
Father's Love is...inside you...will weave
you into newly ascending son...
Moment by moment...life is...changing...
'death'...a closed-ended word...deranges...
blinds mind to not see the...emerging...
from the...cocoon...new life...in...stages...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021