53 - The Less I Know the More I See Divine Spirit's Glow

The Less I Know the More I See Divine Spirit's Glow

The maintenance of world-wide civilization is dependent on human beings learning how to live together in peace and fraternity.

(The Urantia Book 81:6.36

The Less I Know the More I See Divine Spirit's Glow 

(Written 3/3/2022)

In my growing soul into mature true character
and with my Thought Controller, I am inheritor
of an inner peace, happiness, and joy without strife,
love without conditions...into an eternal life...

The less I know the more I see divine spirit's glow...
love is disinterested in being right but...lets truth flow...
understanding my sister and my brother is right
in spiritual unity...greater cosmic insight...

"Living faith" is the connection to spirit divine
the "doing of Father's will" is the mortal mind "lifeline"
morontial soul...angelic mind bridge...crossing over...
mortal to angel to spirit...into...forever...

The less I know the more I see divine spirit's glow...
love is disinterested in being right but...lets truth flow...
understanding my sister and my brother is right
in spiritual unity...greater cosmic insight...

You, divine partner, are to whom I am now betrothed
and our spiritual marriage begins when I am clothed
in the light of fusion wherein emerges the new
looking back..."sincerity" was the...inner space glue...

The less I know the more I see divine spirit's glow...
love is disinterested in being right but...lets truth flow...
understanding my sister and my brother is right
in spiritual unity...greater cosmic insight...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2022

"Pure religion is pure love in action." Can you ever truly experience pure religion and pure love without both in action in the experience of selfless loving service to fellow children of God?"


sonship is the great relationship. 

With God the Supreme

achievement is the prerequisite to status—one must do something as well as be something.

(The Urantia Book 115:0.1)  

Growing Disinterest in "Being Right" versus "My Way or the Highway." 

I am presently observing myself experiencing a growing disinterest in being right about anything and everything.

Perhaps, you are also experiencing this. 

Perhaps, not. Perhaps, you still have a vested interest in being right, even when you are clearly wrong.

  • Intellectually and conceptually, you know you ought to ever be seeking peace and fraternity but continue to seek "intellectual agreement," "intellectual conformity," rather than "spiritual unity?"
  • After all, there are rules to follow, aren't there?
  • Rules set by others?
  • Your rules?
  • People just have to "follow the rules," don't they?
  • Is it ever and always "your way or the highway?"
  • "My sandbox, my rules or you can't play with me?"
  • Isn't the "my rules" selfish game the underlying source of all division amongst the children of God on Urantia?

".doG reaF | Love God"
The Inverted View

Along my journey of "exploration in writing," I have many times written about the "inverted view." At the material level of biologically programmable robotic consciousness, the hue-animal perception of reality is the inversion of true reality--spiritual realities. 

Spiritual realities of the spiritual universe are the true reality.

Always remember: The consecration to doing God's will is NOT a "surrender of will." It is the inverse relationship wherein we "allow" ourselves to make the inner connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence, get to know our Father, and by knowing him, come to love him and enter paradise within, because to be ever-momentarily joined to the indwelling Thought Adjuster is to be in paradise--every second of the day-by-day living.

Your Real Journey Begins...

When You No Longer Know What to Do...

(Written 11-1-21)

The choice to...leap forward...or...fall behind...

remain trapped or pass-through portal of mind

you ask: where does the real journey begin?

you no longer know what to do...lose? win?

Whenever you look into the mirror...

your thoughts could not be any the clearer

you see the false image of your disguise

hiding deep behind your system of lies

Self-assertion...modus operandi...

world upside down...selfish...modus grandi...

what thoughts do you most dwell on in your mind?

spirit-connection...spirit-led...will aligned...?

Whenever you look into the mirror...

your thoughts could not be any the clearer

you see the false image of your disguise

hiding deep behind your system of lies

The most simple answer...you must make complex...

you must classify, label and dissect 

you feel compelled to "bow down" before god

of authority...the path weak minds trod...

Whenever you look into the mirror...

your thoughts could not be any the clearer

you see the false image of your disguise

hiding deep behind your system of lies

So, when you no longer know what to do...

your real journey begins when you continue

to let Father's spirit shine on the way

the Thought Adjuster never leads...astray...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021 


Always Remember: When we remove the self-imprisoning shadow beLIEfs which imprison the gift of unlimited mind, there is only one place left we could possibly be...within Father's paradise presence within us. The Thought Adjuster is the Father present within us in the spirit-form of the Thought Adjuster. Therefore, are we in actuality in paradise with our Father, when we remove the self-imprisoning (moving shadows of fear and doubt on the cave wall) beLIEfs and "allow" ourselves to connect directly to him. Spiritual consciousness is the "true reality," just as mortal body-suit consciousness is the inverted virtual reality. What I am clarifying herein is an elevation of language over the “kingdom of heaven is within” concept—the highest concept understood by Jesus’s Apostles.

  • When you "allow" yourself to be sincerely honest with yourself, how much do you really know, my friend?

111:1.9 Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival. Only by selfishness, slothfulness, and sinfulness can the will of man reject the guidance of such a loving pilot and eventually wreck the mortal career upon the evil shoals of rejected mercy and upon the rocks of embraced sin. With your consent, this faithful pilot will safely carry you across the barriers of time and the handicaps of space to the very source of the divine mind and on beyond, even to the Paradise Father of Adjusters.

The older I grow...the less I know...the more I see divine spirit's glow.



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