52 - Self-importance - the Self-defeating Attribute of the Self-focused Fear-enslaved Mortal


48:6.37 You will learn that you increase your burdens and decrease the likelihood of success by taking yourself too seriously. Nothing can take precedence over the work of your status sphere—this world or the next. Very important is the work of preparation for the next higher sphere, but nothing equals the importance of the work of the world in which you are actually living. But though the work is important, the self is not. When you feel important, you lose energy to the wear and tear of ego dignity so that there is little energy left to do the work. Self-importance, not work-importance, exhausts immature creatures; it is the self element that exhausts, not the effort to achieve. You can do important work if you do not become self-important; you can do several things as easily as one if you leave yourself out. Variety is restful; monotony is what wears and exhausts. Day after day is alike—just life or the alternative of death.

The Self-defeating Attribute of the Self-focused Fear-enslaved Mortal 

Mass Formation Psychosis

Ever since the occurrence of the Lucifer Rebellion, approximately 250,000 years ago, the masses of Urantia mortals that lived in any one epoch of time have largely always been in what we are now understanding as "mass formation psychosis."
"These hypnotized by this process are unable to recognize the lies and misrepresentations they are being bombarded with on a daily basis, and actively attack anyone who has the temerity to share information with them which contradicts the propaganda that they have come to embrace."

-Dr. Robert Malone

  • We already have a clear definition. Don't we?

Mass formation psychosis may also be interpreted as the viral emotional spread from person to person of self-importance--the self-defeating attribute of the self-focused and fear-enslaved mortal mind.

  • Are YOU infected?
  • Are YOU fear-enslaving YOURSELF?
In my going and coming, I observe so many who are still walking the streets, inside stores, and doing their slave labor jobs with an invisible noose of authority around their necks. They will not...
  • not look you in the eyes...
  • not even acknowledge you with a simple "hello" when you greet them with a smile.
Such ones are lost in the dense maze of material illusion; these are but one example of the masses the above passage from The Urantia Book is referring to.

From Dark Mind Cleverness into Soul Light of True Character You

(Written 2/26/22)

As the bright light of the sun ever turns the dark night into day,
the divine spirit light within your mind will ever shine the way...
away from your dark thoughts and into the clear truth of the real you,
newly ascending soul of true character and reality-value

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2022

Wholly Material? Sem-material--Semi-spiritual? Spiritual?

Self-enslaving fear ever and always leads to laziness of mind (can't do that--no can do)--the mental faculties of creativity reduced to..."monotony is what wears and exhausts. Day after day is alike—just life or the alternative of death."

  • Are YOU living a wholly material existence?
If YOUR answer were "yes," you'd likely not be reading my words, because YOU would then be the "subject" of this article.

If YOUR answer is "no," then consider the following questions:

  • How much of YOUR reality is perceptually material?
  • How much of YOUR reality is perceptually immaterial?
  • Are YOU able to make a clear and unequivocal distinction between your material self and your evolving immaterial self?

True Faith

True faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. 

The Urantia Book, (132:3.5)

“Allow” the Absolute 
True Character of our 
Paradise Father to Shine 
Forth in the Evolving 
True Character 

Free YOURSELF from Fear-bound Self-enslavement

When you "allow" yourself to grow into the "living love" of both father and friend, not only are ALL hue-children of God "brothers and sisters," but also "friends." 

Sometimes, you may openly and mutually embrace and mutually declare who you really are; often, you are restrained to whet the appetites of your brother and sisters, your friends, for truth, giving advice only when it is asked for; even more so, you are compelled to just listen when the mind is so fear-bound with conceit and petty prejudices there is no room for truth; and in the present, more often than not, you must stand silent, after declaring the truth, in the midst of finger-pointing accusations and angry argumentativeness. 

And it takes even greater spiritual courage to silently and openly declare--ever-momentarily declare to yourself and to fellow children of God...the truth of who you really are...

  • Can you memorize and ever-momentarily say the following as an "I am" declaration, silently to yourself, out loud to yourself, and to others, not merely beLIEving, but in "living faith" knowing the truth that this is who you really are? 

I am ever and always in a state of inner peace, happiness and joyfulness, my friend. I live by a principle which came to me years ago, which says: "Entertain all but beLIEve nothing with which you have not had a direct truth-resonance experience." And I am ever and always well in spirit, mind and body, because I am a spiritual being experiencing--getting an education in a material bio-suit.
  • If you cannot readily do this...perhaps, it is because you fear to openly declare who you really are?
Such open I am declarations sometimes open doors to spiritual communications which no other response will.

These daring I am declarations not only manifest the spiritual liberty in oneself but offer another an "inner vision" of the possibility of freeing his and herself. 

In this way, the "living faith" hue-child of our Paradise Father, indwelt by his living divine spirit-presence, not only declares that the "kingdom of heaven is at hand" but is the living manifestation of the actuality-reality of one who is already an eternally ascending-spiritualizing child of God, who is continuously connected to Father's indwelling Thought-Controller.

In the ascending-spiritualizing state...herein is the reality-attainment to the "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."

The "spiritualized state" is not the mere bio-mechanical consciousness of the temporarily living "hue-animal"; it is not even limited to the evolving soul-conscious observer state (the consciousness of being conscious); it is the "spiritualized consciousness" state of the "I am conscious of the consciousness of being conscious." 


The Challenge

2:7.10 The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-looking men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe beauty, and divine goodness. Such a new and righteous vision of morality will attract all that is good in the mind of man and challenge that which is best in the human soul. Truth, beauty, and goodness are divine realities, and as man ascends the scale of spiritual living, these supreme qualities of the Eternal become increasingly co-ordinated and unified in God, who is love.

"Love, if it is to be love, cannot be forced. Thus, all humans are given a choice. Will they use their moral strength to multiply the divine and unselfish love that gives birth to freedom, or will they yield to darker forces and desires and contribute to the death of love that destroys freedom?" 

-Peter Falkenberg Brown

The actualized reality-attainment of the eternalized ascending son of my Paradise Father is ever-momentarily ready to serve in any and all capacities where there is the openness to mutually advance--make mutual progress in mind and spirit--mutual understanding and a genuine and sincere spiritual love connection.
  • And when the mind is full of self-importance - the self-defeating attribute of the self-focused and fear-enslaved mortal mind will never "allow" itself to morally and spiritually advance.
Sometimes, my friend, we must be willing to plant the "mustard seeds of potential living faith." Then, watch and wait for the opportunities to water, feed and shower the light of love upon the fertile soil of mind--knowing that for everything under the sun and in the universe, there is a time and a season.

This Section is So Important to Internalize--the Truth of which to Ever-momentarily Experience

So, I am repeating it, again.

When you "allow" yourself to grow into the "living love" of both father and friend, not only are ALL hue-children of God "brothers and sisters," but also "friends."

Sometimes, you may openly and mutually embrace and mutually declare who you really are; often, you are restrained to whet the appetites of your brother and sisters, your friends, for truth, giving advice only when it is asked for; even more so, you are compelled to just listen when the mind is so fear-bound with conceit and petty prejudices there is no room for truth; and in the present, more often than not, you must stand silent, after declaring the truth, in the midst of finger-pointing accusations and angry argumentativeness.

And it takes even greater spiritual courage to silently and openly declare--to ever-momentarily declare to yourself and to fellow children of God...

"I am ever and always in a state of inner peace, happiness and joyfulness, my friend. I live by a principle which came to me years ago, which says: "Entertain all but beLIEve nothing with which you have not had a direct truth-resonance experience." And I am ever and always well in spirit, mind and body, because I am a spiritual being experiencing--getting an education in a material bio-suit."

Such open I am declarations sometimes open doors to spiritual communications which no other response will.

These daring I am declarations not only manifest the spiritual liberty in oneself but offer another an "inner vision" of the possibility of freeing his and herself.

In this way, the "living faith" hue-child of our Paradise Father, indwelt by his living divine spirit-presence, not only declares that the "kingdom of heaven is at hand" but is the living manifestation of the actuality-reality of one who is already an eternally spiritualized ascending child of God, who is continuously connected to Father's indwelling Thought-Controller.

In the spiritualized state...herein is the reality-attainment to the "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."

Always Remember:

The inflated ego has never slept with humility.



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