
Showing posts from March, 2021

When You Stand before the Judges after Passing through the Portal

When You Stand before the Judges after Passing through the Portal (Written March 31st, 2021) Your life and name are but a jot and a tittle in the Book of Life Universe Records in truth will show how much of darkness or light you embraced while you were still living in your bio-suit as...mortal... when you stand before the Judges, after passing through the...portal... How much love did you 'freely give?' ...hand was ever out to receive? then, did you ever once question what you were 'programmed to beLIEve?' just beyond the 'mindal mirror' where vision is so much the clearer... where...mortal you...meets...soul...and...Thought Adjuster... to both draw nearer... Fusion occurs...with soul..when identity transfer is complete... mind-identity, soul and spirit fusion...personality decision completes...fusing these three into...ascending son... when true character's war with ego-character-defect is won... When you perceive that Father's spirit is...paradise with...

The Predator in the Shadows...

 The Predator in the Shadows... (Written January 27th, 1999) Walking through this world in the land of the dead... thinking about life and everything you said... Here is the answer that you seek from me... I won't ever leave my sick reality... You think I'm coming home well know this is true... I'm coming for your souls I can't live without you... For God was never there when I needed Him to be... now you'll pay with your lives spent in dark savagery... Obsessed with money obsessed with greed obsessed with profit the predator's creed Obsessed with getting even obsessed with hate obsessed with ethnic cleansing you're just meat on his plate He's the new world order man he's got the...master plan... he'll play out his hand while living in the shadows He's the millennial thinker playing chess games with life drinks the power of all dreamers like a vampire in the shadows Obsessed with evil obsessed with being right obsessed with everything and eve...

When Outer Form Expression of Inner Peace Matters Not at All

When Outer Form Expression of Inner Peace Matters Not at All (Written March 15th, 2021) When I look back through these is...mostly lies...mostly lies... the outer form expression of inner peace matters not at all when the inner self is a cesspool of warring creatures whose eyes are beckoning you in all directions which will lead to your fall... Outer form expression of inner peace is the pied piper's call... does not your outer form expression make you feel like you belong? does this belonging to the 'herd-think' lead to your inner...heal all? does outer form expression lead to no 'warring mind?' make you strong? When outer form expression and inner not match... all your words of wisdom are like tinkling cymbals and sounding brass... you 'talk your talk' but don't 'walk your walk'...continued warring you will hatch... thereupon the soul's evolving nobility you dare...trespass... Readily violate the indwelling spiri...

Talking with the Aliens...

 Talking with the Aliens... (June 5th, 1972: Based on a personal experience in 1969) He remembers…mysterious summer daze… head reaching high into atmospheric haze... lost in the fun house of the crystalline maze... his feet stretching down...never touching the ground... Then came the visions manifesting sacred sound... Mind ascending up into greater soul heights... melding with newly expanding profound sights... wishing for the neverending nights... towering crystal maze...touching the heavens...  Observe beginnings of a man...with seven... Endless nights he spent walking the crystal maze... feeling a presence at the end...stood...amazed... perhaps it was strong vibrations...he did send...? came forth two beings with luminous eyes and skin... "Feel now the power of the spirit within..." Spoke to them "mind to mind..." these all-knowing friends... he witnessed eternity in that moment... as he continued on talking with the aliens... "spirit is mother to ...

All Is Anecdotal... Not Even Facts Are but Filtered Brain-Droppings

 All Is Anecdotal... Not Even Facts Are but Filtered Brain-Droppings (Written March 22nd, 2021) The insanity of hue-manity is like sounding brass that rings nothing spoken is truth--but all that is spoken is proffered as truth all is anecdotal... not even facts are but filtered brain-droppings, inflated ego-mash ups by seasoned expert ones--the spooky sooth- sayers, who can see and predict the future in the left-right headline news they are lost in deep-ego-dive to show they know so much more than you! countless hours of research... birds of a feather flock together... they choose carefully other like-feathered birds...exclusive club for few... To be "in it"...must begin to sacrifice your true identity... your soul-reality you must sacrifice on the "Altar of God-Bias"  statism worship?...lost in third dimensional material reality... and when you speak of...ascension to is...delusional...mindless... Hue-man assumption of the "authority" to speak ...

Breathe in...Death...or...Breathe in...Life?

  Breathe in...Death...or...Breathe in...Life? (Written December 3rd, 2017) In my mind's eye picture of human civilization... so many would rather 'breathe in death' than to 'breathe in life' the focus on material things--on endless sensation... endless mind enslavement and endless internal strife... Self-deception in hue-man beLIEf is...universal... the more we beLIEve we control...the less we understand... we largely fail to see this life is a...rehearsal... the destiny of all life Father's hands... Why worry about the past? Why worry on tomorrow? suffice the bring both happiness and sorrow... and one day when you will open wide your eyes... and choose to leave behind you...your no longer needed disguise... How easily we presume to know that which we...know not... un-reality in hue-man perception is...inversion... the spirit-mind-brain...or...brain-mind-spirit...which one is thought? how rigid is your beLIEf in you...

Reflections in a Cosmic Eye...

Reflections in a Cosmic Eye... (Written in 2002 - Updated 7/21/2014) Observe water reflecting the morning sun... in the dew-laden web of the long-legged one... the Universe speaks in the atoms of light... in the contactual tones of Source of the Spirit of Life... The Reflections I see in the Cosmic Eye... expands my mortal sight beyond the dark night... as inside I penetrate the gulf to sight... building a mind-soul bridge to your spirit light.... Captive is struggling and vibrates the strings... as the long-legged one into action now springs... the Universe speaks in the atoms of light... in the contactual tones of Source of the Spirit of Life... The Reflections I see in the Cosmic Eye... expands my mortal sight beyond the dark night... as inside I penetrate the gulf to sight... building a mind-soul bridge to your spirit light.... Beyond the visible spectrum of white light... lies the gate to the womb...where the soul resides... beyond the womb-like hole extends the life-line... conne...

The Sands of Time - The Rivers of Destiny...

  The Sands of Time - The Rivers of Destiny... (Written in 2014) Across the sands of time he came... with nothing but his mortal name... he learned the rules and played the game now master of a...timeless reign... He battled monsters on high seas... slayed demons in the 'mirror of me' the master of self; the cost was deep now sails the rivers of destiny... His body...broken...and unkind... aging brain...mind sharp as a knife... the adventure continues to find...God inside... where there is no place to run or hide There is only we in Paradise no 'you' no 'I' no 'me' no vice herein lies truth...not once, but thrice Father loves Son; both love the Infinite Mind Across the sands of time he came... now master of a...timeless reign... now sails the rivers of destiny in spirit form...traveling eternity... To seek out the God of time and space... to stand in his presence...face to face... across the sands of time he came... now master of a...timeless reign... Th...

You Can Accept God Becoming Man...But Not Yourself Becoming God...

 You Can Accept God Becoming Man...But Not Yourself Becoming God... (Written August 20th, 2014) To whom did you give your power away... in the exchange for what your money bought...? give your power away every day... without so much as a second hand thought... The psychic vampires who rule the Earth... masses look to for solace from their birth... save me from myself! is what they do plead... confess your sins, my son...go with God speed... Clearly you accept God becoming man... but you won't accept man becoming God... you need a mediator...take you in hand... the dictator with whom you are so awed... The psychic vampires who rule the Earth... masses look to for solace from their birth... save me from myself! is what they do plead... listen to me, my son...go with God speed... Why you choose not to think and not to feel...? you are deathly afraid of being the real... in truth...could see the indwelling spirit... with Father...a direct relationship... The psychic vampires who rule t...

Dr. Doom's Shutter Fly Flutters and Dies

 Dr. Doom's Shutter Fly Flutters and Dies (Written September 10th, 2018) He works...watching time fly on by... he will no longer wonder...why...  he has become the...monkey see... and monkey do... thinks he is free... Protozoan who flagellates... at the altar where he self-hates... swimming deep in the black abyss... with endless stinking turds and piss... Eternal days...always the same... he hell of blame... haunting voices of others say... obey the rules or don't play... Nothing more to see...there... move on...  leaving it all wrong... psychopathy of 'beLIEf'...con... pain of bliss...when you sing their song... Always right..he is...ever bored... those whose external songs are hyped... like fingernails screeching blackboard...  songs followed as pied piper piped... Where now is...his burning desire...? Is it embers glowing... no more logs to throw on the fire? self-absorbed...his ego showing? His loopi...

Summed Urantia Life Of True Character I Here Choose To Live...

 Summed Urantia Life Of True Character I Here Choose To Live... (Written March 1st, 2021) Overcoming evil "There is mighty power in the expulsive energy of a new and sincere spiritual affection. And again I say to you, be not overcome by evil but rather overcome evil with good."  Jesus, The Urantia Book, (156:5.5) Not my will, Father, but your will be the course I choose... we further conjointly-create-contribute to the Supreme all that has...survival value...the scaffolding...sloughed off...we lose... in ascension beyond the...veiled state of a dimly lit dark dream... The goal is ever to slow down feelings, thoughts and images... we experience in  attempted mastery of animal man...  to be..."instantly aware"...of..."busy thoughts"...mind engages... ascends far beyond..."shoulda, coulda, woulda"...the...great gulf is...spanned... Greatly slowed down..."instantly identify"...useless thoughts... with..."deliberate decision...

Spirit Exists In Every Cell In Your Body

  Spirit Exists In Every Cell In Your Body (Written February 16th, 2021) God Is Seeking You "...I have come to show you that, while you are seeking to find God, God is likewise seeking to find you." Jesus, The Urantia Book, (169:1.2) Friend, your physical body does not belong to you! the mind and personality are also on loan! your experiences and identity--mortal view-- plus your unselfish decisions-actions--cosmic tone unifies your mortal identity with spirit... transfers hueman angelic values--warp of the soul-- which spirit into spirit-child faithfully weaves it... angelic soul-body for...resurrection day goal...  Without spirit--life--no life may ever exist spirit exists in every cell in your body it is...union with spirit...why the soul may persist... God's spirit is within all--seek and you will find me... So, friend...this is why your mortal body is your temple! are you poisoning your temple into an early grave? clean thoughts, healthy foods and pure water--a life-...