When You Stand before the Judges after Passing through the Portal

When You Stand before the Judges after Passing through the Portal

(Written March 31st, 2021)

Your life and name are but a jot and a tittle in the Book of Life

Universe Records in truth will show how much of darkness or light

you embraced while you were still living in your bio-suit as...mortal...

when you stand before the Judges, after passing through the...portal...

How much love did you 'freely give?' ...hand was ever out to receive?

then, did you ever once question what you were 'programmed to beLIEve?'

just beyond the 'mindal mirror' where vision is so much the clearer...

where...mortal you...meets...soul...and...Thought Adjuster... to both draw nearer...

Fusion occurs...with soul..when identity transfer is complete...

mind-identity, soul and spirit fusion...personality

decision completes...fusing these three into...ascending son...

when true character's war with ego-character-defect is won...

When you perceive that Father's spirit is...paradise within you...

acceptance of Thought Adjuster's 'blueprint' will sometime 'ring true'

'faith' then melds with spirit's domination over mind and matter

to transcend the great gulf... mortal bio-suit in the...fire...will...scatter...

And then, the true character you...the real you...you will have become...

the parts into cosmic whole are now far greater than the...mere sum...

when true character's war with ego-character-defect is won...

see...it is ever up to you to make the final decision...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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