You Can Accept God Becoming Man...But Not Yourself Becoming God...

 You Can Accept God Becoming Man...But Not Yourself Becoming God...

(Written August 20th, 2014)

To whom did you give your power away...

in the exchange for what your money bought...?

give your power away every day...

without so much as a second hand thought...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

confess your sins, my son...go with God speed...

Clearly you accept God becoming man...

but you won't accept man becoming God...

you need a mediator...take you in hand...

the dictator with whom you are so awed...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

listen to me, my son...go with God speed...

Why you choose not to think and not to feel...?

you are deathly afraid of being the real...

in truth...could see the indwelling spirit...

with Father...a direct relationship...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

now follow me, my son...go with God speed...

You know not to live an authentic life...

a clone of a clone of a clone...unreal...

too lazy to think for light...

ever penetrates the mind...fear seals...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

just obey me, my son...go with God speed...

You will never change... you have no courage...

unless belief breaks down...opens to faith...

you think change is hanging on to baggage...

ever following behind you...your wraith...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

now die for me, my son...go with God speed...

The planet speeds along...masses...unchanged...

hypnotized, enslaved, psychotic....deranged...

no awakening, but those awakened...

who saved themselves from dark mind...fake it...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

I ate your soul...your children feed my needs...

The self-destruction cycle is unbroken...

as it has remained throughout history...

God will not save planets that have chosen...

to disown his light...who refuse to see...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...

masses look to for solace from their birth...

save me from myself! is what they do plead...

I am the Destroyer of Worlds...worship me...

When you continue to give away all of your personal and economic power to the psychic vampires…you are murdering yourself…and you yourself become the psychic vampire; your appetite is insatiable… You leave a trail of destruction behind you… And you yourself become…the Destroyer of Worlds…

50:6.2 The development of civilization on Urantia has not differed so greatly from that of other worlds which have sustained the misfortune of spiritual isolation. But when compared with the loyal worlds of the universe, your planet seems most confused and greatly retarded in all phases of intellectual progress and spiritual attainment. 

–The Urantia Book – Paper 50 – The Planetary Princes

(2082.5) 195:8.13 The complete secularization of science, education, industry, and society can lead only to disaster. During the first third of the twentieth century Urantians killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of the Christian dispensation up to that time. And this is only the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and secularism; still more terrible destruction is yet to come. 

–The Urantia Book – Paper 195 – After Pentecost

You Can Accept God Becoming Man...but not Yourself Becoming God...3

MONSanto (MONSatan) should be awarded the title of the most evil corporation on the face of the Earth…


You Can Accept God Becoming Man...but not Yourself Becoming God...13

Mammoth tumors, cancer and death in rats and mice, as a result of eating MONSatan GMO corn…


God will not save planets that have chosen…

to disown his light…who refuse to see…

in truth…could see the indwelling spirit…

with Father…a direct relationship…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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