Summed Urantia Life Of True Character I Here Choose To Live...

 Summed Urantia Life Of True Character I Here Choose To Live...

(Written March 1st, 2021)

Overcoming evil

"There is mighty power in the expulsive energy of a new and sincere spiritual affection. And again I say to you, be not overcome by evil but rather overcome evil with good." 

Jesus, The Urantia Book, (156:5.5)

Not my will, Father, but your will be the course I choose...

we further conjointly-create-contribute to the Supreme

all that has...survival value...the scaffolding...sloughed off...we lose...

in ascension beyond the...veiled state of a dimly lit dark dream...

The goal is ever to slow down feelings, thoughts and images...

we experience in  attempted mastery of animal man...

 to be..."instantly aware"...of..."busy thoughts"...mind engages...

ascends far beyond..."shoulda, coulda, woulda"...the...great gulf is...spanned...

Greatly slowed down..."instantly identify"...useless thoughts...

with..."deliberate decision"...sincerely...just let go...

reengage with Father's indwelling Thought you ought...

..."turn the page"...see you further advancing into...spirit's glow...

I no longer think of myself as being of a certain age...

I am that I am...experiencing in the mortal bio-suit...

I have not yet my new universe name with which to engage...

but others continue to call me a "name," while I am enroute...

Attainment to..."supremacy of spirit-domination"

summed Urantia life...true character...we build as we conceive...

my divine spirit parents well see my growing elation

as good fortune permits time for soul growth--faith versus beLIEf... 

Greatly slowed down..."instantly identify"...useless thoughts...

with..."deliberate decision"...sincerely...just let go...

reengage with Father's indwelling Thought you ought...

"turn the page"...advancing...into oneness with...spirit's glow...

The attainment to true character....IS...true success...

the attainment to true character...Love...IS...true success...

Love...IS...true success...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

Go To Master Listing


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