When Outer Form Expression of Inner Peace Matters Not at All

When Outer Form Expression of Inner Peace Matters Not at All

(Written March 15th, 2021)

When I look back through these soul-eyes...it is...mostly lies...mostly lies...

the outer form expression of inner peace matters not at all

when the inner self is a cesspool of warring creatures whose eyes

are beckoning you in all directions which will lead to your fall...

Outer form expression of inner peace is the pied piper's call...

does not your outer form expression make you feel like you belong?

does this belonging to the 'herd-think' lead to your inner...heal all?

does outer form expression lead to no 'warring mind?' make you strong?

When outer form expression and inner reality...do not match...

all your words of wisdom are like tinkling cymbals and sounding brass...

you 'talk your talk' but don't 'walk your walk'...continued warring you will hatch...

thereupon the soul's evolving nobility you dare...trespass...

Readily violate the indwelling spirit's holy temple...

beLIEf-fear poison the bio-suit into disease and early death... 

never question... just fear-fraud-follow along...the plan so simple...

'herd-think' 'bot-think' 'clone dream' life until you...find yourself out of breath...

Then, whether you are right...or whether you are wrong...you are still right..

in your own reflection in 'mirror of mind' all others are wrong...

in the life-long warring mind...you will never give up the fight...

never give in... in 'herds' you learned to 'go along to get along'...

So, I say to you...please don't bother to become a...real thinker...

"I'm not going to change for anyone for any reason," you will say...

inside matrix...it's steak, wine, sex, cigarettes...heavy drinker...

entitlements...licensed liberty...set point ad-in...winning play...

When I look back through these soul-eyes...it is...mostly lies...mostly lies...

the outer form expression of inner peace matters not at all

when the inner self is a cesspool of warring creatures whose eyes

are beckoning you in all directions which will lead to your fall...

Resurrect to look back through your soul-eyes...realize... it's mostly lies...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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