Breathe in...Death...or...Breathe in...Life?

 Breathe in...Death...or...Breathe in...Life?

(Written December 3rd, 2017)

In my mind's eye picture of human civilization...

so many would rather 'breathe in death' than to 'breathe in life'

the focus on material things--on endless sensation...

endless mind enslavement and endless internal strife...

Self-deception in hue-man beLIEf is...universal...

the more we beLIEve we control...the less we understand...

we largely fail to see this life is a...rehearsal...

the destiny of all life Father's hands...

Why worry about the past? Why worry on tomorrow?

suffice the bring both happiness and sorrow...

and one day when you will open wide your eyes...

and choose to leave behind you...your no longer needed disguise...

How easily we presume to know that which we...know not...

un-reality in hue-man perception is...inversion...

the spirit-mind-brain...or...brain-mind-spirit...which one is thought?

how rigid is your beLIEf in your own...thought-illusion...

With each breath in each moment I choose to breathe in...spirit...

the oneness I feel with your words may describe...

those who attack in fear...really desire to draw near it...

if only they would choose to release themselves...inside...

Why worry about the past? Why worry on tomorrow?

suffice the bring both happiness and sorrow...

and one day when you will open wide your eyes...

and choose to leave behind you...your no longer needed disguise...

Each beLIEf is a my soul I exempt...

I transfer to my...real self...only values which survive...

to breathe to let go of beLIEf that is...death...

each moment of love the eternal now...imbibe...

Why worry about the past? Why worry on tomorrow?

suffice the bring both happiness and sorrow...

and one day when you will open wide your eyes...

and choose to leave behind you...your no longer needed disguise...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

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