46 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World... Little Tyrants and Big Tyrants...

everybody wants to rule the world

Everybody Wants to Rule the World...

Little Tyrants and Big Tyrants...

Find A Worthy Goal

Without a worthy goal,

life becomes aimless and unprofitable,

and much unhappiness results.

The Urantia Book, (140:4.9)

Tyranny and Totalitarianism...

As a child growing into a teenager and on into young adulthood, I became increasingly aware of how the majority of hue-man attitudes around me were, in one or more ways...tyrannical and totalitarian..."my way or the highway."

I was becoming increasingly aware that almost everyone wants to rule the world...his or her...

  • own little world of family and friends, 
  • business employees and customers, 
  • local town or city government,
  • state government,
  • central government,
  • other nations, and even...
  • the whole planet of people and things.

The Murderous Psychopaths Who Rule from the Shadows...

Consider the following questions:

  • Are you under the spell of the Luciferian-Satanic black magic Cabal, whose member-leaders are attempting to exert absolute totalitarian rule over the whole of hue-man civilization? 
  • Who is in your head? 
  • What is in your head? 
  • Who are the black magic wizards and witches to whom you daily give away all of your freedoms and authority to rule over your own life? 
  • Are you even awake and aware enough to know what I am saying to you?

These behind the curtain criminal cabal members have infiltrated almost every position of authority in every town, city, state or nation across the whole of our beautiful planet Urantia (Earth.)

They own the governments, the corporations, the militaries, the police departments and the technologies to continuously project into your mind the fear of their assumed-presumed authority over you.
  • Who owns the world? 
  • Who rules the world? 
  • Who are you enabling with your income to own the world and rule over the world?
  • Who do you enable to rule over you? 
Whoever you are enabling, emotionally, mentally, and financially, by purchasing goods and services from these criminal cabal corporations, including the governments, is who rules over you and owns you.

You may say to yourself and others, defensively, that "no one owns me." But as long as you are coming from fear, and panic at whatever government is programming you to beLIEve through mass media Tell-LIES-Vision, you are, in fact and reality...owned...

This world is overflowing with "little tyrants" and "big tyrants."
  • Are you programmed to act like a tyrant (controlling attitude - "my way or the highway") toward others?
  • Are YOU a tyrant?

28:6.20 6 and 7. ...the manifestation of greatness on a world like Urantia is the exhibition of self-control. The great man is not he who “takes a city” or “overthrows a nation,” but rather “he who subdues his own tongue.”
  • Why do you refuse to rule over yourself?
  • Why do you refuse to subdue your own tongue?
  • Why do you refuse to "allow" yourself to rise above your own belligerent hue-man animal (hue-manimal) self?
  • Why would you ever falsely beLIEve that a life of mediocrity ("going along to get along) is "the easy way out?"
Words are the most powerful of all things hue-man. But it is the thought-emotions behind the words which are the most powerful things in the whole of universal hue-man experience.

And nowhere is it more evident how words become self-defeating than in the making of resolutions.

48:7.13 Life is but a day's work - do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God's."

Internalize this principle along with the 24th, which states:  

48:7.26 24. The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow. 

Thus, by internalizing and living these principles you have both a powerful script for daily aligning the hue-man will with the will of our Paradise Father (and all Sons and Daughters of Paradise origin.) 

You are thus living moment to moment by both the short-range and the long-range cosmic and eternity-view. The short-range is the mortal wisdom-view. The longer range is the growing cosmic insight of the maturing morontial soul (mota). The eternity-view is increasingly acquired as the mortal-morontial and indwelling divine spirit (the Thought Adjuster) are increasingly unified by the individual personality and ever-momentarily drawing nearer to full invasion of the personality by Father's Paradise spirit, leading to fusion-translation out of the material bio-suit.

It is my will, Father, that your will be done in all things, now, and forevermore...incorporates the totality-unification-unity of the physical, the mental and the spiritual. And this powerful declaration ought to be in our hearts, our minds, in continual communication with the indwelling Thought Adjuster, and on our lips every moment of mortal bio-suit experience.

Never was I ever, even for a moment, interested in ruling the world or dominating others. I am ever and always only interested in the mastery of self--of ruling over the naturally belligerent hue-man animal (hue-manimal) self.

From the time of my first moral decision, and due to the influence of a very spiritual Cherokee grandmother, I increasingly become aware of playing the role of secret counselor to those around me.

 Publicly, I've also been at this sharing of understanding, knowledge and wisdom-insight for many decades.

 And I thank my divine Parents for a life of good health, well-being and good fortunate which, even in the worst of times, turned into good fortune. 

I am ever and always well in spirit, mind and body.

-Timothy Ray Walls 2021.



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