43 - Language Determines Reality...Determines Your Perception of Reality...Determines YOUR BeLIEfs...

language determines reality

Language Determines Reality...

Determines Your Perception of Reality...

Determines YOUR BeLIEfs...

"The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself."  -Noam Chomsky

The Language of Ignorance

"A growing body of evidence suggests that a person’s mother tongue shapes the way they think about many aspects of the world, including space and time." -Mitch Moxley

This material bio-suit came into the world in a farming family which had (and still has) its own regional dialect of the English language.

As I slowly but surely became aware of inhabiting this bio-suit, I subconsciously but intuitively began to focus my attention upon the learning of foreign languages.

I was/have been immersed in the Spanish language and culture for many years. Studying Latin for four (4) years, French for two (2) years, and Russian for one (1) year, I further engaged in etymology and creative writing classes.

In spite of many years of formal study of languages, I came to live in Idaho in 1972, finding out rather quickly that I was still speaking a regional dialect of the English language that had not evolved in me; no one around me much understood many of the words, word-phrases and localized idioms I was speaking to them.

Even though I already had a year of study in The Urantia
Book, I was still using the language of ignorance to convey my understanding of the concepts contained in The Fifth Epochal Revelation to our planet.

This was further made painfully aware in me while I was studying at Boise State University.

One day, between classes, I was standing in the hallway talking to some new acquaintances about the subject matter we were studying in a physics astronomy class.

An English Professor was standing nearby while talking with other colleagues. She ended her conversation with them, coming over to me. I was a bit taken back when she asked if I would step over into a quiet corner to speak with her. 

She then stated that she had been listening to my speech, while I was engaged in conversation with fellow classmates. Next, I was startled to hear her say the following words:

"Young man, I have been listening to you. As an English Professor, I wanted to share with you these thoughts. First, you have a bright intellect; you are obviously an intelligent person. However, your command of the English language is severely lacking. So, I want to encourage you to pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth."

I was stunned for a few minutes. First, I became angry. Then, when my emotions calmed down, I realized she was telling me the truth. Her words changed the whole course of my life path progression.

From that moment on, I began to pay increasing attention to the language I was using.

"There are some 7,000 languages spoken in the world, and they exhibit tremendous variance. Lera Boroditsky and her colleagues’ research has shown that language—from verb tenses to gender to metaphors—can shape the most fundamental dimensions of human cognition, including space, time, causality, and our relationships with others." -Mitch Moxley

The irony is that I was already in command of near perfect Spanish grammar. So, it only made sense that I should begin to use the high level of near perfect language constructs I was reading and digesting from my studies in The Urantia Book.

The Language of Self-Awareness

It is accurate to state that during the intervening decades my command of the English language has undergone many transformations.

In the present, after five (5) decades of continuing study of the contents of The Urantia Book, and many other sources, the language I am daily using continues to evolve.

Thus, I have also come to a far deeper understanding of how either the "lack of a command of your native language" or the "increasingly greater mastery and command of your native language" determines your perception of reality which determines the formation of your system of beLIEfs, which in turn, determines your moment by moment life path progression, day by day, and in eternity.

In short...language determines reality...

Whether You Are Wrong...Or Whether You Are Right...

Whether you are wrong...or whether you are right...you are still wrong (in the eyes of most others around you and in the eyes of the world at large.)

And whether you are right...or whether you are wrong...you are still right (in your own eyes, regardless of the views of those around you and in the eyes of the world at large.)

Consequently, whether you are wrong or right, you will strive, struggle and fight to defend your programmed beLIEfs. No one will ever convince you to beLIEve differently, let alone, let go of and cease defending your beLIEfs, until you deeply experience greater truths, which mostly happens during a tragic life episode or episodes.

Your programmed beLIEfs are the subconscious filters you are continuously projecting onto the "mirror of mind" with your singularity of consciousness--your ever-momentary free will choosing. And it is further your programmed beLIEfs--the "language constructs" you formulate in the neural-network-to-mind-consciousness-mirror-connection which determine the degree of virtual reality (un-reality) or morontia soul-self-awareness reality (relative cosmic reality of personality-being-existence) with which you perceive your own life and the lives of all beings around you.

The Robotic Hue-man Child of God...

I perceive that the majority of individual children of God with whom I make contact are not aware of the reality of others with whom they are interacting. 

The individual is largely living out a stimulus-response, and highly emotional, fear-reaction existence. She and he only see what the subconscious program is reflecting back in the focal mirror of the mind to the individual self, and which the individual self is projecting onto everyone around her and him.

By all outward appearances....the majority of hue-man children of God live out their extremely short lives in a state of "virtual reality" (un-reality), an almost wholly reptile brain, robotic existence.

Almost everything you've ever been taught to beLIEve, since your bio-suit was born into material existence has been and is a...LIE...a virtual dream-prison - a Luciferian originated, satanic death cult "spell," which is keeping you in a continuous state of "mesmerization."

Naturally self-protective, programmed to fear the unknown and authority, controlled where actions are driven by emotional overreactions - mechanical living is "stimulus-response," "problem-reaction-solution," the so-called Hegelian Dialectic. 

Because the child body-brain-to-mind circuital connection is so pliable (elastic) from birth to eight (8) years of age, the infant mind is easily programmable by adults (in every way and means used) for both evil and good purposes.
  • Do you comprehend the full import of what I am attempting through thought-constructs to convey to you, the fullest and deepest meaning of the sixth (6th) of the twenty-eight principles of high mortal philosophy, found in Paper 48. - The Morontia Life?
48:7.8 6. To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement—these are the marks of high civilization.

Initially, some long time ago when I first began to memorize the twenty-eight (28) statements, I thought this principle would only apply to evildoers - men and women of increasing wealth and power-control over the masses of the children of God on Urantia.

Along the way...I began to realize it pertains to each and every child of God living on Urantia at any one moment in time and space.

In other words, this principle not only pertains to how each of us were programmed in childhood, but also to how each of us interact and conduct ourselves with each and every other child of God, as adult children of our Paradise Father, and planetary citizens.

Special Section: It Is Easy to Groom a Child...

The following is a partial transcript from a lecture given by Professor Anthony Zenkus, an expert in the field of adult and child trauma. (Transcription is not exact and the author has added some grammatical corrections and words in parentheses for clarification.)

It is easy to groom (program) a child, because an adult always has a position of power-control over him and her.

"Grooming: behaviors designed to desensitize a child or adult in order to make them less likely to reject or report abuse in the future." - Professor Anthony Zenkus.

It's really hard to just look at somebody and say, "hat person is a predator."

What you have to do is look at the behaviors and listen to the things that they say.

Very clear warning signs are adults who ignore children's boundaries, when it comes to touching, kissing, holding, or tickling. They (predators) will engage in those behaviors with the child and continue them, despite the fact that the child squirms away or pulls away or voices any sort of discomfort, verbally or nonverbally.

Most adults take those cues and realize, "oh, they don't want to be hugged or tickled right now and that's fine. 

Sex offenders and predators just plow right through it.

Another is sexualizing a child by talking about dating, or their bodies, in a way that would not be appropriate for their age. 

In my field, we often say that child sex predators don't just groom children, they groom families and communities.

Seeing these behaviors in an adult doesn't mean that adult is a predator or would ever harm a child. But what it does do is it sets that child up to grow up in a world where they view these violations of personal space as normal, and that's unacceptable.

Everyone, regardless of their gender expression or age, deserves to walk through this world with their physical boundaries intact and not living in fear that they'll (their physical boundaries) be violated.

Offenders have depended on, not only on the silence of their victims, but our silence.

If we allow children the permission to say "no" or speak up for them when they can't, we going to go a long way in preventing so much harm.

(End of Transcript)

ALL hue-man Beings ARE the Children of God...

The hue-man languages, especially English, are almost all involved in the socio-scientific and political dissecting, labeling, categorizing, and divisional-segregation of the children of God. 

Who else knows what I know? ALL hue-man beings, both good and evil, are the children of our Paradise Father! But who has the spiritual courage to declare this to the world?

Michael of Nebadon, our Sovereign Creator Father/Joshua Ben Joseph admonished us to pray for our enemies. But as a living life example...

188:5.7 The cross makes a supreme appeal to the best in man because it discloses one who was willing to lay down his life in the service of his fellow men. Greater love no man can have than this: that he would be willing to lay down his life for his friends—and Jesus had such a love that he was willing to lay down his life for his enemies, a love greater than any which had hitherto been known on earth.

188:5.8 On other worlds, as well as on Urantia, this sublime spectacle of the death of the human Jesus on the cross of Golgotha has stirred the emotions of mortals, while it has aroused the highest devotion of the angels.

It is the rare individual or group of individuals, indeed, who are spiritually aware of this fact that we are to pray for our enemies and those who spitefully use and betray us. And it is a fact, whether you choose to beLIEve it..or...by faith..."know it."

It is Even a "Rarer Bird of a Feather," Who Understands...

Perhaps, it is the rarest type of neural-network-to-mind-consciousness connection that comprehends the reality of the path to the establishment of the worship of the Paradise Father at the Center ALL reality and choosing to align the hue-man will with Father's will, because He indwells us, and is at the center of us, in His divine spirit presence of the indwelling Thought Adjuster (attainment to the "kingdom of heaven within.")

True hue-man child of God reality lies in the following:

1. Choosing to establish maintain a "living faith" connection to our Paradise Father's indwelling divine presence and will in the living divine spirit-presence of the Thought Adjuster.  
2. Choosing, moment by moment, to replace "deficiencies of character" with "moral-ontia character virtues (living spiritual values).

This moment by moment practice of transferring the mortal hue-man child of God identity into the moral-ontia child of God identity is best expressed in what I perceive as the great goal of mortal-morontial attainment.

110:6.4 When the development of the intellectual nature proceeds faster than that of the spiritual, such a situation renders communication with the Thought Adjuster both difficult and dangerous. Likewise, overspiritual development tends to produce a fanatical and perverted interpretation of the spirit leadings of the divine indweller. Lack of spiritual capacity makes it very difficult to transmit to such a material intellect the spiritual truths resident in the higher superconsciousness.


It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

Jesus of Nazareth, in essence, said that...there is no comparison between the acts of conquering the outward goals set for oneself and the attainment to the mastery of the hue-man animal self.
  • Why is there no comparison between the two?
It is because there is nothing in mortal experience which is more fear-emotion-over-reactionary and belligerently self-asserting than the hue-man animal self. 

And it is this fear-emotion-over-reactionary and belligerently self-asserting hue-man animal self, inclusive of ALL of its far-ranging "deficiencies of character," which obscure the gift of the perfect pattern-reality you are--the personality you are--the "I am that I am."

The perfect personality that you are is only revealed as aligned with the will of our Paradise Father when there are no more "character deficiencies," no more shadows which obscure the brilliantly shining perfect personality you are.

Language Determines Reality...

In the final analysis...the language you choose to use determines your own degree of virtual un-reality or moral-ontial soul self-aware reality.

In Plato's Cave of Shadows...the individual children of God chained to the wall, viewing only the dimly lit shadows on the wall in front of them, never see the reality of the living beings, who continually parade along the parapet behind them. Therefore, they beLIEve that reality IS the shadows on the wall; nothing else exists in their false-reality perceptions.

But when even one individual frees himself and herself, walking out of the cave entrance, the mind-perception of reality is so greatly enlarged as to be "incomprehensible" for a period of time, until this greatly expanded mind-perception of a greater cosmic reality adjustment is made.

And the significance of even one individual child of God freeing the spiritual captive that is herself and himself cannot be underestimated; in the attainment to greater spiritualization of the self (mortal to morontial) a shift has occurred in the whole of hue-man reality-perception.

And you will only ever choose to free the spiritual captive that is you when you begin to soul-consciously observe every thought you formulate in your mind, and choose to soul-consciously choose to replace "character deficiency" thoughts into "character virtue" thoughts.

This daily practice is how you slowly but surely attain to the mind of perfect poise.





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