49 - The God-given Free Will Decision to "Allow" or "Reject"

 The God-given Free Will Decision to 

"Allow" or "Reject"

117:4.14 When man consecrates his will to the doing of the Father’s will, when man gives God all that he has, then does God make that man more than he is.

The Five Most Beautiful Words in the English Language

Of course, there are many more beautiful words than the five I am going to discuss in this article.

But these five hold a special place in my heart, mind and soul. The five words/word-phrases to which I refer are: "allow," "ever-momentarily," "ever and always," "invite," and "faith."

And by the time we finish discussing each of these words, in this first of five articles, it is my hope you will clearly understand why they hold such great significance for me.

Perhaps, they may even begin to hold greater significance for you in your own experience.


Let's begin with the word "allow." 

  • What is the meaning of "allow?"


1. give (someone) permission to do something.
2. give the necessary time or opportunity for.
3. make provision or provide scope for (something).
4. admit the truth of; concede.

"A fresh start isn't a new place, it's a new mindset."

 A "new mindset," however, will never be experienced, unless you "allow" yourself to grow into that higher vibrational soul self-awareness, because the "evolving morontial mind circuit" must be increasingly identified with and given increasing control, under the direct spirit overcontrol of the indwelling Thought Controller.

And this is where the word "allow" comes into the picture and why it is, in my experience, a beautiful word of utmost value in my forward evolutionary progression.

195:7.19 ...Idealists and spiritists dare to use their oars with intelligence and vigor in order to modify the apparently purely material course of the energy streams.

The Act of "Allowing"

The very act of shifting into a state of "allowing" first requires that you "allow" yourself to do so.

To permanently stay in this superconscious - morontial soul self-awareness state requires that you "allow" yourself to shift into this superconscious state of self-awareness, over and over, again, until this becomes the super mindset you are ever-momentarily overcome with overwhelming desire to experience, so that, in the sincere inviting your Thought Adjuster (Monitor, Controller) into your desire...you are transformed into living love for the superior state of being.

Without the making and maintaining of a morally conscious connection to God's indwelling divine spirit-presence in your mind--the willingness--the "allowing" yourself to share your inner life with God, who has first given you life--all that is left is the tragic illusion of a godless robotic routine existence in the hue-man animal bio-suit which cannot and does not survive death. 

The Transformation into the Spiritualized Self 

This process of transformation into permanent identification with you, the self-aware morontial soul, is expressed another way in the following passage:

110:6.4 ...It is to the
  • mind of perfect poise, 
  • housed in a body of clean habits, 
  • stabilized neural energies, and 
  • balanced chemical function—when 
  • the physical, 
  • mental, and 
  • spiritual powers are in 
  • triune harmony of development—that 
  • a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with
    • a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being.
By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.  
"Allowing" is also clearly defined in my own perception as the act of shifting from beLIEf into "living faith."

There is no greater liberation than the liberation of the self from self-enslavement. 

 How I Daily Employ the Word "Allow"

You may not immediately understand how the word "allow" is contained in the following personal daily declarations. I encourage you to think more deeply; deepen your understanding and wisdom-discernment.

  • I am well in spirit, mind and body.
  • I am filled with optimal well-being.
  • I am healing--regenerating--rejuvenating continuously throughout the 100+ trillion cells within this bio-suit.
  • I am experiencing vibrant health.
  • I am experiencing optimal health.
  • I am stabilized in neural energies.
  • I am balanced in chemical function.
  • I eat only healthy foods to support living an optimally healthy life.
  • I filter my water to support a vibrantly healthy life in the material bio-suit.
  • I supplement my daily nutritional intake with vitamins, minerals and herbs only from plant-based and natural sources.
  • I am always happy.
  • I am always at peace.
  • I am thankful and grateful for every episode of living and learning through which I have had the privilege of experiencing.
  • I am thankful and grateful for every "lesson of life."
  • I am thankful and grateful for every brother, sister and friend with whom I have contact.
  • I am thankful and grateful for every opportunity to be of loving service, no matter how small.
  • I am thankful and grateful for life itself--your gift of life to me, Father, to experience, make decisions, become a sincere person of true character who is an evolving morontial soul.
  • I am thankful and grateful for the "gifted loan of a mind circuit, which is manifesting this bio-suit and makes it possible to experience in this material and sacred tabernacle of time.
  • I am thankful and grateful for the gift of the evolving morontial soul into which I am ever growing toward maturity.
  • I am thankful and grateful for the gift of personality, which connects me directly to you, Father, through your personality circuit.
  • I am thankful and grateful for the precious gift of the masterful Thought Controller who indwells me and ever so skillfully and artfully guides me.
  • I am thankful and grateful for the good fortune which ever follows me. 
  • I willingly give back to you, Father, all that I am, just as you have first given to me such unfathomable and precious gifts of life.
  • It is my will that your will be done, Father, now and forevermore.
  • I am increasingly desirous of loving truth, beauty and goodness--true character manifestation.
Each and every one of these declarations, when embraced and daily repeated--often repeated throughout your day, fosters a state of "allowing" yourself to grow into the self-aware morontial soul you are becoming.

The act of declaring (in frequent repetition) is the act of "allowing."

  • How many more of these declarations can you create?

United or Divided? 

Easily Conquered or Invincible? 

Enslaved or Free? 

Easily conquered, enslaved and tyrannically controlled is a hue-man civilization warringly divided. 

Free and invincible is a hue-man civilization which is God-centered and in spirit, loving-service united. 

The Frequency War?

Many beLIEve that in addition to a bio-war being waged against the collective whole of hue-man civilization, a frequency war is also being waged.

The only war I recognize and the only war that truly matters is the "civil war" going on inside of each individual child of God.

  • How will universal peace, happiness, joy, a God-centered life and the cosmic nobility of being an ascending child of God ever become manifest without such a high spiritual estate first becoming manifest in YOU and through YOU?
  • How will a hue-man civilization centered in the nuclear family, vibrantly healthy lives and vibrantly healthy children ever become manifest without first being manifest in YOU and through YOU?
  • How will hue-man civilization ever become "community-centered in loving service to each other," working together for the good of the whole without it first becoming manifest in YOU and through YOU?
  • How can "self-government ever become manifest until it first becomes manifest in YOU and through YOU?

When YOU wait for someone else to manifest the highest truth, beauty, and goodness, it will never happen in YOUR life experience. The highest truth, beauty and goodness must always and ever first become manifest in YOU and through YOU.

So, I ask you...

  • On what are YOU ever-momentarily focused?
  • Are you continually fear-feeding the "civil war" going on inside YOU?
  • Are YOU continually focused on your inner connection to God's indwelling divine spirit and open to being spirit-led?
The God-given free will decision to "allow" or "reject" has always been YOURS.

  • But how aware are YOU of how YOU are using this God-given power of free will choosing?
  • And how willing are YOU to "allow" YOURSELF to be more and do more?

100:6.5 But true religion is a living love, a life of service.



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