45 - The Language of Death... versus...The Language of Life

 the language of death

The Language of Death...versus...

The Language of Life

Murder Yourself Slowly... Murder Yourself Quickly...

...The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, "for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance...." (381:7) 34:6.13

You Don't Deserve to Live... Just murder yourself... Do it slowly... Do it quickly... Just DIE!

  • How have my words, thus far, made you feel?
  • Like you don't want to continue reading this article?
  • Like you might have a bad day ahead?

Perhaps, the few words I have written so far...intrigued you...or...made you feel very uncomfortable.

If my words are intriguing you...wonderful! If they are making you feel "uncomfortable"...wonderful!

Consider the fact that you are receiving an "injection" of the language of death you get from Tell-LIES-Vision News and serial programming each day, which is just as real as someone sticking a needle into your arm. 

Are You Obedient? 
Are You a Sovereign Free Will Thinker?

  • How many of today's propaganda headlines and accompanying propaganda programming lies will you "allow" into your neural network to mind-consciousness connection without so much as a second thought about it or even a single question?
  • Why are you so willingly eager to give up your God-given freedoms?
  • Why is it you so readily (without question) accept just about every LIE you hear from those whom you assume to have authority over you?
  • Why is it you assume that any mortal being has authority over you?
  • Why is it that whenever you open your mouth you spew out a garbage dump of fear--the language of death?
  • How is it you are so wholly unacquainted with the "language of truth, beauty and goodness--light and life?"
  • How is it you are so unimaginably ignorant of your spiritual being--your spiritual connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence--the Thought Adjuster?
I have just handed you the "keys" to freeing yourself from your own matrix-mind-enslavement. The sad and tragic truth is you are still not aware of how to use these "keys" to free yourself, even when they are freely given to you.

An Individual Mind-circuit on Loan...

The truth never suffers from an honest examination. Truth is wholly transparent. 

But the language of death constructs a matrix of dishonesty and self-deceit behind which the weak-mined, moral and spiritual cowards and the evil, sinful and wicked-minded hide..

A Victim of the Language of Death...

I was suspicious of doctors, even as a small boy. That
suspicion grew as I watched them murder a number of my relatives.
Slowly but surely, I began to educate myself about health, so that by 1982, I set myself upon a course of "eating to live" rather than "living to eat."
Further contact with a Taiwanese master herbalist led to adopting a life-long principle of understanding that the "source of almost all so-called dis-ease is...nutritional deficiencies." This principle served me well for several decades.
I began to reprogram my mind by daily and consistently declaring to myself and others: I am well. I am optimally well. I am super well. I am enjoying excellent health and optimal well-being. I am thankful for excellent health and well-being. I am grateful for excellent health and well-being. I am so very fortunate to experience excellent health and optimal well-being. This is the starting point.
The thoughts you repetitively-consistently-continually hold in your mind's eye focus become your reality.
All of my eating habits began to change, slowly at first. But as time progressed, I became my own herbalist, filtering my water, and eating only a whole foods plant-based diet. The result has been 40 years and counting never experiencing illness of any kind.
As a child...I intuitively ate what my body needed. But, as I grew, the adults in my life were ever coplexifying my ability to intuit the needs of my mind and body. I had to force myself to learn to simplify my thinking (de-program myself) and reprogram myself (auto-suggestion) in order to arrive once again at a simple and highly intuitive..."eating to live."
This principle is so simple. But it remains so "complexified" in the thinking of the masses of Father's children on this still barbaric and primitive world.

I was first the victim of the language of death the adults nearest to me projected onto me and into my vulnerable and susceptible child-mind. This is the "inversion of truth" passed down from generation to generation for the last 250,000 years--the evil principle behind the Lucifer Manifesto and subsequent rebellion. But I chose and choose the "language of life" over the "language of death."


YOU are the True Teacher to YOURSELF...

I cannot teach the principle of optimal health and well-being; it is a "state of mind." I cannot teach any other principle to even one of my brothers and sisters, anywhere across the planet.

YOU must "allow" YOURSELF to evolve from the language of death into the language of light and life.

No one can teach YOU to become the astute observer of every word and thought-construct YOU formulate in the mind.

This much I can tell you... At the start...it is hard work to become the astute observer of your thoughts. You will slip in and out of the observer state (morontial soul self-awareness state--"the consciousness of being conscious."

This "slipping into morontial soul self-awareness and back into the mechanical and robotic state of hue-man consciousness is so frustrating that it more often than not leads to the feeling of failure. So, why try further?

Are YOU YOUR Own Worst Enemy?

Indeed! Why WOULD YOU try further? The path of the continuously out-of-balance, electro-magnetic, electro-chemical, path of least resistance hue-manimal is so much easier. Is it not? Is it really?

The path of the robotically conscious hue-manimal is the path of the language of death--wherein no stewardship is required. It is the path of becoming and remaining your own worst enemy for the short duration of your mortal existence.

The fixed path of beLIEf is one of compounding LIE upon LIE upon LIE, without end. And sooner...rather than later...the weight of one's compounding LIES will crush him and her. This is an "inevitability."

Stewardship? What in God's Universe is THAT?

There are many multiple materialistic definitions given to the words "steward and stewardship." Thus, the definition commonly found for this word is, as follows: "Someone's stewardship of something is the way in which that person controls or organizes it." Source: Cambridge Dictionary online.

I like the simple definition of:  Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.

At this point, I ask you to greatly expand your understanding of the meaning of your mortal existence.

The Gifts of God to Hue-mans

  1. Your body is on loan. This fact ought to be obvious to you.
  2. Your mind is on loan. When the "life force" of spirit can no longer keep the mortal bio-suit alive, the mind endowment also ends; it returns to the Local Universe Mother spirit.
  3. Contrary to what so many metaphysically confused (although they pretend to know) beLIEve, the mortal-morontial soul is evolutionary; the continued existence of the soul is directly dependent on transferring one's mortal identity into the soul--meaning that the choice to survive this life has been made. Thus, the soul is "on loan" until you make the choice to embrace the leading of the indwelling Thought Adjuster, who is "eternal light of life."
  4. The personality is also on loan until the choice for eternal survival has been made.
  5. The indwelling Thought Adjuster is "on loan," until this choice for eternal survival has been made.
We take these "gifts on loan" for granted. That is NOT stewardship, let alone, "good stewardship."
  • Do you understand this? 
  • Do you really see this as "knowing" in your mind's eye self-reflection?
Being the "good steward" means you take care of your mind and body; this is the mortal soil upon which (umbilically in the womb of mind) the mortal-morontial soul depends for evolutionary growth from the first moral decision (embryonic) to full maturity (true character).

And good stewardship does not begin in the body itself; it must perforce begin in the mind. And this is why I say that "good health--optimal health and well-being begins in the mind." Optimal health and well-being is a "state of mind."

The language of death is a "state of mind." The language of life is a "state of mind." And the negligent lazy steward maintains the language of death as a "continual state of mind," while the "good and responsible steward" ever-momentarily is willing to put out the effort of mind to maintain the language of life as his and her "continual state of mind."

This Planet Bears No Resemblance Whatsoever to a "Civilized World"

Could this world be said to be "civilized," the whole of civilization's focus would be on teaching children to establish a moral connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit presence within the mind, teaching organic and nutritionally balanced eating, herbal supplementation and water purification, and ever-momentarily maintaining a meditative and spiritual state of connection to aligning the hue-man will with the will of the Paradise Father, who indwells us as his divinely thought-adjusting spirit.
We are still 1,000 years away from any semblance of what may be called "a civilized planet."

"What the flock hates most is one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity to want to think for themselves, something they do not know how to do." • Arthur Schopenhauer

To what degree are you "mind-controlled" by giving away your stewardship to those you beLIEve have authority over YOU?

"...And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace...." (2054:3) 193:2.2




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