17 - The 17th of the 28 Principles in The Urantia Book
the 17th of the 28 principles in the urantia book
The 17th of the
28 Principles in The Urantia Book
The Great Question Number Five
5. Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.
The Great Goal of Hue-manimal Existence
It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.
On the Path to Understanding the "Mastery of Self"
It is accurate to say that "understanding" the 28 principles of "high mortal philosophy" found in Paper 48, The Morontia Life required the asking of many questions and not a small amount of meditative thinking on them.
When Ambition Becomes "Lethal"

- What are you -- what does one become when...he and she individually abuses the privilege of "being alive," licenses liberty to all others, has power and uses it for self-aggrandizement?
- Is the answer really obvious?
- Does it matter which politically driven economic system is in control of a population and its culture when reckless and unbridled "ambition" is being driven from both the top down and the bottom up?
- What happens to a population that is driven by "unrestrained ambition?"
- Is "ambition," let alone "unrestrained ambition" dangerous, and even "lethal?"
You may only elect to solve your own individual problems and great challenges of the life path progression you are pursuing. And you will either choose to solve your problems and great challenges without including the indwelling divine Thought Adjuster in them, or choosing a deliberate and soul-conscious inclusion of the Thought Adjuster and the "blueprint" for your spiritualization, which your divine partner has brought with him.
This "divine blueprint for your spiritualization" may be greatly enhanced by following the four (4) steps outlined below.
- self-correction of your own "deficiencies of character,"
- self-discipline and control of your own "deficiencies of character,"
- direction of the "I am that I am" that you are back to the indwelling divine presence--the Thought Adjuster, and ask to be spirit-led through every difficulty, and
- mastering of the hue-manimal to eventually achieve, in honest and sincerely devoted cooperation with your Thought Adjuster -- the supreme perfection of the domination of spirit over mind and matter.
The 17th of the 28 principles in The Urantia Book clearly states:
48:7.19 17. Ambition is dangerous until it is fully socialized. You have not truly acquired any virtue until your acts make you worthy of it.
Turning this Principle into a Personal "I am" Declaration
I am ever socializing my ambitions by the living of a principled life of spiritual values through the virtuous acts of my day to day experiences with fellow children of God.
- what is "right and wrong,"
- what is "truth and error,"
- what is "right action and sin,"
- what is "allowable speech and what is not,"
is "absolute?
Jesus is the Master Example of Virtuous Living
- But what does it truly mean to "socialize your ambition" by "your acts making you worthy of virtue?"
- What is "virtue" and "virtuous living?"
Definition of virtue1a: conformity to a standard of right : MORALITYb: a particular moral excellencec: a commendable quality or trait : MERIT
- exemplify the "right-use" of personal power
- a principled life adhering to "moral excellence," and
- the manifestation of true character in relations with fellow children of God.
of "high moral excellence," and every manifested virtue of true character we see in the life of Michael of Nebadon, our Creator Father, incarnated as Joshua Ben Joseph.
Without comparing the life we are living to that which Jesus of Nazareth lived, we may "aspire" to embrace the perfectly high moral character, virtues and values manifest in his superb "true character" revelation of our Paradise Father's personality.
Questions Worth Considering and on which to Meditate
- Are you self-aware enough to recognize when you are dominating a conversation with others (talking excessively?)
- Are you really listening when another child of God is talking or almost entirely focused on your reaction--what your going to say to get your own viewpoint across?
- Do you ever really attempt to "correct" you character deficient behavior toward others?
- And what is there ever to "correct" if you are not self-aware enough to recognize your selfish behavior toward others?
115:0.1 WITH GOD THE FATHER, sonship is the great relationship. With God the Supreme, achievement is the prerequisite to status—one must do something as well as be something.
a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work,
The 17th of the 28 principles in The Urantia Book is all about self-correcting leading to self-discipline, leading to being led by the indwelling divine spirit presence of the Thought Adjuster--the "light of life" indwelling the hue-manimal mind.
The Great Goal of Hue-man Attainment
- I am the mind of perfect poise.
- I am housed in a body of clean habits, and clear and pure thinking.
- I am stabilized in neural energies.
- I am balanced in chemical function.
- I am ever-momentarily transferring all mortal experiential meanings and values into the unifying whole.
- I am ever-momentarily unifying the physical, mental, and spiritual powers with the "I am that I am" personality.
- I am ever-momentarily giving you, my indwelling divine partner and Thought Controller, my most honest, sincere, and dedicated cooperation in attaining to "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."
Supplemental Reading
- What are the four cosmic dimensions of personality unification?