32 - The Subtle and Sublime Levels of Thought Adjuster Attunement

the subtle and sublime levels

The Subtle and Sublime Levels 

of Thought Adjuster Attunement

110:7.1 The achievement of the seven cosmic circles does not equal Adjuster fusion. There are many mortals living on Urantia who have attained their circles; but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster.

The Great Goal of Hue-manimal Existence

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

On the Path to Understanding the "Mastery of Self"

It is accurate to say that "understanding" the 28 principles of "high mortal philosophy" found in Paper 48, The Morontia Life required the asking of many questions and not a small amount of meditative thinking on them.

One has to look no further than the life and teachings of Joshua Ben Joseph to better understand and more fully perceive the "subtle and sublime" levels of Thought Adjuster communion and attunement. 

Michael of Nebadon -- Joshua Ben Joseph is the Master, whose light of truth radiantly shines out to every ear that is open to hear, every eye that is open to see, and every heart that is open to receive.

Come Unto Me by Harold Copping

Meditate upon the following passage:

141:3.4 The Master displayed great wisdom and manifested perfect fairness in all of his dealings with his apostles and with all of his disciples. Jesus was truly a master of men; he exercised great influence over his fellow men because of the combined charm and force of his personality. There was a subtle commanding influence in his rugged, nomadic, and homeless life. There was intellectual attractiveness and spiritual drawing power in his authoritative manner of teaching, in his lucid logic, his strength of reasoning, his sagacious insight, his alertness of mind, his matchless poise, and his sublime tolerance. He was simple, manly, honest, and fearless. With all of this physical and intellectual influence manifest in the Master's presence, there were also all those spiritual charms of being which have become associated with his personality— patience, tenderness, meekness, gentleness, and humility.

Let us extract these combined virtues of character.
  • Wisdom
  • Perfect fairness
  • Master of men
  • Exercised great influence
  • Combined charm and force of personality
  • Subtle commanding influence
  • Intellectual attractiveness
  • Spiritual drawing power
  • Authoritative manner of teaching
  • Lucid logic
  • Strength of reasoning
  • Sagacious insight
  • Alertness of mind
  • Matchless poise
  • Sublime tolerance
  • Simple
  • Manly
  • Honest
  • Fearless
  • Patient
  • Tenderness
  • Meekness
  • Gentleness
  • Humility

Why BeLIEfs are "Character Deficiencies"

Do you comprehend--fully understand--that the above list of virtues are the manifestation of the morontia soul's "true character?

  • Is it possible that all of these "virtuous characteristics of personality manifestation" are contained within the twenty-eight principles of high mortal philosophy?
  • Are ALL beLIEfs equivalent to "defects in character" manifestation?
  • And how can the individual child of God attain to "virtuous characteristics of personality manifestation" without shedding ALL beLIEfs?
  • How many of the virtues manifested by Joshua Ben Joseph do you manifest in your own personality expressions?
In my perception, ALL beLIEfs fall short of the "living faith" connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence -- the Thought Adjuster. Therefore, ALL beLIEfs are "character defects."

I will not devote much of this article to reviewing the seemingly endless ways in which beLIEfs do create "character deficiencies." In the near future, I may do that on a page devoted to this subject.

But for now suffice it to say this. Take a notebook and writing pen with you everywhere you may go. Keep it near you. Then, whenever you have a negative thought-emotion, write it down, just as it came out of your mind through your lips.
  • What did you just say?
Some common examples
  • That man (woman) makes me so angry.
  • I hate that man (woman).
  • I just feel like crap, today.
  • I know I am getting (sick, ill, a dis-ease, etc.)
  • I lied and I don't care.
  • I hope something really bad happens to that (woman, man, boy, girl).
  • I didn't ask to be born into this world.
  • The world owes me.
  • God did this to (him, her, me)?
  • God told me...
  • You find mistakes in everything I say and do.
  • God wants you to listen to what I tell you to do.
  • Do as I say and not as I do.
  • I hope you get (name your dis-ease) and die!
  • I am depressed.
  • I hate my (job, boss, life).
  • I am losing my faith in God; I've been praying for this to happen for years and He never answers my prayers.
Literally, this list could go on and on, almost without end. Every negative thought-emotion-reaction is a fear-based manifestation of a deficiency in (lack of) true character virtue.

The Virtues of "True Character"

The twenty-eight statements do indeed
contain all of the virtues of "true character" manifestation of the unified physical, mental and spiritual powers expressing as the super conscious morontia soul. 

The very first principle..."A display of specialized skills does not signify spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character" is the beginning exhortation to attain to true character.

The twenty-eighth principle..."The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained" is the declaration of the actuality of attained true character.

And all of the principles in between are exhortations to attain to the primary virtues of the true character actuality of the morontia soul.

A World of Timid Souls

There was nothing of the timid in Jesus of Nazareth. He was fearless. 

Yet, timidity is what characterizes hue-man civilization. Especially are we timid where assumed external authorities are concerned. 

There is only one Authority I recognize. And that is the Paradise Father and His Sons. And when Father rules from your heart, there is no hue-man and no thing ever to fear. 

Fear is the "mind distorter," the "mind destroyer." And even if you must wait until you are re-personalized on Mansonia Number One, you will look back to see that fear, and especially the fear of death, was nothing more than a self-imposed "illusion."

Our Creator Son, Master and brother put it so succinctly, as follows:

Said Jesus: “Fear is man’s chief enslaver and pride his great weakness; will you betray yourself into bondage to both of these destroyers of joy and liberty?142:0:2

Forgiven by Yongsung Kim

Once you become fearless and genuinely humble...life becomes "limitless." In other words...where both fear and pride have kept the mind of talents in a prison of its own making...fearlessness is the spiritual courage by faith to remove the shackles and set the mind free to align itself with the morontia soul mind, indwelling Thought Adjuster and in wholehearted unity with personality.

From that point on...life becomes an adventure of endless possibilities... Every impossible becomes..."I'm possible."

The Antidote to Every Deficiency of Character

  • What is the "antidote" for freeing the mind from a life of fear-imprisonment, if not wholehearted "faith-trust" of the mortal child in his and her Paradise Father's will?
Faith is ever-moving, ever-adapting, ever-expanding and ever-transforming. 

...but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster.
  • What does the above passage really mean...in your experience...in my experience?
  • Is such a concept of "the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster" possible to define in terms of a "crystalline clear" meaning?
  • If the "great goal of hue-man existence" may be given "crystal clear" definition and meaning, why not the "attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster also possible?
He is Not Here by Walter Rane

"I am" Two of the Most Powerful Words...

  • How often do you say these two words "I am" without really being conscious of what comes after?
  • What might change within you were you to "allow" yourself to be conscious of the rather, and perhaps, mostly subconscious way in which you speak these two words?

Some Examples of Powerful "I am" Declarations

  • I am well.
  • I am healthy.
  • I am optimally well.
  • I am filled with well-being.
  • I am vibrantly alive.
  • I am wonderful.
  • I am fabulous.
  • I am thankful.
  • I am grateful.
  • I am fortunate.
  • I am wealthy.
  • I am wise.
  • I am abundant.
  • I am generous
  • I am unselfishly serving.
Literally, this list could go on almost without end.

Pilate Confronts Christ by Harry Anderson

The individual child of God is ever-momentarily faced with choosing between a beLIEf state of mind and a "living faith" state of unity of body-mind, soul and spirit.

110:6.6 Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its crisis relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions.
  • Are you not yet "fully conscious" of the fact that every stimulus-reaction is a decision?
  • What negative thought-emotions are you ever-momentarily deciding to hang onto?
  • What positive thought-emotions are you ever-momentarily deciding to hang onto?
  • Are your thought-emotion-reactions-actions predominantly negative?
  • Are your thought-emotion-reactions-actions predominantly positive?
This phraseology..."numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions" works in negative thought-emotions, reactions, and action, just as surely as it does in positive thought-emotions, reactions and actions.

It is literally true that with whichever thought-emotions, reactions and actions you frequently and persistently holding in your mind's eye focus, you are decisioning ever-momentarily, day by day, month by month, year by year and decade by decade the person of "deficiencies of character" or "true character" you are manifesting yourself to be both inwardly and outwardly.

The Transfiguration of Christ by Carl Bloch

The Subtle and Sublime Levels of Thought Adjuster Attunement

110:7.1 The achievement of the seven cosmic circles does not equal Adjuster fusion. There are many mortals living on Urantia who have attained their circles; but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster.

Consider the possibility that every thought-emotion-reaction-action is relative to and is involved in whether such thought-emotion-reaction-action is fear-based-beLIEf which causes separation from Father's indwelling divine spirit -- the Thought Adjuster or is a "subtle and sublime" level of "living faith" contact and connection with this divine spirit-partner in the journey to Paradise, where our Father actually dwells.

Declare Who You Truly Are in "Living Faith-Knowing"

The spiritually courageous child of God boldly declares who he and she truly is.

"Allow" yourself to boldly declare who you truly are to our Paradise Father, to His Creator Son, and to Father's indwelling divine spirit -- your indwelling Thought Adjuster. 

And subsequently, you will evolve into boldly declaring who you truly are in the outer world around you.

Examples of Bold but "Subtle and Sublime" "I am" Declarations

  • It is my will that your will be done, Father, now and forevermore.
  • I am the mind of perfect poise.
  • I am housed in a body of clean habits, and clear and pure thinking.
  • I am stabilized in neural energies.
  • I am balanced in chemical function.
  • I am ever-momentarily transferring all mortal experiential meanings and values into the unifying whole.
  • I am ever-momentarily unifying the physical, mental, and spiritual powers with the "I am that I am" personality. 
  • I am ever-momentarily giving you, my indwelling divine partner and Thought Controller, my most honest, sincere, and dedicated cooperation in attaining to "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."
The above list is only a few of the many creative possibilities for not only boldly declaring who you truly are, and giving crystal clear definition to your "living faith" relationship to Father and to His indwelling divine spirit-presence within you, but also entering into a subtle and sublime level of communication with your indwelling Thought Adjuster, few will ever experience.

Such a subtle and sublime practice of  "I am declarations" is NOT "merely reading and studying" The Urantia Book on a level of intellectual discernment, but lifting the words from its pages and making them your own by creatively turning them into "I am" declarations of who you truly are.

And in time...even in the possibility of its attainment before mortal time ends...you may experience the realization of the "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."




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