31 - Self-mastery - The Wholly Unifying Personality



The Wholly Unifying Personality

Jesus' Masterful Declaration on Self-mastery

143:2.3 “Verily, verily, I say to you, he who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Self-mastery is the measure of man's moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development.

The Great Goal of Hue-manimal Existence

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

On the Path to Understanding the "Mastery of Self"

It is accurate to say that "understanding" the 28 principles of "high mortal philosophy" found in Paper 48, The Morontia Life required the asking of many questions and not a small amount of meditative thinking on them.

Self-mastery equals self-governance; self-governance equals self-mastery. And together, when the self-mastery of self-governance is realized...the perfection of the morontia soul manifesting "true character" is realized.

The great goal of hue-man existence, then, becomes the personality's attainment of the unification of body, mind, soul and divine indwelling spirit.

To Become The Wholly Unified Personality

You Must Be Willing to Break Through

ALL Resistance—ALL Barriers in The Body-Brain

to Mind-Consciousness-Connection
  • The Magic Question is… How DO YOU Break Through ALL ResistanceALL Barriers?

Cherokee Prayer

Great Mystery, teach me to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun. –Cherokee Indian prayer.





What Exactly is the...Self-Referential Framework?

One view of the self-referential framework which reflects back to the self, as the mind mirror, is this:

The hue-manimal brain, being a carbon-based biological quantum computer of the living mechanical animal, which energy-system is of super human origins, begins to develop neural connections, even while in the mother's womb. While in the womb, however, there are so few neural networks forming, as to almost be non-existent, compared to how vast this neural network becomes after birth.

The Recognized Five Senses

Upon birth, however, there is an explosion of electrical signals being received through the five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing and seeing. 

We recognize 5 senses. Are there more than 5?

Underdeveloped, these five senses are not, at first, correlating synchronously with evolving neural networks. There has to develop sufficient intellectual scaffolding for there to be thought-language-constructs in the beginning form of mimicry of what is heard, seen, smelt, felt and touched, which lead to experience-based thought-insights, thought-meanings, and thought-values.

For the first eight years, this explosion of neural networks forming in the brain continues, but then begins to slow down. 

Why Would this Neural Network ever Slow Down? 

Why does this beginning explosion of creative thought-language-constructs not continue on, unabated, exploding in ever-greater capacity for self-education and self-transformation for the duration of experiencing in the hue-manimal bio-suit?

My view of this is that it is exactly the nature of hue-manimal language itself; all hue-manimal thought-language-constructs are circumscribed—boundaried—self-limiting, by the made up rules of how the individual is programmed to think within the self-referential framework of closed-ended, largely overriding, negative and low-vibrationally retarding effects of false beLIEfs—within but not outside of this boundaried intellectual scaffolding. 

And it is exactly that these rapidly evolving neural networks are created by the closed-ended, negative thought-language-constructs received into the brain  and neural network tissue.

During the first eight years of experiencing, these closed-ended, negatively vibrating thought-language-constructs are  gravitating toward rigidity--fixation; these low-vibration negative thoughts create digital self-image feedback loops (life-long habit-reaction patterns of daily behavior).

As long as these negative digital self-image feedback loops remain unchallenged, they will not be deconstructed, and significant change beyond "specialized skills and cleverness" is not possible.

"Progress is not possible without change; and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything." -Bernard Shaw

BeLIEf Makes the Self-referential Framework Become Rigid

The rigidity of the self-referential framework causes the slowing down or coming to a stand-still of any and all forward evolutionary progression toward the spiritual capacity of morontia soul growth.

This rigid self-referential frame-work becomes a well-nigh impenetrable barrier, reflecting and projecting images of the self, as imagined...the individual child of God projects these false beLIEfs onto his and her own evolving soul, and onto fellow beings, as imagined.

From this concave mirror of self-image reflections, false beLIEfs are projected onto 'limitless mind,' in which self-reflecting "mindal mirror" the hue-manimal self sees the rigidly fixed concepts of self, whenever interacting with his and her own self, with his and her own soul, and with his and her external environment, reacting to all internal and external stimuli in mechanical stimulus-response.

And this is exactly why we are, as a collective whole (herd mentality), so easily controlled by external stimuli, especially coming from personalities perceived as "authority."

The rigidity of this self-referential framework inevitably causes the internal cellular breakdown of the hue-manimal bio-suit, which is the extension-manifestation of limitless mind; the entire hue-manimal energy-system obeys and manifests this false internal delusional state in accordance with the false beLIEfs programmed into the brain. 

Both optimal wellness and ill health begin in the mind.

The greatest wealth is health. -Virgil

The Beginning of Ill Health

And such a breakdown at the cellular level inevitably manifests as ill health, disease and premature cessation of cellular activity--death.

And this is exactly why all sickness, disease and death begins in the mind, just as all optimal well-being and a sickness-free life begins in the mind.

"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." 


What chance, then, in the course of 7-10 decades of experiencing in the hue-manimal bio-suit, does the individual have of, as a personality, to unify body-mind, soul, and spirit  with itself--evolve into, wholly identify with, and become the fully conscious morontia soul?

Upon the sincere choice-decisions of the hue-manimal self--together with the mind-on-loan, and the evolving morontia soul--the indwelling Thought Adjuster depends to evolve us into the new universe creature--the ascending mortal child of the Paradise Father. 

How then, can personality unification ever possibly take place when the individual personality is caught in the Catch-22 endless feedback loop of rigid circular thought patterns, which do not allow for any other choice except to remain stuck in the dead-center-of-hue-manimal consciousness (the robotic level of stimulus-response)?

Beyond the Veil

Understand that this rigid self-referential framework is what many, throughout the ages of hue-manimal evolution have referred to as 'the veil.'

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. --Chinese Proverb

While many seek associations with so-called teachers, ever hoping that somehow the teacher will take them by the hand, and without any effort on their own parts, walk them instantly beyond the boundaries of their own self-referential framework, to see their mortal existences, as an 'observer,' looking back from the greatly expanded, even limitless depths of wisdom, beyond the mirror, it never happens

Only does the individual person, when making sincere choice-decisions, and in spiritual courage, willingly (allowing) step beyond the boundaries of the self-referential framework, begin to advance ever deeper into the mid mind consciousness--morontia soul-consciousness--and toward spirit dominance over mind and matter--eventually becoming the wholly unified personality.

While hue-manimal civilization, as a whole, must continue on it slow evolutionary path towards the era of light and life, the individual is not thus limited.

  • What is inner-outer peace, love, happiness and joy in unselfish service to others, if not the individual attaining to the "era of light and life" experientially within the whole and unified self?

There are no boundaries; the rules are made up; there are no limitations. --Unknown

The door, beyond which, the individual may attain to that high spiritual estate of becoming the wholly unified personality, is open to all... But you must choose to enter by yourself.


Lost in a Lost World

I woke today, I was crying

Lost in a lost world

So many people are dying

Lost in a lost world

Some of them are living an illusion

Bounded by the darkness of their minds

—The Moody Blues


In the present moment, the majority of hue-manimals have access to more information than any of our predecessors could ever have imagined.

The fact of the matter—the truth is—you mostly live day to day and never think about it—could care less about how quickly your life is passing before your eyes, because you are so caught up in the endless daily details of daily living.

The curiosity we once possessed, as children, is largely nonexistent in the present.

  • Why is it that, as we advance in age, the fewer questions we ever dare to ask?

Throughout hue-man history, the average child readily accepts

"Many people never grow up. They stay all their lives with a passionate need for external authority and guidance, pretending not to trust their own judgment." - Alan Watts 

the language and cultural programming of the local segment of hue-man civilization into which he or she is born.

And so it is that whenever anyone tries to question the hue-manimal language-matrix of programmed mind control enslavement to external authority, he or she is ridiculed.

It is only, perhaps, as the years, decades, and centuries go by, the slowly evolving hue-manimal may look back with some degree of hindsight, and ask...

  • How could anyone have ever accepted such a seemingly more primitive life of self-enslavement to delusionally perceived external authorities?

Today, we want to think of, and view ourselves, as more developed than past generations of our ancestors, as though we know so much more, and have little to nothing left we really need to learn.

  • But what will future generations, a hundred more years from now, think, when they look back, in hindsight, at the present generations of pridefully arrogant and willfully ignorant hue-mans?
  • Will those future hue-mans ask themselves—how could anyone have ever accepted such a life, under such seemingly primitive circumstances?
  • How could those past generations of hue-mans ever allowed themselves to be so mind-controlled by "presumed external authorities?"


21st century hue-manimal so-called civilization is a world, seething with complex challenges for survival, and teeters on the edge of the abyss of yet another era of "mass cultural insanity."

There is continual unrest—sudden mass eruptions into rallies and protests. Such herd instinct outbursts solve nothing. 

The complexity of the daily challenges for survival only seems to loom larger and larger, and increasingly more overwhelming—stressful, unsatisfying, and depressing. 

Unhealthy eating habits, mental depression, drug addiction, dis-ease manifestation, and premature cessation of consciousness within the cellular tissue of the bio-suit are now the ‘norm.’


Maybe, it is such as it is, because there are so many larger and underlying ‘root causes,’ we fail to question; therefore, we choose to remain ignorant and apathetic—mentally lazy, thereby languishing in a mental prison of our own making. 

We falsely beLIEve, whether consciously, half-consciously, or subconsciously, that following the ‘path of least animal resistance,’ just because the hue-manimal herds are doing it—stuck in a never-ending feedback loop—which is never questioned—is somehow the only path to follow. 

"Nothing in this world can torment you as much as your own thoughts."

This is one of the great oxymoron examples of self-imprisonment to the false paradigm; this ‘path of least resistance’ is actually the path which leads to the greatest hue-manimal resistance to…change…the path of greatest stress and unhealthiness, leading to premature degradation of the ‘bio-suit.’


We spend untold billions of currency, developing the technology to explore the planets in our solar system, searching for life on other worlds, but fail miserably to unify as a civilization of billions of individuals on our own world. Instead, we follow the insane path of ‘misplaced priorities,’ across the spectrum of hue-manimal activities, and the wrong-use of personal power in the attempt to make our fellow beings conform to ‘intellectual uniformity,’ which is impossible to achieve.

It is sheer ignorance to think that any intelligent life on another planet would be any-thing like us, here on Earth! 


  • Are we yet so primitive in our level of comprehension we beLIEve we are the only life form in the Universe that is intelligent?
  • Are we yet so primitive in our level of comprehension we beLIEve the only life we would find elsewhere in the Universe could only be hue-man like ourselves?

Yes, we are that massively ignorant and arrogant. We beLIEve that on a planet, where there are millions of species of other life forms, we are the only life form that 'thinks.' And what we think, as a species, has a level of insanity attached to it, perhaps unparalleled on any other evolving world where intelligent 'thinking' life forms may exist.

Throughout our own history, there has been one dominantly recurring theme: 


We arrogantly beLIEve we are the superior species, even enslaving those races, cultures, colors and colonies of fellow hue-mans we view as inferior to ourselves.

  • As a whole species, the hue-manimal struggles to accept anyone and anything which is unlike itself. Just because someone or something is different, where do we honestly and sincerely find self-justification for viewing the other as 'inferior?'
In a world dominated by atheism...the following would be true...

There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.

As we look out over our 21st century hue-man civilization we arrogantly beLIEve our technology is what makes us more advanced, as a species. Yet the only advances we are observably making, is the destruction of our own species, along with millions of other diverse species of life around us.

We live in our concrete jungles, pretending this is the 'real world of life and living things.' Yet when we stop to take notice—there is very little life we may observably see. The diversity of species, beyond our own, has great difficulty surviving in our concrete jungles of mass distraction.

Why on Earth would you ever watch and listen to an electronic device that...

  • tells you what to think
  • what to wear
  • what to eat
  • how to act
  • what to hate
  • what to love
  • that your doctor is god
  • that the Big Pharmaceutical corporation is god
  • what prescription poisons to take without question
  • that the government is god
  • that science is god
  • and is watching and listening to you?


Stop for a moment to consider how many animals you've ever had contact with, directly, outside of those you watch on your TELL-LIES-VISION?

Isn't it a bit strange how we always refer to those diverse species, as 'animals,' we view as lower in intelligence than ourselves, but always refer to ourselves as humans? 

This is why I choose to refer to my own species as hue-manimals (multi-hued animals). 

And the pace at which we are murdering both the millions of diverse species, as well as our own fellow kind, we are observably 'more animal' than human, acting as though we have 'nothing in common' with any species or fellow being different from ourselves.

On what basis of self-justification, other than self-delusion, does one species claim the 'right' to call everything different from itself 'beasts,' while acting as 'beasts,' far less civilized toward everything it chooses to view as 'inferior?'


It has become the hue-manimal tradition to kill everything that exists for sport, and for a species consumer ‘commercial production value;’ we have raised this traditional currency value on the public’s enslavement to the eating of dead rotting flesh to the level of mass-murder-slaughter, torturing animals beyond comprehension, while calling ourselves ‘civilized.’

The modern day barbarism of the hue-manimal species raises animals to be killed; there is no sense in this barbaric practice, other than, hue-manimals are taught to enjoy the look, the feel and the taste of ‘dead rotting flesh.’ 

It is a taboo subject for the modern day hue-manimal to ever question why he or she mindlessly supports (with his and her money-purchases) the wholesale slaughter of animals, just so he and she can enjoy the look, taste, smell and feel of dead rotting flesh in-side their mouths.

When no value is put upon life…you will not see the value of life; this mindless practice cheapens all life.

Not long ago…the killing of an animal made headlines:

Jimmy Kimmel Fights Back Tears Over Cecil the Lion’s Death

Yet, there are tens of millions of other animals murdered each year and no one bats an eyelash, let alone sheds a tear for them. 

  • Why is that?

Why do some hue-manimals, in one culture, become outraged when they discover that in another culture they eat dogs and cats, but laugh when they hear about another culture that, not only refuses to eat cows, but holds them in high religious reverence, and yet another culture that forbids the eating of pigs?

We "humanize" dogs and cats in western culture, but in southeast Asian countries and China dogs and cats are food, just like cows, horses, pigs and chickens in western culture.


The whole concept of what is considered to be ‘normal’ changes from culture to culture; yet what never changes, if ever but slowly, is the hue-manimal desire to be ‘normal,’ to ‘fit in,’ and to ‘be accepted,' to "go along to get along" somewhere in some part of culture and in some group within the hue-man herd.

It is only when what is deemed the ‘new normal’ and ‘new acceptable’ within the smaller or larger hue-man herd, we begin to criticize, chastise and ostracize those, who are still practicing the ‘older ways.’ And whatever stabilizing values the ‘older ways’ held are soon forgotten. You are either "in" or "out." And if you are "out," you are less than hue-man.

"Normal is the wrong name often used for average." -Henry S. Haskins

And average is the word that is used to mask "mediocrity."


When the greater part of the hue-man herd becomes programmed to beLIEve that it is normal to get cancer, to become grossly obese, and to develop heart disease from the eating of manufactured "dead foods," and 'dead rotting flesh,' clearly there is something tragically dark, illusionary, delusionary, and empty of higher hue-man ethical values, let alone anything approaching moral and spiritual values.

If this is all you’ve ever been programmed to beLIEve, then ‘normal’ is defined, without question, as…

“Everyone else does it this way. And if you question my right to do it my way, you will make me afraid and angry. I won’t like you. I won’t befriend you. You are not welcome here.”


The use of ammonia and dye has become standard practice in the food industry to mask how rancid meat is by the time it reaches the meat aisle in local stores.

For as long as the hue-man race has been present on this planet, the killing of animals, and the eating of their ‘dead rotting flesh,’ has been a ‘normal’ way of life. 

If you desire to grow fruits and vegetables in your garden...surely you would not pour polluted—poisonous water onto them and shield them from sunlight! Your garden would then obviously wither and die! 

  • Why then do you think you can put dead rotting flesh into your body and hide your body-mind-consciousness-connection from the indwelling spirit light of God, and there should be no consequences to your actions?

In modern hue-man societies, the individual child is taught that meat is where we get our proteins. So the eating of meat gives us strength, makes us strong, makes us stronger—competition—survival of the fittest.


Yet so many vegetables, fruits and nuts contain water-soluble amino-acids for building proteins in the body, easily digestible and readily bio-available, and for which there is no need to kill animals for their dead flesh.

The individual who eats a whole plants-based diet is largely looked upon with suspicion and ignorantly arrogant (false pride) contempt.

"All (so-called) fresh meat is eaten in a state of decay. The process may not have proceed so far that the dull human nose can discover it, but a carrion bird or a carrion fly can smell it from afar."


The average hue-manimal is protected from the scientific studies, conclusively showing the many diseases are the direct result of eating dead rotting flesh, by those in the highest seats of corporate and corporate-government power-control, who steadily enrich themselves at the expense of their hue-man slave farm animal-workers. 

These greed-mongers, whom I call the ‘soul-less ones,’ don’t want the hue-man herds, under their control, to ever wake up to the massive amount of land and resources wasted on the raising of animals for mass fattening, at the fastest possible speed, and mass-murder-slaughter.

Another part of this massive intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul is the drinking of breast milk from a four-legged animal. And when you’ve done this habit-ritual for the whole of your life, there would not seem anything odd about this practice. It’s just ‘normal.’ Isn’t it?

When generations of hue-man herds perform the same daily habit-rituals in all areas of life, it becomes…tradition. And why would any hue-man ever question the traditions of countless generations? Instead, the average hue-man readily embraces these barbaric practices, never questioning them for the whole of the mortal life span.

To never question the traditions of our past means that there is no forward evolutionary developmental progress of the individual; planetary hue-man civilization stagnates—inevitable break down of empires, societies, and culture degrades into in-fighting—local, regional and global wars, ending in the inevitable decay and falling apart of the infrastructure of civilization itself.

If there were one, and only one, ‘common-sense-wisdom’ reason for not eating dead rotting-flesh of any kind, it would be this:

The hue-manimal body evolved from a group of very aggressive lemurs, which DNA branch was unique among the other lemur tribes, breaking away from a fruit and leaves diet, and began to kill and eat the flesh of other animals, even other lemurs from related tribes.

This aggressive tendency and habit of eating meat is still present in the hue-manimal’s mindless consumption of dead rotting flesh, which is never fully digested. Flesh, when it goes through the digestive system becomes a sticky gooey mess, some of which collects along the walls of the colon.

The walls of the small colon are lined with tiny hair-like projections, called villi. It is through these villi that we absorb the digested nutrients, broken down into their chemical enzyme components. When the walls of the small intestine become literally corroded with dead rotting flesh, the individual is unable to longer absorb nutrients into blood stream; the life-long, dead rotting flesh meat-eater is literally starving to death.

And when the immune system is lowered (under 7.3), the body is now in an acid state and subject to the uncontrolled growth of bad bacteria in the colon, and their massive amount of feces and dead carcasses grow into fungus and fungus is the underlying cause of major disease--the cellular breakdown of the body, which leads to premature aging and death.


Today, we live in a ‘politically correct,’ but morally corrupted world, from one end to the other. Many cannot function in their daily lives without the constant stress resulting from the fear of saying the wrong words, offending others around us, while trying not be offended, in turn, by their highly irrational and puerile reactions. 

It is a world where a growing number are waking up and seeking the greater solution to all of the end-game, nihilistic road to self-extinction, but few, if any, are willing to squarely face and name the problem.

Do the choices we make have a greater impact more wide-spread than we allow ourselves to imagine?

Is it not the greater truth that we choose to ignore the profound impact our choices have on the whole of hue-man forward progress toward 

  • elimination of world hunger, 
  • elimination of global child-theft, 
  • child trafficking,
  • child-enslavement, 
  • child-torture, 
  • child-murder,
  • hue-man trafficking, 
  • drug cultivation 
  • drug running, 
  • money-laundering through the banking cartel,
  • government sponsored black market drug addiction of whole societies,
  • weapons manufacturing,
  • weapons trafficking,
  • and the centuries-old hidden practice of banksters, who fund the arming of both sides of an escalating conflict, until it erupts in the devastation of regional and world wars.

  • How many of the above list are you unwittingly—unconsciously supporting either through your purchase of globalist corporate products, knowingly designed to keep you enslaved, or in which you are directly participating?
  • Perhaps one of the greatest questions of all is this: a growing number of us see the urgent need to change, but do we have the willingness to change?
  • Is not the most basic of all hue-manimal fears the fear of change, as though the willingness to change is equivalent to ‘giving up something’ of which we are afraid to give up—to lose?
  • And is it not also the truth that in our fear of change, there is no allowance for the possibility of gaining something of far greater value?

From our first humble beginnings as a species, barely above the level of our cousin primates, we have never been willing to co-exist with other species, not even amongst ourselves; we have ever and always been war-like; aggression—coming from a place of lack, instead of a place of plenty, is who we have been and are still desperately trying to hang onto, but finding it increasingly more difficult, if not impossible to hold onto, in a world changing faster than we are.


The story of hue-manimal civilization is a movie. And just as in any well done movies where there are villains, we refuse to see ourselves as the villain, and instead, wallow in our arrogance of pretending to ourselves we are the ‘good guys’ in the movie. 

When observed from the outside, we are the villain in the story, a viral cancer that has spread out over the Earth, conquering—pillaging, raping, murdering and destroying everything that challenges our power of assumed authority to control everything that resists our pre-emptive right to be the assumed ‘superior’ and ‘dominant’ species.

Each new generation of mortal hue-manimals entering material reality, begins to see many different levels of the need for change, and thereby develops a new agenda, which new agenda eventually settles into the embrace of an older and existing agenda for bringing about change. Nothing changes. 


We are living in the so-called ‘information age.’ These current generations have access to more information than any previous generation that existed. 

  • But what good is all of this information, at our fingertips, when we are too afraid to ask the right questions—too afraid to face the truth about ourselves?

I often hear. “I never chose to be born into this world.” And while we cannot change who we were born to be—within the specific cultural framework of self-reference—life-experiencing and life-lessons—we ever momentarily have the sovereign free will right to choose who we will become, moment by moment, day by day, year by year, and decade by decade, as long as we have the privilege of experiencing in the temporary hue-manimal ‘bio-suit.’


This morning, as I am writing, this question comes into mind:

  • What is the universal common denominator, and the lowest common denominator, which characterizes the mortal hue-manimal path of greatest internal resistance to change?

And the answer, which I keep returning to, is this:

It is precisely the thought-language constructs, programmed into the hue-manimal body-brain to mind-circuits consciousness-connection which limits ‘limitless mind.’

Of course, no one who reads this, or to whom I verbally speak these thoughts seems to more than superficially understand. 

Even those associates, who are well along the path, seem not to comprehend the deeper meaning, not even retaining the concept long enough to bring it back up, on their own, without my continuing to repeat the concept to them, over and over. That they only superficially understand is evidenced by how they simply and instantly return to their pre-programmed internal dialogue.

The body-brain to mind-circuits consciousness-connection is ‘programmed enslave-ment—self-enslavement.’ 


As a small child, I was very observant, even in my ignorance—lack of spiritual discernment of what I was frequently observing—I may look back, in 20/20 spiritual discernment to fully comprehend the endless feedback loop, in which my immediate family members were, and all are still, in the present. 

Each day I observe how even those, who are well along the evolutionary path yet daily struggle with breaking entirely free of the endless feedback loop. And by and large, the majority I observe are merely existing, without so much as a clue, just like the members of my immediate and extended bloodline. 

And finally, I recognize fully where I have been—often stuck in the same feedback loop—but increasingly aware that I was, and how, through writing (rewiring—reprogramming) and developing the specialized skill of artfully asking question after question, I was able to break free of my own feedback loop.

And when you are not slowing down the body-brain to mind-circuits consciousness-connection long enough to ask the most obvious questions, which temporarily empty the mind, creating a small amount of greater capacity for spiritual discernment, the hue-manimal feels compelled to fill the void with its pre-programmed internal dialogue—rationalization leading to self-justification—an endless feedback loop, from which there is seemingly no escape.

The pre-programming for the endless feedback loop is still there. What has changed is spontaneously ‘breaking through’ into the higher level of superconsciousness—unity consciousness—wherein the body-mind, spirit, soul and personality (by the willing-choosing of the personality) are one—at-one-ment with the will of God—the will of the Paradise Father.

Another realization came, today, in 20/20 wisdom-discernment; the consciousness of the consciousness of being conscious “I” could never have attained to a higher spiritual estate, without having made the specific ‘breakthrough choice-decisions’ made during the so-called ‘dark night of the soul,’ from 1976-1979. 

During that period of time, I was in a ‘hell of my own making.’ Now, I look back to realize it was the most fortunate experience of my young adulthood. “I” am truly blessed to have descended to ‘hell’ and ascended back out of it and…far…beyond…through being "reborn" of the spirit, again and again, almost...continually...


You would do well, my friend, in wisdom, to allow yourself to ‘discern’ that the spiritual orders of beings (collectively—the spirit of God the Supreme) are the Architectural De-signers of ALL reality. Consequently, all of the orders of beings who collectively represent the ‘mind of God’ are the builders of ALL Universe space-time creations.

This, which we use the hue-manimal terminology to describe as ‘material reality,’ is the extreme outermost and lowest range of frequencies, within which, it is possible for creatures of animal origin to evolve over eons of time into hue-manimals—creatures of flesh and blood capable of rising up off of four feet, stand erect, and reach inward and upward to discover God, both externally and internally, with an ever-advancing, living (although a temporary manifestation) quantum computer—transcender/transceiver. 

ALL matter in this outermost extremity called material reality is the time-space shadow cast upon the ‘vast mental playground’ of the Spirit Architects and the Mind-builder Children of the Infinite Spirit Mind and of the Eternal Son of the Universes. We literally live, move and have our being within the Infinite Spirit Mind, not outside of this infinite Person’s mind. And the Creator Sons are truly the living gateway through which we ascend to eventually reach Paradise--the Eternal Home of the Paradise Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit..

The Infinite Consciousness of the Infinite Spirit Mind is in EVERYTHING that exists; nothing exists but by the will of the Paradise Father, which the Children of the Eternal Son design, and the Children of the Infinite Spirit—God of Action bring into being. Both time and space are irrelevant to the manifestation of these spirit-designed and mind-built realities. 

Consciousness is in EVERYTHING and Consciousness IS EVERYTHING. ALL matter is an extension of spirit-mind-consciousness.

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. stated: “Our universe is comprised of consciousness. Matter is consciousness: All atoms are capable of reading thoughts/emotions and communicate with one another. Consciousness is also matter: There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter.”

Carefully consider then what I am going to next say to you…

You are NOT your body. The hue-manimal body is your individual bio-suit manifestation of the reality that you are mind-consciousness, onto which the Paradise Father has encircuited to himself, by endowing you with the gift of personality, and the gift of his divine indwelling spirit, called a Thought Adjuster. All of these endowments are temporary and you will disappear with the cessation of consciousness within the temporary ‘bio-suit’ you are currently and temporarily indwelling, unless you choose to transfer the seat of your identity from the mortal to the divine.

Consider deeply the question… Who is the real you?


How small thou art...

“The truly free individual is free only to the degree of his own self-mastery, while those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to rule over them.” 

Steven Pressfield

The War of Art

How does any ascending child of the Paradise Father ever attain to self-mastery, before the cessation of the ‘spark of life-force’ recedes from the cellular tissue of the hue-manimal ‘bio-suit?’

What is the highest spiritual estate?

You hear it from the scientist; the universe is a virtual construct. You hear it from the pulpits of organized so-called religions—confusing messages of every imaginable kind… 

You hear it from the atheists and philosophers; there is no God. You hear it from the secular government and corporations; you must serve the State; the state is god.

In this so-called information exchange age…there is every possible beLIEf of every possible kind…you may ‘buy into’…beLIEve…and within which beLIEf system…your individual mortal life thereby becomes…less real…

Choosing the path of fear-cowardice, hiding behind your pre-programming—faulty ‘intellectual language-scaffolding,’ foisted upon you from birth, forward, may lead to the degree of selfishness that you are viewed in your own mind-mirror-reflection as ‘wholly un-real.'

And when, in the mind-spirit levels of reality, you are also viewed as 'wholly un-real,' you will perish, along with the rest of the animals of Earth. There is no resurrection from the death of total un-reality.


Each of us has a ‘self-referential framework,’ also to which I refer as the self-mirroring shadows reflected back from the ‘mirror of the mind,’ or ‘mind mirror,’ in short terminology.

This ‘self-referential framework’ is the ‘true matrix,’ which creates the ‘prison for the dead-center-of-consciousness self,’ because of the false-programming—false paradigm programmed into the quantum computer of the bio-suit, from birth, forward.

This ‘self-referential framework’ is also the potential to vibrationally ascend through the ‘portal’ through the ‘mind-mirror,’ the mid mind, where the materially consciousness identity…fluidly intermingles with the evolving morontia soul of near-future habitation. The continuing existence of this evolving mortal-morontial, woven-into-existence by the indwelling Thought Adjuster, is directly dependent on whether you choose to continue to exist. 

If you choose not to exist…your evolving identity will cease to exist in the universe. You will be counted among the non-surviving creatures of the planet. 

The personality-reality and mind-presence-experience you enjoyed for approximately seven decades will become the permanent possessions of the indwelling Thought Adjuster.

If you choose to exist…then you must begin to transfer your mortal identity—the seat of consciousness-singularity-experiencing within the bio-suit, from the bio-suit, and into the evolving morontia soul-body. At some point, either here, or on the higher planetary bodies we pass through, as part of our Universe education, we are individually destined to fuse with this indwelling spirit-fragment of the Paradise Father—the Thought Adjuster. The Thought Adjuster is pure divinity. 

The Thought Adjuster is our passport into an eternal existence.


Recently the opportunity presented itself to explore the self-referential framework of a fellow child of God, who is also a friend. The invitation was extended; the date was set. The meeting occurred in a busy coffee house, nearby, for both of us.

As my friend sat down in front of me, he took a deep breath. He then asked me how we should begin, asking what I wanted to discuss.

I began the conversation by asking him, instead… Do you have any questions for me? He thought about this for a moment. Then stated: “Yes, I do have some questions for you.”

By choosing to explore the self-referential framework of a fellow being, it allowed him to engage my self-referential framework, without experiencing any…loss of control.

What followed in my clarifying to him many of the terminologies he has heard me use in conversation was the building of a light bridge between our two minds.

When you let go of all resistance within yourself, it is possible to do this with any willing participant, who is also ready to let go of his or her internal resistance, which resistance is ever and always a consequence of false pre-programming. Even when you let go of all of your own internal resistance, there is no possibility of building a mind-light bridge between the other and yourself, when he or she is not ready to let go of their own faulty and useless mental language-constructs.

There simply must be present, at the very least, a ‘flicker of desire and faith,’ that there is a higher level of mutual understanding that is possible to be reached—a spiritual bonding between personalities, which leads to the realization that we are both allies and…friends… And a true friend will willingly set aside the mortal self in favor of listening carefully to what is being stated and shared within the other’s self-referential framework.


Have you ever thought about this? 

Each and every mortal hue-manimal speaks a ‘foreign language.’ We are each of us unique personalities. We each speak from within the self-referential framework of the largely false programming received into the body-brain to mind-consciousness connection, from birth forward. 

We intone subtle meanings that are often missed, because we are stuck in the dead-center-of-hue-manimal-consciousness, ever self-focused, ever pre-occupied with all of the busy details of living and self-interest, which are constantly streaming across the mirror of the mind.

Depending upon the specific false programming received, the individual has attached to adopted and adapted specific terminologies, regional colloquial sayings, and thought-language-constructs, these make up the individual’s patterns of speech a…foreign language…to everyone but his own family, close friends and groups of individuals within social institutions, with which he or she is closely associated.

To have many experiences with many different kinds of personalities, one must free himself, or herself, of all resistance…all prejudices…all preconceived opinions, and be-come the master linguist, able to readily adapt usages and meanings of terminologies, in order to effectively communicate on the vibratory level to which the other is currently self-imprisoned. 

If there is ever a mind-light-bridge, which may be constructed between the two body-mind personalities, it may only be approached slowly, with great compassion—love for the other—just as he or she is, at the present moment, and with a great willingness to serve the other, by setting the mortal self, and its self-focused interests, aside.


At this point in my young life (young because I am just getting started into my Universe career), I now see with well-nigh perfect clarity, how that each of my brothers and sisters—my friends—are struggling to extract meaning, out of their own internal subconscious repositories, on a myriad of different experience-levels, and also from and through many different external sources of information.

Not only is the individual attempting to extract meaning through the filter of his or her programming received at birth, he or she is trying to extract meaning through the filters of other fellow beings, and from fossilized second hand historical written accounts. 

This means that, at any one time, the individual is attempting to comprehend the meaning of his or her existence, from and through one, two, or more distorted and distorting filters—the rigid thought-language-constructs in the hue-manimal brain, which altogether form the individual paradigm—the intellectual scaffolding which makes contact with limitless mind-consciousness. 

It is ‘exactly’ these rigid and unbending thought-language-constructs which are distorting the individual ability to reason with increasing cosmic clarity—cosmic consciousness, in juxtaposition to dead-center-hue-manimal consciousness.

When the individual never questions, never detaches from, this distortion occurring through viewing, experiencing and attempting to extract meaning through these circumscribed filters, or allows the self to creatively expand beyond crystallized and fixated—rigid and concretized thought-language-constructs—the effect—results—consequences—is to never ascend beyond the distortion, which becomes the emotionally-reinforced, intellectual prison of self-enslavement. 

Thus, ‘distorted perception’ characterizes the lifelong individual hue-manimal experiencing-interpreting within the ‘bio-suit.’ 

So it is 'exactly' the individual's fear of questioning—fear of detaching from 'useless' thought-language-constructs—useless intellectual scaffolding—which makes it well-nigh impossible for the individual to ever leave the cave of endless feedback loops, and achieve the high spiritual estate of the wholly unified personality—self-mastery—full morontia soul-consciousness—the state in which the indwelling Thought Controller achieves spirit dominance over mind and matter—and the possibility of  ‘fusion’ into one being exists.



Self-reflecting in the...mirror of mind...

point that accusing finger...blind...

the parroting ego...most un-kind...

this is the story of...hue-mankind...

The machine that sleeps and is...alive...

sees—but sees not for his...allotted time...

the living rhythm, which has little...rhyme...

this is the story of...hue-mankind...

There is the self that learns to...fly...

emerging from cocoon and...flutters by...

observes the lies—leaves them...behind...

a story rewritten of...hue-mankind...


  • Are moral decisions the ‘imaginal cells’ in the mind-womb of the hue-manimal cocoon—the indwelling spirit’s "raw morontial energy" for architecturally weaving the morontia soul into existence?

Let’s explore the possibility of the idea that the mind-womb within the hue-manimal body is where imaginal cells are morally fertilizing the decisions of the hue-manimal body-mind connection to mind-consciousness, and the indwelling Thought Adjuster is co-opting these fertilized decisions (raw morontia energy), weaving them into the circuitry for the morontia soul form—the next stage of universe existence.


  • What is a ‘moral decision?’
  • Why is it called a ‘morontia soul?’

Note that ‘moral’ and ‘morontial’ contain the same root ‘mor.’

Consider the Merriam-Webster definition of morals:

Morals plural :teachings or rules of right behavior

If we were to expand ‘righteous’ to mean ‘right-use of personal power—personal free will choice—‘right-use-ness,’ and ‘righteousness,’ coupling this meaning to The Urantia Book's frequent emphasis on attainment to the spiritual dignity, cosmic nobility and trust-worthiness of the individual soul, we may begin to wisdom-discern the idea of the cosmos as a moral Universe, wherein these virtues and their corresponding eternal values of truth, beauty and goodness are ‘supreme’ levels of personality attainment to ‘spiritual unity consciousness.’ The highest individual attainment of the evolving mortal soul is spiritual freedom—the soul has attained to that high spiritual estate, wherein the person no longer casts the time-space shadow of the unreal.


Across the ages...the simple message he lived and taught, by example...has become polluted...and thereby...distorted...and...complicated...

(1609.4) 143:2.3  "Verily, verily, I say to you, he who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Self-master is the measure of man's moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development. In the old order you fasted and prayed; as the new creature of the rebirth of the spirit, you are taught to believe and rejoice. In the Father's kingdom you are to become new creatures; old things are to pass away; behold I show you how all thing are to become new. And by your love for one another you are to convince the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into everlasting life." –Jesus of Nazareth | The Urantia Book, Paper 143 - Going Through Samaria

What is 'complicated' about choosing to become the change you desire to see manifest in the world around you...to live everyday--striving to become and be...your truest best self?


A vast number of Urantia mortals are lost in the fixation of both adherence to fossilized belief systems, and their personal beliefs about who they are, and the meaning of their lives--they wander, largely lost...in the dark shadowlands in their minds.

The Urantia Book has a short section, entitled “Faith and Belief.” And I have read and re-read it, many times.

This short section describes one of the subtle vibratory levels of spiritual reality, which re-keys, re-tunes the intellect of the material mind, according to the consciously selective choosing of the individual personality’s will, to achieve both the deepest and highest levels of sublimely superb spiritual reality.

Let us take a look at this section, in a new and deeper light of intuitive understanding, worship-insight and wisdom-discernment. (*I have purposefully added underlining of words, and highlighting of key words, along with bullet points to break each statement into a line by line format for easier study of each thought-concept.)



(1114.5) 101:8.1 Belief has attained the level of faith when it motivates life and shapes the mode of living. 

If we look at belief as potentials and faith as actuals, then belief attaining to the level of faith, as the dominant state of subtle vibratory spiritual reality happens when potentials (beliefs) are transformed (metamorphose-ized) into actuals (faith).

The acceptance of a teaching as true is not faith; that is mere belief. 

Neither is certainty nor conviction faith.

One only has to visit local churches, attend political rallies or go online onto the internet, to know that the masses of humanity are followers of others, who are in positions of assumed power; they are copy and pasters of the thoughts of others, and from books, rarely ever expressing their own individual thoughts, in their own words, because it is both too scary and requires too much mental effort.

As a result, the whole of humanity is largely lost in the ideological warfare of self- (ego) aggrandizement, fighting for causes, as blind followers of blind leaders, whose motives, more often than not are for control over the thinking and lives of others for the money, greed and power that comes with mind-controlling the masses. 

The sixth of the twenty-eight principles of highest mortal philosophy is thusly stated:

(556.8) 48:7.8 6. To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement — these are the marks of high civilization.

A state of mind attains to faith levels only when it actually dominates the mode of living. 

(1094.4) 100:1.2 Some persons are too busy to grow and are therefore in grave danger of spiritual fixation. Provision must be made for growth of meanings at differing ages, in successive cultures, and in the passing stages of advancing civilization. The chief inhibitors of growth are prejudice and ignorance.

You only have to question yourself, in all sincerity, how much of your day is devoted to “busy thoughts,” the 101 details of daily living versus how much of your day is devoted to service to others, and further, what percentage of your day is supremely focused on maintaining a conscious attitude of wholehearted attention to listening to the voice of the indwelling divine Father-fragment, to see, in perspective, whether faith actually dominates your mode of living...

Faith is a living attribute of genuine personal religious experience. 

Faith is the living actuals—worship-insight into the reality of the Original Person, the Paradise Father.

One believes truth, admires beauty, and reverences goodness, but does not worship them; 

such an attitude of saving faith is centered on God alone, who is all of these personified and infinitely more.

(1114.6) 101:8.2 Belief is always limiting and binding; 

faith is expanding and releasing. Belief fixates, 

faith liberates. 

But living religious faith is more than the association of noble beliefs; 

it is more than an exalted system of philosophy; 

it is a living experience concerned with spiritual meanings, divine ideals, and supreme values; 

it is God-knowing and man-serving. 

Beliefs may become group possessions, but faith must be personal. 

Theologic beliefs can be suggested to a group, 

but faith can rise up only in the heart of the individual religionist.

(1114.7) 101:8.3 Faith has falsified its trust when it presumes to deny realities and to confer upon its devotees assumed knowledge. 

Faith is a traitor when it fosters betrayal of intellectual integrity and belittles loyalty to supreme values and divine ideals. 

Faith never shuns the problem-solving duty of mortal living. 

Living faith does not foster bigotry, persecution, or intolerance.

(1115.1) 101:8.4 Faith does not shackle the creative imagination, 

neither does it maintain an unreasoning prejudice toward the discoveries of scientific investigation. 

Faith vitalizes religion and constrains the religionist heroically to live the golden rule. 

The zeal of faith is according to knowledge, and its strivings are the preludes to sublime peace.


Looking back over the evolution of my own communication with the Paradise Father and Jesus--our Creator Father, it is likely that vast numbers of the children of God, living on Urantia, do not communicate directly with God, but rather petition God, indirectly, through prayer.

It is likely the darkness (rigidness) of the fixed and fossilized beLIEf system, itself, which causes the individual personality to see God as “far distant,” even the Creator Son’s Spirit of Truth (confused as the Holy Spirit), as something nebulous, but not close enough to really touch or feel...

Even the word symbols, “prayer” and “worship” are greatly confused in the minds of a great many mortals.


I want to take you into a sacred place... Let’s call it our own individual ‘Holy of holies...’ Perhaps...even after reading what follows...this is a bit beyond where you may conceive of yourself to presently be... If so...let it be a place where you may choose to grow into...and invite--welcome your indwelling Father-fragment, the Thought Attuner, to guide you into the language, which best fits your own personality character and mind-intellect endowment.


First...let us meditate upon the following passage, breaking it down into its component parts:

(1210.1) 110:6.6 Every decision you make either 

Impedes or 


the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these 

very decisions 

determine your advancement in the 

circles of human achievement. 

It is true that the 

supremacy of a decision, its

crisis relationship, 

has a great deal to do with its 

circle-making influence; 


numbers of decisions, 

frequent repetitions, 

persistent repetitions, 

are also 

essential to the 

habit-forming certainty 

of such reactions.

What reactions? ...Every decision--numbers of decisions...frequent repetitions...and persistent repetitions are essential to a habit-forming certainty, which creates a state of mind, favorable to the inexplicable metamorphosis--faith-transformation--ascension beyond “mere intellect” into deep and elevated “knowingness” that your soul is no longer this being, separate from you, but the "real you;" in increasing measure of spiritual growth into spiritual actualities, there is only one personality--one identity--one spirit-reality...

  • But how does one ascend to such a subtle and sublime state?

It inevitably begins, in the state where we presently find ourselves--making a supremely focused effort to become aware of every thought which takes origin in the intellect--from the underlying emotional reactions of the material life-form we inhabit, to the philosophical, religious and scientific concepts, which have their origin in the intellect itself, as reactions to the spirit impulses of the overlying adjutant mind, to those higher experiential-spiritual values-insights, which take origin in the adjutant mind--personality--Spirit of Truth--Thought Adjuster--matrix...as a unified perception of the whole of reality...


  • In taking an honest assessment of yourself...do you really think that every “busy detail” thought, which comes into your mind is vital to your success or failure, in life...? 
  • Or is busying the mind with detail thoughts, just out of habit? 
  • Or is it possibly, at a still deeper level...avoidance...?
  • If you are spiritually courageous enough...you might even ask the most obvious next question...avoidance of...what...?

  • Avoidance of the supreme effort it takes to...change...to take control of your thoughts, instead of letting your habit-reaction thoughts control you?
  • Avoidance of...being real...with yourself...about your illusions...your fantasies...sexual...negative thought-reactions to the behavior of others...and what-ever else...?
  • Avoidance of really being...present...because you are...living in the past...?
  • Avoidance of acknowledging and changing...poor quality food eating habits...which you, half-consciously or even consciously know contribute to poor health, but you indulge in eating, anyway...?
  • Avoidance of dealing with ego-anger at the behavior of others, holding grudges, while your own behavior is less than perfect...?
  • We let these and many other “busy thoughts” stand in our way of making the supreme effort at correcting our own...character deficiencies... Do we not? 

And then there is that, perhaps, greatest of all excuses...”no one’s perfect”...”who do you think you are—God?”...”no one can achieve perfection in this lifetime...”

If the “imitation of God is the key to perfection...,” the question really is...how much of an effort have you ever really made towards the full and complete control and mastery of the self?

It’s so hard... Isn’t just easier to follow the...path of least resistance...like everyone else? Why should I be any different from everyone else? Who am I to think I could ever achieve perfection? So why try?

Or as a friend once said to me... ”Try never did squat! You either do...or you don’t!”

(1210.1) 110:6.6 Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its crisis relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions.

Habit-reaction patterns are, along the path of least resistance, easily formed. Once formed, however, they are never easy to “let go of,” replacing them with superior habit-reaction patterns.

Let god

Let god of Tomorrow

for tomorrow may...never come...

let god of Yesterday

and every detail, yet undone

embrace Today and its

battles to be faced, lost and won 

Let god of Tomorrow

tomorrow takes care of itself

let god of Yesterday

and its store of lies never tell

embrace Today and its

potentials, explore and work well

Let god of Tomorrow

whether it may be bright or black

let god of Yesterday

and only from distance look back

embrace Today and its

values save and problems attack

Let god of Tomorrow

by inner spirit, peace attain

let god of Yesterday

only what is real will remain

embrace Today and let

spirit values reveal the plane

Let god of Tomorrow

each moment you begin, anew

let god of Yesterday

mirrored distortions will be few

let god of Today--your goal

is to let god of your own view

and in this ego-less state...

become...one with the spirit...inside you...

just let go of the false gods you bow before and worship

The hardest decisions, in human experience, may be to “let go of” these inferior habit-reaction patterns, make the supreme effort to replace with them with superior habit-reaction patterns. And if inferior habit-reaction patterns of the animal organism represent, as yet...potentials...of character deficiency correction--then the supreme effort required to achieve a superior habit-reaction pattern--no reaction, in many, if not most instances--represents the conversion of the potentials into the actuals of a greater degree of self-control and self-mastery...the true character manifestation of the fully conscious mature morontial soul.

No reaction...may be the most superior of all habit-reaction patterns. 

  • What might this mean...in terms of a sublimely superb state of spiritual unity achievement...with the indwelling Father-fragment...?

Before we begin trying on some spontaneous thoughts at what may be an extremely subtle and sublime level of communication with the Paradise Father and the indwelling Thought Adjuster, let us consider the other extreme, in contrast...


During Confession

You can begin your confession by making the sign of the cross and greeting the priest: “Bless me father, for I have sinned.”

The priest gives you a blessing and you may respond by reciting the words St. Peter said to Christ: “Lord you know all things; you know that I love you.” You may continue with the time since your last confession: “My last good confession was … (how many weeks, months, or years approximately.)”

Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one that is most difficult to say. After this, it will be easier to mention the rest. If you received general absolution, tell this and the sins forgiven then to the priest.

If you do not how to confess, feel uneasy or ashamed, simply ask the priest to assist you. Be assured he will help you make a good confession. Simply answer the questions without hiding any-thing out of shame or fear. Place your trust in God: He is your merciful Father and wants to forgive you.

If you do not remember any serious sins, be sure to confess at least some of your venial sins, add-ing at the end: “I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life, especially for ... (mention in general any past sin for which you are particularly sorry, for example all my sins against charity, purity, etc.)”

The priest will assign you some penance and give you some advice to help you to be a better Christian.

Listen to the words of the absolution attentively:

“God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Answer: “Amen.” Be willing to do the penance as soon as possible. This penance will diminish the temporal punishment in Purgatory due to sins already forgiven.

The priest will dismiss you with the following or some similar prayer:

“May the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, whatever good you do and suffering you endure, heal your sins, help you to grow in holiness, and reward you with eternal life. Go in peace.”

After Confession

Give thanks to God for forgiving you again. If you recall some serious sin you forgot to tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with the others, but be sure to confess it in your next Confession.

There is very little, short of knowingly engaging in evil actions, and enjoying it, and becoming addicted to evil, which creates a greater distance from knowing Jesus, his Spirit of Truth, the Paradise Father, and his indwelling spirit-fragment...firsthand... 


The shadow of the real...

Let go...of every thought-picture, thought-emotion and thought-word... Clear the mind...

...Father, it is my will that Your will be done...in every feeling, thought and decision, pertaining to this mortal experience... You have first given unto me the priceless spiritual gifts of mind, personality and an absolute fragment of your spirit, to be my divine partner in the eternity-adventure to someday stand before You on Paradise...

And so I give these gifts back to you, multiplied in experiential values... All that I am I give back to You, Father...

I reaffirm that my decision to eternally do Your will, now, and forevermore...is irreversible and irrevocably final... In this finality of decision, let there not be the shadow of a hair’s turning... Let there be no variance in this finality of decision and eternal purpose...

I open myself up, repletely, to the examining gaze of the Ancients of Days... If there be aught within me of variance, and of which I am yet unaware...let this deficiency of character rise to the conscious mind so that we may ascend beyond it...

Indwelling and divine partner in the eternity-adventure...I pledge my undivided focus upon listening with my heart for the perpetual messages you are trying to send across the distance to reach my spiritual eyes and ears... I will make the supreme effort to clear all “busy thoughts” from my mind-field, while I am consciously working and interacting with my fellow beings.

When I observe that I am reacting to something visually and auditorily external, I will immediately “let go” of it and return to the inner state of quietude and joy in your presence...listening for your messages...your voice within me...

And now I reaffirm that the decision to transfer the seat of my personality-experiential-values-identity into the morontial soul is final...irreversible and irrevocable. I bestow upon you, my divine partner, the gift of mortal personality. This is my will Father...and I know that it is Your will... And so it is done...

All that remains is the time-lag of the completion of spiritual growth actuals to complete the soul, before we emerge as one one personality-identity and one spirit-mind...in the soul...

We are one personality, one spirit-mind and inseparable in the morontia form of our habitation and expression as a new universe value...in the eternal service of our Paradise Father’s will...

Let this be our perpetual state of superconscious focal reality...until the moment of our release from this material energy form...


A vast number of human beings are only “acquainted” with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth, as a second-hand experience, requiring an intermediary--an intercessor pastor, preacher or priest, and having no real conception of the Paradise Father...

Although there is no way of knowing for sure--many Urantia Book readers fall in-between these two extremes of communication with the Universe Father, and his in-dwelling spirit-fragment--the Thought Adjuster.

Speaking spontaneously, openly, wholeheartedly, plainly, honestly, and without deception in the mind, is a concept that expectedly feels rather “alien” to most human beings, even Urantia Book readers, let alone, moving beyond concept into the “Holy of holies,” wherein there is no separation between the personality and the indwelling divine partner in the superconscious self-awareness of the soul...


Matter vanishes to mind...

This is the most sacred space inside the temple dedicated to the worship of the First Source and Center of all life... It is the Holy of holies inside you... One cannot enter...while hiding from oneself... In this sacred space...there is no hiding... All is revealed... All is open to the examining gaze of the Ancients of Days... Within the Holy of holies...there is only the goodness-experiencing, beauty-reality and truth-discernment of the Original Person...within whom...we all live, move and have our being...

(1139.6) 103:7.14 There is a real proof of spiritual reality in the presence of the Thought Adjuster, but the validity of this presence is not demonstrable to the external world, only to the one who thus experiences the indwelling of God. The consciousness of the Adjuster is based on the intellectual reception of truth, the supermind perception of goodness, and the personality motivation to love.

There is a place...beyond words...where matter vanishes to mind...in the reflective and enlightened worship of the Paradise Father...

(484.2) 42:12.14 The spirit is the creative reality; the physical counterpart is the time-space reflection of the spirit reality, the physical repercussion of the creative action of spirit-mind.

(484.1) 42:12.13 Physical, spiritual, and mindal energies, as such and in their pure states, do not fully interact as actuals of the phenomenal universes. On Paradise the three energies are co-ordinate, in Havona co-ordinated, while in the universe levels of finite activities there must be encountered all ranges of material, mindal, and spiritual dominance. In nonpersonal situations of time and space, physical energy seems to predominate, but it also appears that the more nearly spirit-mind function approaches divinity of purpose and supremacy of action, the more nearly does the spirit phase become dominant; that on the ultimate level spirit-mind may become all but completely dominant. On the absolute level spirit certainly is dominant. And from there on out through the realms of time and space, wherever a divine spirit reality is present, whenever a real spirit-mind is functioning, there always tends to be produced a material or physical counterpart of that spirit reality.

(483.12) 42:12.12 On a material world you think of a body as having a spirit, but we regard the spirit as having a body. The material eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul. The spirit is the architect, the mind is the builder, the body is the material building. 

(484.3) 42:12.15 Mind universally dominates matter, even as it is in turn responsive to the ultimate overcontrol of spirit. And with mortal man, only that mind which freely submits itself to the spirit direction can hope to survive the mortal time-space existence as an immortal child of the eternal spirit world of the Supreme, the Ultimate, and the Absolute: the Infinite.

(1228.6) 112:2.11 As mind pursues reality to its ultimate analysis, matter vanishes to the material senses but may still remain real to mind. When spiritual insight pursues that reality which remains after the disappearance of matter and pursues it to an ultimate analysis, it vanishes to mind, but the insight of spirit can still perceive cosmic realities and supreme values of a spiritual nature. Accordingly does science give way to philosophy, while philosophy must surrender to the conclusions inherent in genuine spiritual experience. Thinking surrenders to wisdom, and wisdom is lost in enlightened and reflective worship.

Father, I am spirit-personality, experiencing mortal existence, in the material-energy form, built by mind, in accordance with the architectural plans of spirit; now, am I working through mind-experience, and have found my way back to You, a perfecting spirit-personality, in possession of experiential spirit-values, giving back to You, all that I am...your son of mortal origin...son of universe-destiny... It is my will that Your will be done...

Bridging the gulf between the human and the divine...

*Wherever a word or phrase has been highlighted in yellow or underlined, I encourage you to take one word or one phrase that “inspires other thoughts or word-pictures in your mind” and meditate upon it in wisdom reflection, in the presence of the indwelling Thought Adjuster...




Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.

        Mortal Contact with Principle,                                    
Moral Contact with the Mid Mind, 

      as a Purely ‘Intellectual’ Concept                                  
 ‘Lowest Plane of Morontia Mota Insight

Cosmic Level: Body-Mind                                        

Adjutant Mind spirit of Intuition                               

Spiritual Intuition

1. Point of light-sound vibration contact with Adjutant Mind spirit. 

2. High vibration principle of mortal life conduct. 

3. Spirit of intuition. Quick understanding-insight.

1. Lowest level of contact with morontia mota insight. 

2. Morontia consciousness. 

3. Soul consciousness. 

4. Cosmic insight into morontia, universe and spirit realities.

Intellectual Concept

48:7.3 1. A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Clever-ness is not a substitute for true character.

Experiential Knowing

1. I am fully conscious of the development and acquisition of specialized skills as enhancing, but not equaling, spiritual capacity. I am not substituting cleverness for the perfecting true character of the fully soul-conscious morontia being I am.

Are you…’talking your walk?’


Are you…’walking your talk?’

The day and the moment you choose to allow yourself to be the 'embodiment of your living truth,' to...'be the living truth of who you truly are'...is the day and moment you realize that your true success lies in the wisdom-discernment that you are a 'living value' in the world and in the Universe--a 'living value' in the sight of the Paradise Father, a 'living value,' whose potential is...eternal...

The freest mortal child of God living on Urantia is the one who longer has nothing to hide.



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