The Priceless Powers of Personality Choice-Decisions

the priceless powers of personality choice-decisions

The Priceless Powers of 

Personality Choice-Decisions

Failure And Success

If you fail, will you rise indomitably to try anew? If you succeed, will you maintain a well-balanced poise — a stabilized and spiritualized attitude...?

The Urantia Book, (48:6.35)

 Personality Follows Types But is Utterly Unique

Personality follows types, but there are no two personalities in the Universe of universes, who were, are, or will ever be created the same.

This is because personality is a unique bestowal of our Paradise Father upon all orders and classes of beings -- spiritual, morontial and material.

Hue-mankind devoted to the research of the outward characteristics of unique personality-manifestation through mind are not defining personality. Personality is not definable.

Personality -- pattern-reality is the most mysterious of gifts of our Paradise Father to His children of eternity and His children of time. What personality is exactly is an utter mystery in the Universe of universes.

But this article exploration is not about delving into the mystery of personality; it is specifically about the priceless powers of personality-choice decisions.

The Beginning

The material intellect is the seat of the identity of selfhood.

112:2.6 In all concepts of selfhood it should be recognized that the fact of life comes first, its evaluation or interpretation later. The human child first lives and subsequently thinks about his living. In the cosmic economy insight precedes foresight. .

Only at the point where the child makes his and her first moral decision (choosing unselfishly and thus releasing raw morontial energy) does the bestowal of the gift of personality occur. 

And then, and only then, does the child recognize the "I am that I am" within. 

And this constitutes the "the fact of life -- the consciousness of selfhood -- the consciousness of being conscious -- the first self-conscious recognition in the evolving soul.

The evaluation and interpretation of one's life begins to occur as a growing number of reactions to the external environment -- interactions with nature -- interrelationships -- occurs, and wisdom is functioning in 20/20 hindsight.

Within a growing number of experiences and the exercising of the priceless powers of choosing--deciding what works and doesn't work -- what is right and what is wrong -- what constitutes selfish behavior and unselfish behavior, both toward others and the self, multiplies the experiential intellectual and spiritualized character attributes--the sum of the personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. 

And this personality credits bank of meanings and values is the "true riches" we take with us into the Mansion Training Worlds.

The Acme of the "The Priceless Powers of Personality Choice-Decisions

The child that is taught that it is okay to take and never give remains in such an embryonic state of non development -- non growth of spirituality -- perhaps even true that no capacity for spirituality ever develops.

This also explains the state of hue-man civilization, at present. The unbridled growth of secularism is the unbridled growth of godlessness...

  • the privilege to abuse,
  • liberty with license to do as you will,
  • power elevated to absolute tyranny,
  • self-aggrandizement without restriction,
characterizes a civilization in decline -- devolving into barbarism.

Thus, we have just created a picture of the extreme of hue-man selfishness.

What is the acme--the pinnacle of hue-man attainment of the priceless powers of personality choice-decisions?

  • When you attain to that high inner estate of spirituality where service to one's fellow children of the Paradise Father is the greatest pleasure one may experience...
  • when this "service to one's fellow beings" becomes the supreme meaning and values of one's life path progression...
  • when self-correction, self-discipline, ever-momentary self-direction back to Father's indwelling spirit, and spirit domination over mind and matter (self-mastery), in sincerely honest and dedicated cooperation with the indwelling divine spirit becomes the consuming whole of every conscious moment of experience...
  • when every thought-emotion, every word and sentence formulated in the heart-brain-connection to mind, soul and spirit reflects this "living connection"...
  • when no matter how many times you fail you rise again to indomitably try anew,
  • and succeed in maintaining  well-balanced poise -- a stabilized and spiritualized attitude...
the priceless powers of personality choice-decisions is unifying the physical, mental and spiritual powers with personality and manifesting outwardly as "true character."

This constitutes the subtle and sublime levels of Thought Adjuster communication and interaction between the mortal and the divine; the vast gulf between the material and the spiritual is being bridged by the rapidly maturing morontial soul.

But then...this always begs the question...

  • Is there a daily method and practice whereby one may gradually and safely attain to such a high spiritualized estate of experiencing the "great transformation" from hue-manimal to angel to fully spiritualized "true character" son of our Paradise Father?
Let us consider, once again, the following passage from Paper 110, Relation of Adjuster to Individual Mortals (110:6.4):

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.
This sums up mortal attainment to the maximum growth of the morontial soul, just prior to "translation" and "fusion" with the indwelling divine spirit fragment of our Paradise Father.

The Blueprint

  • What would you ever have to lose versus what in potential would you have to gain by daily practicing the following "blueprint" for advancing spiritual growth through increasing sincere and un-boundaried cooperation with your indwelling Though Adjuster?
 The following "I am" declarations represent the evolution, over the decades of living, of the blueprint within me for becoming fully "spiritualized." 
  1. I am well.
  2. I am optimally well.
  3. I am filled with well-being.
  4. I am vibrantly alive.
  5. I am vibrantly healthy.
  6. I am immune strong.
  7. I am spiritually rich beyond my comprehension.
  8. I am wise by virtue of experience and cooperation with you, my divine partner.
  9. It is my will that your will be done, Father, now, and forevermore.
  10. I am the mind of perfect poise.
  11. I am housed in a body of clean habits and clear thoughts.
  12. I am stabilized in neural network energies.
  13. I am balance in chemical functioning.
  14. My physical, mental and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development. 
  15. I am safely receiving the maximum of light and truth which may be imparted to me.
  16. It is my intention and desire, Father, to give your indwelling divine spirit my fullest, most sincere and ever-momentary "focused" dedication to cooperation in attaining to spirit domination over mind and matter.
I precede the above declarations with prayers for my fellow children of our Paradise Father, and indeed, for the whole of our hue-man children presently living on Urantia.

Then I focus on breathing:
  1. Rapid breath in to maximum capacity.
  2. Exhale slowly until air is fully expelled.
Then, remain in meditation for extended periods of time. I
mostly do all of the above practice, just before going to sleep, along with the invocation to my indwelling Thought Adjuster, my divine partner, to...
  • invade the whole of my unified being, and during deep sleep, to effect those transformations which will augment my super conscious efforts to complete our mission before the cessation of the physical-energy system occurs.

Grow Your Own Spiritual Blueprint

The indwelling Thought Adjuster comes with a "spiritual blueprint" tailor-made to your individual personality and projected life-path progression. 

You may accept or reject this "divine blueprint" for your progression from hue-manimal to angel to fully spiritualized son of our Paradise Father.
  • Have you ever once thought about "accepting" and "embracing" your indwelling Thought Adjuster's "individualized blueprint" for your life-path progression?
  • What would you have to lose versus the potentially great gain you would experience by accepting and embracing your divine blueprint?
The answer I eventually came up with for myself is: nothing to lose -- everything imaginable and unimaginable that is true, beautiful and good in hue-man experience to be gained.

At the end of the mortal life-path is 
  • "how" YOU used the priceless powers of personality choice-decisions -- YOUR priceless powers, which determine whether you remained in an embryonic immature state 
  • or accelerated to full soul super conscious self-awareness
  • and attained to the acme of mortal experience in sincerely honest and wholehearted cooperation with your indwelling Thought Adjuster 
  • to experience the supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter -- 
  • the evolution from mortal to angel to fully spiritualized son of our Paradise Father.

Some of the Many Life-Lessons I Have Learned

  • The only truth to be perceived in so-called "group" and "mob" morality is that there is, more often than not, no morality in such "collectivized," "hive mind" secular and godless thinking.
  • Entertain ALL - beLIEve nothing; truth is only realized in experience through revelations of truth, beauty and goodness from the indwelling divine spirit.
  • The hue-man animal is clever in the use of his and her specialized skills, especially his and her speech; cleverness as a substitute for "true character" leaves the individual devoid of cosmic value.
  • The only boundaries that exist are those that are self-imposed; there are no limits in the mind, soul and spirit, which is fervently and sincerely seeking the supreme dominance of spirit over mind and matter.
  • The only "greatness" I seek is the right-use of my spiritual strengths.
  • "I am that I am" determines my individual destiny in time and eternity, moment by moment, and day by day, in aligning my will with my Paradise Father's will.
  • The moment I "allow" myself to be drawn into argumentation with another or others is the moment I have broken the continuous communion I enjoy with my divine indwelling Thought Adjuster, my divine partner, in the eternal journey to Paradise.



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