If I Could Only Know Your True Intentions | What Would I Find?

 if i could only know your true intentions

If I Could Only Know Your True Intentions 

Childhood of Jesus Christ by Del Parson

What Would I Find?

140:5.13 To see God—by faith—means to acquire true spiritual insight. And spiritual insight enhances Adjuster guidance, and these in the end augment God-consciousness. And when you know the Father, you are confirmed in the assurance of divine sonship, and you can increasingly love each of your brothers in the flesh, not only as a brother—with brotherly love—but also as a father—with fatherly affection.

What is BeLIEf in Reality?

LIEf represents the temporary scaffolding between the physical-energy system, below, and the mind which rests gently upon the electro-chemical, electro-magnetic mechanism below.

Strip away the flesh of the bio-suit and you will readily understand that the hue-manimal body is a physiological mechanism.

The Paradise Father of ALL inhabited worlds (material, morontial and spiritual) has made it possible for you to...
  1. exist, live and experience in this temporary body-suit.
  2. exist, live and experience within a mind-circuit which is also on loan to you.
  3. exist, live and experience difficult and challenging choices between selfishness and unselfishness--the first leading to immorality, sin, evil and wickedness--the second leading to the moral evolution of the morontial soul--the bridge to immortality.
  4. have and experience the temporary gift of personality, which connects you directly to our Universe Father, whose eternal home is Paradise.
  5. exist, live and experience the leading of the Universe Father's fragmented indwelling divine and prepersonal spirit--the Thought Adjuster (the pilot light, the "still small voice within," the nuclear center of God's will--Truth, Beauty and Goodness).
  6. to earn the right to keep and become your soul by making the choice to increasingly identify with your evolving morontial soul and His indwelling divine Thought Adjusting spirit.
  7. to earn the right to keep your personality-identity ("I am that I am") the "you" that exists as a unique individual son of God.
  8. to earn the right to sometime become one with Father's indwelling Thought Adjuster--to earn the right to immortality throughout all eternity and infinity.
BeLIEf must ever vibrationally elevate to the level of the faith-trust of a small child--faith-trust in Father's loving will--by the choosing to share your inner experiential life with our Universe Father, whose gifts have made your life a reality.
There may be no greater confusion in the average mortal mind than that of the difference in meaning between beLIEf and faith.
Ask yourself the following questions (and answer them sincerely and honestly, if you dare):
  • Am I the typical average mortal who has been programmed to accept without question that beLIEf and faith are one and the same?
  • Why would I accept this beLIEf without questioning it?
  • Why have I never researched this on my own, in order to discover what the difference in meaning is between beLIEf and faith?
The "metaphysical scaffolding" of beLIEf must give way to "true spiritual insight," living in the actual presence of Father's gift of the indwelling Thought Adjuster, and "allowing" oneself to be led by Father's indwelling divine spirit.

How Does Spiritual Insight Enhance Adjuster Guidance and Augment God-consciousness?

If you are so bold...go stand in front of the mirror in your bathroom. Close the door, if need be. Then sincerely ask yourself...
"If I could only know your true intentions...what would I discover?"
Friend, what would you indeed discover? It is likely you have never asked yourself this question.

Notice the wording in the following passage:
It is forever true, “the just shall live by faith.” Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress – growth in grace – is essential to continuance therein. 150:5.2.
This wording does not say..."the just shall live by beLIEf."

Christ before Pilate by Mihály Munkácsy

Then, in the second sentence we are given a clue. "Entrance into the Father's kingdom is wholly free, but progress -- growth in grace -- is essential to continuance therein."

Is "progress -- growth in grace" "faith in action?" When you think of the word "faith," do you view and perceive it as "fixed?" How can "faith" be "faith," if it is "fixed?"

Consider also this passage:
101:8.2 Belief is always limiting and binding; faith is expanding and releasing. Belief fixates, faith liberates. But living religious faith is more than the association of noble beliefs; it is more than an exalted system of philosophy; it is a living experience concerned with spiritual meanings, divine ideals, and supreme values; it is God-knowing and man-serving.

From this passage we may clearly see and comprehend--perceive that "faith is ever expanding, growing in values and meaning, and ever-enlarging in capacity to know God and be of unselfish service to Father's mortal children.

If I could only know your true intentions, I would perhaps more broadly and deeply understand you. But what specifically might I understand?

  • I might understand that you beLIEve in ideas, things and people that are not true--not truth.

  • I might also understand that these false beLIEfs are what cause you pain, heartache, tragedy, grief, anxiety, depression and separation from God's living presence in side you

  • As well, I might additionally understand that as much as I want to help you let go of these false beLIEfs, I cannot. Only YOU can do that.

  • But in deeper and broader understanding of your imperfect hue-manimal nature, I may learn to love you more -- first, like a brother or sister and -- second, like a father-friend.

In thus making the effort to better understand you, my brother, my sister, and my friend, I am "acting upon my light of truth." And in "acting upon my light of truth," I am "allowing" myself to be "spirit-led." Consequently and resultingly, this is how acquired and earned "spiritual insight" enhances Adjuster guidance and augments God-consciousness.

If I could only know your true intentions is, in reality, not an if, but the great ongoing effort to see through the soul's eyes (the consciousness of being conscious). 

And that, my friend, is "morontia mota insight" into cosmic reality of relationship to both the individual mortal child of God and to the cosmic kingdom family -- from animal to angel to god -- it is seeing the whole of both individual and cosmic relationship of ALL beings to the evolving Supreme.

But you had to first deepen and broaden your understanding of your relationship to self; you had to learn to "love your self," love your Paradise Parents, your Creator Parents, your guardian angelic spirit, and love Father's indwelling divine Thought Adjusting spirit-presence, before you could begin to project this living inner evolving love outward into the world onto your fellow children of God.

It has to evolve this way; it never evolves in reverse...or it is not true character.




Madamson said…
Very well stated, Timothy.
I was taught to "believe" what I am being told or taught and NOT to question anything!! I was not taught about a loving God, a tender understanding, supportive God, only (as I saw it as a child),but one that was being watched every minute of every day and having an inventory of my "sins"!! Terrifying, to say the least. No, I did not research, just searched for a church that felt right FOR ME, and I found it!! Now I can do that with friends I have met over the years who have been so gracious to assist me on this path.
Thank you Timothy for ALL your wisdom in these beatuiful words!!

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