Willfully Blind We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril | Are YOU?

 willfully ignorant you ignore the obvious at your peril

Willfully Blind 

We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril  

Are YOU?

I Will Do It "MY WAY" Without You

Whenever I go researching what others have to say on any subject, I am mightily impressed by one overwhelming fact:

Almost the whole of everything fellow children of God have to say on any subject, it is WITHOUT the Universe Father of ALL beings and creation and without ever talking about the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of all of his children on Urantia (Earth).
  • What is the "obvious" that we "ignore?"
  • What is the "peril" of which we largely live unaware?

The Obvious

Because the Lucifer rebellion infected our world--our Planetary Prince defaulted and joined Lucifer, and later Adam and Eve defaulted in their spiritual mission, after 100 years incarnated as dual-reality beings, we largely live out our daily thought and action lives disconnected from our Paradise Father's will, as a consequence.

Urantia (Earth) was quarantined--meaning spiritual beings stationed here with the invisible planetary spiritual government could no longer freely communicate with the rest of the civilized spiritual universe.

But this article is not specifically about the Lucifer Rebellion or its consequences to us.

It is about how we largely, perhaps, even almost wholly ignore our connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit--the Thought Adjuster, if we are even so fortunate as to recognize the Thought Adjuster's presence within our minds.

Because we are without a visible planetary spiritual

government, we have established government after government, empire after empire, all of which have fallen. 

Empires and their governments have all fallen under the weight of their own evil, because willfully blind we ignore the obvious at our peril. And ever has this proven true.

What was the Lucifer Infection?

"Do as you will. There is no God. Eternal life is inherent in the universe. Follow me. Worship me and you will have immortality and freedom from the Universe rulers.

Why is It an Infection?

This concept which originated in Lucifer's mind was a complete distortion of cosmic reality. We learn in The Urantia Book that Lucifer attempted to do the "undoable."

In other words, it is not possible for angels, and higher orders to live "disconnected" from the Source of ALL life. That is an "impossibility."

It is an infection because it asserts the freedom of individual will as a license to inflate the egoistical will without responsibility to anyone else, except the self. It opens the door to lie, cheat, steal and murder one's fellow beings.

But the "real peril" is that this concept represents, and is in reality, the "choice" between "eternal life" and "eternal death."

And now, we are getting down to the nuts and bolts of...
"I will do it my way without You, God."
Without a visible spiritual government, there is no real education system on Urantia (Earth.)

Why? Because the whole of all education systems across the planet are either "secular" (godless) or "religiously exclusionary."

We program our children, by our own tyrannical control over

their developing young minds (telling them what to think, what to beLIEve, and how to act, without connection to our Universe Father's indwelling spirit (Source of ALL life)

The public education systems, across the world, program our children to be good citizens (socialists-communists), fearing and obeying authority without question. 

This tyrannical control over the developing minds of our children is equal to "self-assertion," "do as you will" as long as you obey MY authority (Godlessness).

Let's get down into further clarity of willfully blind we ignore the obvious at our own peril.

Every thought which does not represent a "living spiritual value" and is "disconnected" from Source (Paradise Father's indwelling divine Thought Adjuster) is "mere beLIEf-scaffolding" and is "doomed to perish.".
(1203.4) 110:1.2 I wish it were possible for me to help evolving mortals to achieve a better understanding and attain a fuller appreciation of the unselfish and superb work of the Adjusters living within them, who are so devoutly faithful to the task of fostering man’s spiritual welfare. 
Our individual Thought Adjusters are ever-momentarily attempting to communicate with us. But are we ever-momentarily attempting to communicate with our Thought Adjusters?

This becomes the "cosmic yardstick" by which our individual soul's progress may be measured by our spiritual superiors.

Research scientists in the field of study of the mind estimate the average hue-man being has approximately 50,000 thoughts per day.

Of these 50,000 thoughts how many do you think are disconnected from God's spirit? How many do you think are connected to Father's indwelling Thought Adjuster?

My estimate for the average mortal is 99.9% negative and disconnected, and .1% turning the inner self toward Father's indwelling spirit, out of fear, for help.

I would welcome to know the truth of this percentage. But it is, after all, an individual journey of imperfection, slowly but surely, gaining ground toward increasing perfection--or retrogressing into the black hole of animal selfishness.

Are YOU willfully ignorant in ignoring the obvious at your own peril? Only you can truthfully answer that question. May you awaken into greater awareness and daily make greater soul progress in remaining connected to your indwelling Thought Adjuster, who is your passport into eternal life.


134:6.1 If one man craves freedom —liberty—he must remember that all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving mortals cannot live together in peace without becoming subservient to such laws, rules, and regulations as will grant each person the same degree of freedom while at the same time safeguarding an equal degree of freedom for all of his fellow mortalsIf one man is to be absolutely free, then another must become an absolute slave. And the relative nature of freedom is true socially, economically, and politically. Freedom is the gift of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW. 


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